Graduate Council – Minutes
East Tennessee State University
January 26, 2009 1:15pm
President’s Conference Room – Dossett Hall 206
Present: Dr. Judith R. Anderson, Dr. David A. Arnall, Ms. Amy Arnold, Dr. Jeffrey Beck, Ms. Queen Brown, Dr. Stacy D. Brown, Dr. Scott Champney, Dr. Wallace E. Dixon, Dr. Wayne Gillespie, Dr. Helene K. Halvorson, Ms. Billie Lancaster, Dr. Cecilia McIntosh, Dr. Martha M. Pointer, Dr. Phillip R. Scheuerman, Dr. Marie Tedesco, Dr. Ester Verhovsek, Dr. Jon Webb
Absent: Ms. Maria D. Costa, Dr. Donald B. Hoover, Ms. LaDonna Hutchins, Ms. Jessica King, Ms. Mary Ellen Musick, Ms. Jenny Reed, Dr. Jasmine Renner, Dr. Paul Trogen (excused)
Approval of November minutes – The minutes were approved with one correction.
Curriculum Subcommittee report and recommendations – Dr. Martha Pointer. No new business.
Graduate Faculty Subcommittee report and recommendations – Dr. Tedesco (list was handed out at the meeting.)
New Applications
Applicant Department Recommendation
Action taken by council: Approved
Applicant Department Current Recommendation
Action taken by council: Approved
*Returned to department for additional information
Old Business:
Dr. McIntosh made a report regarding current representation of the campus Institutional Review Board (IRB). The current representation consists of nine representatives from College of Business and Technology, College of Nursing, College of Public Health, Humanity in Art and Science, Human Development and Learning, Curriculum and Instruction, and a representative from Faculty Senate. Previously, the Dr. Jeffrey Beck served as a representative on the committee, but not at present. Dr. McIntosh suggested inviting the Dr. Janine Richardson, Director, and Mr. Chris Ayers, Chair of the Campus IRB or Kathleen Rayman Vice Chair, to the next Graduate Council meeting to ask questions regarding the representation, and to discuss consideration of having a representative from the Graduate Council serve on the IRB.
Dr. Marie Tedesco reported the Graduate Faculty Task Force met and discussed options. They do not have a proposal ready to present for discussion today, but will have one for presentation at the next Graduate Council meeting.
Dr. Wayne Gillespie presented the proposal for Service Award for Graduate Projects that Enhance the Public Good. The award objective is to encourage and to recognize graduate student service projects that enhance the community or public good. The proposal is for up to two (2) awards to be given out each year; consisting of a plaque and monetary honorarium of $100 each. The application deadline would be the first Monday in March. The council discussed the criteria on the draft proposal, especially the criteria for eligibility. Dr. McIntosh suggested incorporating the award with the others for this year, and if not, certainly by 2010. Dr. Champney suggested tabling further discussion this award until a revised draft can be presented for discussion. Goal is for this to be ready for further review at the February meeting.
New Business:
Dr. Jeffrey Beck stated on Thursday, January 15, a meeting was assembled with representatives from the Graduate Studies, Undergraduate Admissions, Registrar, Student Affairs, and the Office of Legal Counsel to discuss adding additional security-related questions to applications for admission to the graduate school. Currently, both undergraduate and graduate applications ask the following question: “Have you ever been convicted of a felony? If the answer is yes, please explain”. Dr. Beck presented recommendations to include extra questions to obtain information on felony on the ETSU applications. The council approved to include the following question. “Do you currently have any felony charges pending against you? If the answer is yes, please explain.” The council voted against including the question: “Are you currently required to register as a sex offender in any state? If yes, please indicate ALL states, cities, and counties where registration is required.” Dr. Martha Pointer made the motion on the above questions, and Dr. Ester Verhovsek seconded the motion. The motion carried with one opposed.
Dr. McIntosh presented the current state of the Add-On Graduate Fellowships. The letters were sent to prior donors and over 600 faculty members request a one time or monthly donation for a year. A few faculty members and a few prior donors heeded the call for donations, but donations are modest and the account currently would have sufficient funds to offer only two fellowships ($1000 each) to help recruit top applicants. After discussion, the council recommended waiting until fall 2010 for the first awards in order to let the account grow a bit more. In the meantime, Dr. McIntosh will send a letter to all donors informing them of the status of this initiative.
Dr. Wayne Gillespie reported on Research Grant awardees and handed out the list of recipients for 2009. The recipients are Ms. Jala Daniel, Biomed;Physiology, Ms. Bupe Martha Habiyambere, Biology, Ms. Sai Srtharsha Konda, Exercise Physiology, Ms Tammy Mercure, Art & Design; Studio Arts, Ms. Lok Raj Pokhrel, Biology, Ms. Jessica J. Smith, Psychology, and Ms. Stacie Woolard, Biomed; Microbiology. The council discussed strategies to increase the diversity of applications, especially those outside of natural sciences. Dr. Gillespie will coordinate work to develop and implement those strategies.
Dr. Beck stated it was time for the Quillen Scholarship and emails will be sent to faculty soon. The students must be from the first Congressional district and must apply by March 1, 2009. Dr. Beck clarified conditions of eligibility of students for the Quillen Scholarship.
There was no further business to discuss; therefore, the meeting was adjourned at 2:00 p.m.