Graduate Council – Minutes

East Tennessee State University

September 28, 2009 1:15pm

President’s Conference Room, Burgin Dossett Hall Room 206


Present: Dr. David A. Arnall, Ms. Amy Arnold, Dr. Jeffrey P. Beck, Ms. Queen Brown, Dr. Stacy D. Brown, Dr. Ranjan N. Chakraborty, Dr. Scott Champney, Dr. Wallace E. Dixon,

Dr. Wayne Gillespie, Dr. Helene K. Halvorson, Dr. Lori J. Marks, Dr. Donald B. Hoover,

Ms. Billie Lancaster, Dr. Cecilia A. McIntosh, Dr. Martha M. Pointer, Dr. Marie Tedesco,

Dr. Paul Trogen, Dr. Jon Webb


Absent: Ms. Maria D. Costa, Dr. William Duncan, Dr. Kathleen M. Rayman (excused),

Ms. LaDonna Hutchins, Ms. Mary Ellen Musick, Ms. Caitlin Teaster,

Dr. Ester Verhovsek (excused)


Introduction of 2009-10 Graduate Council Members:


Dr. Champney requested an introduction from each member and to advise what unit they were representing.

The new council members are Dr. Ranjan N. Chakraborty, College of Public Health, Dr. Lori J. Marks, College of Education, and Ms. Caitlin Teaster, Graduate Student member-at-large.


Election of Chair for 2009-10:


Dr. Scott Champney was nominated as chairperson. No other nominations were made and it was closed on the one name. Dr. Champney was elected unanimously. Also, Dr. Hoover serves as representative of the College of Medicine since Dr. Champney was elected as chairperson.


Approval of April minutes:


The minutes for April 27, 2009 were approved with one correction. The correction was to delete the last line in the minutes stating “The next Graduate Council meeting will be in August 31, 2009.”

Curriculum Subcommittee report and recommendations – Dr. Martha Pointer:

Non-Substantive Curriculum Change – Master of Public Health


The College of Public Health presented a proposal to eliminate all options for the culminating experience course in the Master of Public Health except the field experience requirement. The accreditation agency for Public Health (CEPH) recommended the change per their MPH guidelines.


The subcommittee recommends approval with the following changes:

A. Correction of the spelling of “include” in the first line of the Rationale for Proposal.

B. Insert semi-colons between the list of concentrations and actions in the Summary of Actions.

C. Eliminate the “xxx” sections in the proposed curriculum (in five areas).

D. Consider presenting the current curriculum and the proposed curriculum side-by-



Action taken by council: Approved


New Course Proposal – AVST 5320, Principles and Practices of Records Management

 The Master of Arts in Liberal Studies (MALS) has been requiring a records management course offered by Educational Media and Educational Technology (MEDA). The MEDA course has not been offered on a consistent basis. Additionally, the new course provides MALS a means of targeting the course material to meet the standards of the Society of American Archivists.


The subcommittee recommends approval with the following changes:


Action taken by council: Approved

Substantive Curriculum Modification – Archival Studies Concentration in the Master of Arts in Liberal Studies (MALS)

 The Archival Studies Concentration in the MALS is in need of modification in order to keep the curriculum current with changes in technology.


The subcommittee recommends approval with the following changes:

A. Keep the MALS core in the proposal the same as the current core with an added statement referring the students to their graduate coordinator regarding the best courses to complete. Also, change the total credits for the proposed core to 13 (thirteen).

B. Change the Information Science and Data Management course list to “Choose two courses,” and change the total credits for that section to 6 (six).

C. Change the title of MGMT 5010 to the correct title of “Essentials of Management.”

D. Change the number of the MEDA course listed under Library Science Electives to 5720 in both the current curriculum and in the proposed curriculum.

E. On the second page of the Form: Cover, change the number of hours in the Major Field Core to 13 (thirteen), and change the number of hours in the Concentration to 24 (twenty-four).

Action taken by council: Approved


New Course Proposal – ENGL 5007, Grant Writing

Proposal tabled.

Substantial Course Modifications – PHYS 5007, Computational Physics

Proposal tabled.

 Graduate Faculty Subcommittee report and recommendations – Dr. Tedesco


Report of Graduate Council Graduate Faculty Subcommittee Meeting

September 23, 2009


New Applications

Applicant Department Committee Recommend



Reapplications (Includes those who previously had temporary status)


Applicant Dept. Present Status Committee Recommend



Action taken by council: Approved with exceptions.

Dr. Han changed from affiliate (typographical error) to member. Dr. Hossler and Dr. Merriman are to remain temporary status per request of the college deans. Dr. Tedesco verified these requests and the council approved.


VII. Composition of Curriculum Subcommittee and Graduate Faculty Subcommittee:


The composition of the curriculum and graduate faculty subcommittee are in compliance. The curriculum subcommittee members are Dr. Arnall, Dr. Pointer, Ms. Arnold, Dr. Halvorson,

Dr. Beck, Dr. McIntosh, Dr. Gillespie, and Dr. Chakraborty (added). The graduate faculty subcommittee members are Dr. Tedesco, Dr. Beck, Dr. Hoover, Dr. Trogen, and Dr. Webb.


Old Business:


Dr. McIntosh is continuing to research and gather data concerning the utilization of the Turnitin Program, therefore, it was tabled.


New Business: none



Dr. Dixon inquired if graduate students have been appointed to the council. Dr. McIntosh indicated one student has been appointed (Ms. Teaster) and another will be appointed by October in consultation with GPSA.


 There was no further business to conduct; therefore, the meeting was adjourned at 1:55 p.m.