Graduate Council – Minutes
East Tennessee State University
August 25, 2008 1:15pm
President’s Conference Room – Dossett Hall


Ms. Amy Arnold Dr. Judith R. Anderson
Dr. Jeffrey P. Beck Dr. David A. Arnall
Dr. Stacy D. Brown Ms. Maria D. Costa
Ms. Queen Brown Dr. Helene K. Halvorson (excused)
Dr. Scott W. Champney Ms. LaDonna Hutchins
Dr. Wallace E. Dixon Ms. Jessica J. King
Dr. Wayne Gillespie Ms. Mary Ellen Musick
Dr. Donald B. Hoover Ms. Jenny Reed
Ms. Billie Lancaster Dr. Phillip R. Scheuerman
Dr. Cecilia A. McIntosh Dr. Paul C. Trogen
Dr. Martha M. Pointer  
Dr. Jasmine Renner  
Dr. Marie Tedesco  

Dr. Jon Webb

  1. Approval of April Minutes- The April minutes were tabled until the September meeting.
  2. Introductions

    Dr. Jon Webb was introduced as one of the newest members to the Graduate Council.

  3. Election of Graduate Council Chair for 2008-09

    Dr. Martha M. Pointer made a motion for Dr. Scott W. Champney to continue as chairperson and Dr. Donald B. Hoover seconded the motion. Dr. Scott W. Champney was unanimously re-elected as 2008-2009 Chairperson for the Graduate Council.
  4. Graduate Faculty Sub-Committee report and recommendations – Dr. Marie Tedesco

    The Graduate Faculty Subcommittee met on May 12, 2008, to consider new and renewal applications to graduate faculty. Some additional recommendations on tabled requests were made via email during the summer. Below are the recommendations of the committee.

    New Applicants



    Basham, Pepper

    Comm. Disorders temporary

    Blowers, Sally

    Adult Nursing associate
    Kornweibel, Karen English associate
    McLain, Raymond* Appalachian Studies pending

    Action taken by council: Approved




    Present Status
    Baggett, Paul Social Work associate associate
    Bitter, James Hum. Dev. Learn full full
    Brown, Amelia Fam Consum Sci associate associate
    Day, Ronnie History full associate
    Deadman, Alison Music associate associate
    Isbell, Rebecca Hum. Dev. Learn full full
    Johnson, Keith Tech & Geomatics full associate
    Kelly, Edward* Educ Lead Pol Analy associate tabled until next meeting
    Moorman, Jonathan Internal Med. associate full
    Niedeberger, Maria Music associate associate
    Osborn, Richard Cross-Disc. Studies full associate
    Roberts, Anna Fam Consum Sci associate associate
    Tillman, Primus Tech & Geomatics associate associate
    Williams, Lynn Comm. Disorders full full
    Willis, Clarissa Hum. Dev. Learn. full full
    Al-Imad, Leila History associate associate

    *Returned to department for additional information

    Action taken by council: The council approved applications for reappointment with the exception of Mr. Kelly’s which was tabled for the committee to bring more information to the next meeting.

  5. Composition of Curriculum Subcommittee and Graduate Faculty Subcommittee

    Dr. Robert E. Sawyer and Dr. Mark E. Ellis have rotated off of the Graduate Council and therefore are no longer on the curriculum subcommittee. Dr. Jan E. Brown resigned from the Graduate Faculty Subcommittee. Therefore, council members present were asked to volunteer for those committees. Dr. Jasmine Renner and Ms. Amy J. Arnold volunteered for the curriculum subcommittee. Dr. Jon Webb volunteered for the Graduate Faculty subcommittee. Dr. Dixon suggested a fine arts member for the graduate faculty subcommittees for a balance. Dr. Jeffrey Beck and Dr. Marie Tedesco serve as fine arts professors for the subcommittees.

  6. Old Business - none
  7. New Business:

    Dr. Dixon and other council members discussed ways to increase participation of the graduate student representatives appointed to the council.

    Dr. Cecilia McIntosh requested a called meeting for mid-September to discuss and vote on the proposal for a Ph.D. in Sport Physiology and Performance. Dr. Stanton would like to have every chance of this program receiving final approval during his presidency which would allow the first class to be admitted in the fall of 2009. The original calendar called for the proposal to have full campus review in October, however it was recently learned that this would need to be done in September in order for TBR and THEC to have any chance of scheduling a site visit in time. The consensus was to have a call meet on September 15. The curriculum subcommittee would meet on September 8. Dr. Michael Stone and Dr. Mike Ramsey will be contacted to attend the called meetings.

  8. Other - none
  9. Adjournment – There was no further business to conduct. The council meeting was adjourned.