Graduate Council – Minutes
East Tennessee State University
March 29, 2010 1:15pm
President’s Conference Room – Dossett Hall 206


Present: Dr. David A. Arnall, Ms. Amy Arnold, Dr. Jeffrey P. Beck, Ms. Queen Brown,

Dr. Stacy D. Brown, Dr. Ranjan N. Chakraborty, Dr. Scott W. Champney, Dr. Wallace E. Dixon,

Dr. William F. Duncan, Dr. F. Wayne Gillespie, Dr. Donald B. Hoover, Dr. Lori J. Marks,

Dr. Cecilia A. McIntosh, Dr. Martha M. Pointer, Dr. Kathleen M. Rayman, Dr. Marie Tedesco,

Dr. Paul Trogen, Dr. Jon Webb, Ms. Raina Williams


Absent: Ms. Maria D. Costa, Dr. Helen K. Halvorson, Dr. Ester Verhovsek (excused),

Ms. LaDonna Hutchins, Ms. Billie Lancaster (excused), Ms. Mary Ellen Musick


Guests: Dr. Linda Steele, Dr. Eric Glover, Dr. Michael Ramsey, Dr. Mary Langenbrunner 


Approval of February minutes:


The minutes for February 22, 2010 were approved without any corrections.

Curriculum Subcommittee report and recommendations – Dr. Martha Pointer



The proposal is to add an on-line offering of the MST degree, in additional to the current on-ground offering. Demand for such a program is supported by survey results. (see attachments)


The subcommittee recommends approval with the following changes:


A. Include the correct CIP code for the program.

B. Include in the Form – Cover section entitled “Proposal” wording that specifies the addition of an on-line offering.

C. In the Form – Cover section entitled “Need” remove the parenthesis from Society of Manufacturing Engineers and move the SME to follow with parenthesis around the initials.

D. In the Form – Cover section entitled “Need” spell out Tennessee.

E. In the Form – Cover section entitled “Need” spell out the school name (PSTCC).

F. In the Form – Cover section entitled “Need” hyphenate “technology-based” and “WIMBA-supported.”

G. In the Form – Cover section entitled “Impact” change “students that” to “students who.;”

H. In the Form – Cover section entitled “Impact” change “limited” to “deterred.”

I. In the Form – Cover section entitled “Impact” change “offerings where” to “so that.”

J. In the Form – Cover section entitled “Impact” change “their” to “his or her.”

K. In the Form OD second page, spell out Tennessee.

L. You may want to mark “Multimedia” in the Sharing and Maximizing Resources section.


Action taken by council: Approved


II. Non-Substantive Curriculum Change – Master of Education in Educational Media and Educational Technology. The proposal is to add an on-line offering of M.Ed. program, in addition to the current on-ground offering. (See attached)

The demand for the program is supported by program inquiries.


The subcommittee recommends approval with the following changes:


Approved with the following changes:

A. Include the correct CIP code for the program.

B. At the bottom of the page, remove your name and replace it with “Bert C. Bach, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, 423-439-2129.

C. On the Form – Sum change the Effective Date to Fall 2010.

D. On the Form – Sum add a “0” in the credit hours.

E. On the Form – Sum change in the Need section “whenever” to “when.”

F. On the Form – Sum re-word the “number one question” to something like the “most common question.”

G. On the Form – Sum change “their program” to “that program.”

H. On the Form – Sum Impact section put a period after past, eliminate the work “but,” capitalize “instead,” and insert the word “they” after the word “instead.”

I. Insert “N/A” in the Plans for Accreditation section.

J. Insert “N/A’ in the Attachments section.

K. Include the CIP code on the Form OD.

L. Include the year three head counts on the Form OD.

M. Correct the Justification for new online program in the Form OD to the changes listed above.

N. You may want to mark “Multimedia” in the Sharing and Maximizing Resources section.


Action taken by council: Approved




The new course will be part of the curriculum change which established a new minor in Family Studies at the undergraduate level.


The subcommittee recommends approval with the following changes:


A. In the Contact information for similar courses include the e-mail from Dr. Kamolnick.

B. In the Purpose and Goals section of the Syllabus, put a period at the end of the second line and add the words “Goals of the course include:”.

