East Tennessee State University

September 15, 2008 1:15 p.m.

President’s Conference Room – Dossett Hall


Present: Dr. Judith R. Anderson, Dr. David A. Arnall, Ms. Amy Arnold, Dr. Jeffrey P. Beck, Ms. Queen H. E. Brown, Dr. Stacy D. Brown, Dr. Scott W. Champney, Dr. Wallace E. Dixon, Ms. Jessica J. King, Dr. Cecilia A. McIntosh, Dr. Martha M. Pointer, Dr. Jasmine Renner, Dr. Philip R. Scheuerman, Dr. Marie Tedesco, Dr. Paul C. Trogen, Dr. Jon Webb, Ms. Jessica King, Dr. Paul Trogen, Dr. Phil Scheuerman


Absent: Ms. Maria D. Costa, Dr. F. Wayne Gillespie, Ms. La Donna Hutchins,

Dr. Helene K. Halvorson, Dr. Donald B. Hoover, Ms. Billie Lancaster, Ms. Mary Ellen Musick, Ms. Jenny Reed,


Guests: Dr. M. Marshall Grube, Dr. Michael H. Stone, Dr. Michael W. Ramsey


The Graduate Council reviewed via email the Ph.D. proposal and the nineteen course proposals listed before meeting on September 15 th.


New Courses


1. PEXS 6280 Sport Skills and Tactics

2. PEXS 6270 Sport Biomechanics

3. PEXS 6680 Management Skills for Coaching

4. PEXS 7655 Advanced Sport Nutrition and Ergogenic Aids

5. PEXS 7658 Sport Conditioning II

6. PEXS 7912 Research in Sport Physiology I

7. PEXS 7800 Internship in Sport Physiology and Performance

8. PEXS 7913 Research in Sport Physiology II

9. PEXS 7914 Research in Sport Performance

10. PEXS 7954 Seminar in Sport Science and Performance I

11. PEXS 7955 Seminar in Sport Science and Performance II

12. PEXS 7956 Seminar in Sport Science and Performance III

13. PEXS 7959 Research Design and Statistics for Sport Science

14. PEXS 7960 Dissertation


Substantial Course Modification



The curriculum subcommittee recommended approval of the Ph.D. proposal pending recommended changes and pending approval of the course proposals.


The council voted to approve the Ph.D. proposal with the recommended changes and pending approval of the courses. The council voted to table the courses until the curriculum subcommittee could give a full review on September 16, 2008. The council voted to request that the courses be renumbered in a fashion more in line with the order that students would take the courses. Subcommittee recommendations on the course proposals and recommended changes were to be forwarded to the full council on September 16 and the council would vote on approval by email vote, due by noon on September 17, 2008.


Action: Syllabi for courses (renumbered) and recommended changes were routed to the council members on September 16, 2008.

Email votes for course approvals were received on September 17, 2008 from members: Champney, Arnall, Arnold, Pointer, Webb, Hoover, Anderson, King, Renner, Trogen, and Tedesco.


Votes were:

Unanimous approval for PEXS 6610, 6690, and 7010 with the recommended changes.

Ten votes for approval and one vote against PEXS 7830, 5656, 6520, 7020, and 7030 with the recommended changes.

Ten votes for approval and one vote abstaining from the remainder of the courses with the recommended changes.


The courses were approved pending the recommended changes.