C. In the Grade Assignment, Course Requirements, add a space before “undergraduates.”

D. In the Grade Assignment, Examinations, re-word the third sentence to read “Points will be deducted for late submissions.”

E. Check for a new edition of the textbook.


Action taken by council: Approved



The change is to remove the Internship in Educational Administration (ELPA 6581) and require and additional research course. The internship requirements are being met with internships that are tied to other required courses, and with the “No Child Left Behind” legislation, more emphasis needs to be placed on qualitative research.


The subcommittee recommends approval with the following changes:


Approved with the following changes:

A. Recommend presenting the current program side-by-side with the proposed program.

B. Include the faculty member(s) who will be teaching the added research course.


Action taken by council: Approved

The subcommittee recommends approval with the following changes:


A. Add a statement that graduate students who repeat the course must complete different research papers for each semester.

B. In the Purpose and Goals section, re-word the first sentence to something like “The purpose of this course is to develop an appreciation….”

C. In the second section of the Purpose and Goals, re-word the opening sentence to something like: “To provide the opportunity, the goals for both undergraduate and graduate students include:”.

D. In the third section of the Purpose and Goals, re-word something like “To provide additional opportunities for graduate students, the additional goals include:”.

Action taken by council: Approved




The course involves travel to Italy to study the art and culture of the Tuscany area. The course has been offered experimentally for several years with adequate enrollment to necessitate a permanent course.


The subcommittee recommends approval with the following changes:


Approved with the following changes:

A. Include the enrollment numbers for the 2008 (?) and 2009 (6).

B. Insert the words “The goals of the course include:” after the first sentence in the Purpose and Goals section.

C. Hyphenate “post-travel” meeting in the Other Information section.

D. Add the publication date for the Required Reading(s) book.


Action taken by council: Approved




The course Catalog Description and the course coverage were modified to include materials regarding the differences between genders.


The subcommittee recommends approval with the following changes:


Approved with the following changes:

A. Include in the Purpose and Goals, Major Course Topics, and Learning Outcomes some mention of the gender differences coverage.


VIII. Substantial Course Modification – PEXS 6280, Sport Skills and Tactics

The course Catalog Description and the course coverage were modified to include materials regarding the differences between genders.


Action taken by council: Approved


The subcommittee recommends approval with the following changes:


Approved with the following changes:


Action taken by council: Approved


IX. Substantial Course Modification – PEXS 5520, Instrumentation in Exercise and Sport Science


The course Catalog Description and the course coverage were modified to include materials regarding the differences between genders.


The subcommittee recommends approval with the following changes:


Approved with the following changes:


Action taken by council: Approved



X. Substantial Course Modification – PEXS 7010, Advanced Sport Nutrition and Ergogenic Aids


The course Catalog Description and the course coverage were modified to include materials regarding the differences between genders.


The subcommittee recommends approval with the following changes:


Approved with the following changes:


Action taken by council: Approved



XI. Substantial Course Modification – PEXS 5600/6600, Sport Conditioning I

The course Catalog Description and the course coverage were modified to include materials regarding the differences between genders.


The subcommittee recommends approval with the following changes:


Approved with the following changes:

A. Include in the Purpose and Goals, Major Course Topics, and Learning Outcomes some mention of the gender differences coverage.

B. Correct the course number from 7600 to 6600 in the Snapshot, Course Syllabus, and Grade Assignment.


Action taken by council: Approved



XII. Non-Substantive Curriculum Change – Doctor of Audiology


The proposal removes the three-credit hour CDIS 6400, Research Methods for CDIS, with three one-credit hour courses distributed across three semesters. The proposal results in moving the research methods components from the end of the coursework to the middle of the coursework in the program.


The subcommittee recommends approval with the following changes:


Approved with the following changes:

A. Recommend a side-by-side presentation of the curriculum before and after the proposed changes.

B. Include the graduate faculty who will be teaching the courses.


Action taken by council: Approved


XIII. New Course Proposal – CDIS 6401, Research Methods in Audiology: Introduction. This course is the first of the three new one-credit hour courses replacing the current three-credit hour course.


The subcommittee recommends approval with the following changes:


Approved with the following changes:

A. Correct the Credit Hours (maximum) to “N/A.”

B. Remove the word “Club” from the Major Assignments.

C. Spell out Doctor of Audiology in the Purpose and Goals.

D. Include more information in the bibliography, Recommended Readings, and/or Supplemental Materials. Include the names of databases in the Sherrod Library and add call numbers.


Action taken by council: Approved



XIV. New Course Proposal – CDIS 6402, Research Methods in Audiology: Implementation. This course is the second of the three one-credit hour courses replacing the current three-credit hour course.

The subcommittee recommends approval with the following changes:


Approved with the following changes:

A. Correct the Title to read “Research Methods in Audiology: Implementation.

B. Spell out Doctor of Audiology in the Rationale for Proposal.

C. Include more information in the bibliography, Recommended Readings, and/or Supplemental Materials. Include the names of databases in the Sherrod Library and add call numbers.



Action taken by council: Approved



XV. New Course Proposal – CDIS 6403, Research Methods in Audiology: Execution. This course is the third of the three one-credit hour courses replacing the current three-credit hour course.


The subcommittee recommends approval with the following changes:


Approved with the following changes:

A. Consider changing the word “execution” to a less lethal word.

B. Spell out Doctor of Audiology in the Rationale for Proposal.

C. Insert the word “hour” after three-credit and before course in the Rationale for Proposal.

D. Insert the word “hour” after one-credit and before course in the Rationale for Proposal.

E. Include more information in the bibliography, Recommended Readings, and/or Supplemental Materials. Include the names of databases in the Sherrod Library and add call numbers.



Action taken by council: Approved


XVI. New Course Proposal – ARTA 4617/5617, Site-Specific and Installation Art

Tabled due to lack of representation from the department/author.


Graduate Faculty Subcommittee report and recommendations – Dr. Tedesco


Graduate Faculty Subcommittee Report

March 26, 2010


New Applications


Applicant Department Recommendation



Action taken by council: Approved





Applicant Dept. Present Recommendation



Action taken by council: Approved



Old Business:

Dr. Beck presented the updated Program of Study form with the change to delete item B. change in degree from and to field. The council recommended adding student’s program/concentration at the top of this form. Action taken by council to approve with added changes.


Dr. McIntosh reported that the DNP site visit would be starting that afternoon.



New Business:


The Notification of Oral Examination form was presented by Dr. Beck to council members. On a suggestion from Dr. Page to include a field for graduate coordinator’s approval on oral defense form was made. The council recommended adding the phone and fax number of the graduate coordinators. Action taken by council to approve with added changes.


Intent-to-Graduate form was presented by Dr. Beck to council members for information purpose. The box on the bottom right has been added to include details of cap and gown. The graduate degree programs have been updated and a field for the E number to confirm student’s name.

Dr. Beck reported on joint efforts of Undergraduate Admission and Graduate Studies to purchase the WES International GPA calculator. This is a useful tool to allow a selection of a country, a grading scale, and to enter grades to arrive at individual grade equivalencies and overall GPA equivalencies. Also, it permits selections of grades in a major to arrive at a major GPA. The GPA is in a printable form and will be sent to programs as part of the application materials.


Dr. Beck advised a change to official ETSU transcripts will contain date of completion of qualifying and comprehensive exams. He presented an example of how the transcript will look.


Dr. McIntosh requested input on first awards of Graduate Council Add-On Fellowships. The fellowship is a one-time award to aid in recruiting the best and brightest to ETSU graduate studies. After extensive discussion by the council members, it was agreed to award two students with $1000 each for fall 2010. Dr. McIntosh will draft announcement to go out to graduate program coordinators and a special email account will be used to collect nominations. Each program will be allowed to nominate one applicant with a short letter of nomination and a subcommittee of Graduate Council members will make the selection.


Dr. Gillespie stated the Outstanding Awards, Teaching Awards, and Service Award are on track to completion. The awards ceremony will be April 27 at the D. P. Culp Center auditorium beginning at 10:00 a.m. with a reception afterwards. Dr. McIntosh invited other departments to participate and have their students receive awards at this annual event.


Other: none




There was no further business, therefore, the meeting adjourned at 2:40 p.m.