Graduate Council – Minutes

East Tennessee State University

May 23, 2011 1:15pm

President’s Conference Room – Dossett Hall 206


Present:  Dr. Jeffrey P. Beck, Dr. Ranjan N. Chakraborty, Dr. Scott W. Champney,

Dr. Eric S. Glover, Mr. Thaddeus H. Jablonski, Dr. Cecilia A. McIntosh, Dr. Martha M. Pointer, Dr. Kathleen M. Rayman, Dr. Marie Tedesco, Dr. Ester L. Verhovsek, Dr. Jon Webb


Absent:  Dr. David A. Arnall, Ms. Amy J. Arnold, Ms. Queen H. E. Brown, Dr. Stacy D. Brown, Ms. Maria D. Costa, Dr. William R. Duncan, Dr. Donald B. Hoover,

Ms. LaDonna Hutchins, Dr. Jeffrey R. Knisley, Ms. Billie Lancaster, Ms. Mary Ellen Musick, Dr. Lori J. Marks, Dr. Paul C. Trogen


Approval of April 2011 minutes:


The April 25, 2011 minutes were approved with no corrections.


I.                   Curriculum Subcommittee report – Dr. Martha Pointer:


            Termination of a Concentration –

            Master of Science in Environmental Health, Administrative Concentration.


            This termination removes the Administrative Concentration, leaving only the Specialist concentration. This is in response to CEPH accreditor comments that there was no significant difference in the two concentrations as currently written and a recommendation that one concentration be terminated.


The Subcommittee recommended approval with the following changes:


A.        On the Form Cover, change the contact information to Dr. Bert Bach.

            B.         On the Form Cover, capitalize the word “concentration” in the Formal Degree Abbreviation.

C.        On Form Sum, check the addition of the curriculum hours.

D.        In the Impact section, delete the first sentence.

E.         In the Impact section, include a date by which current students will have to finish their course work in the Administrative Concentration.  Also, include a statement regarding informing students of the deadline.

F.         In item 6 of the Program Change Form, include the statement that students will be notified of the deadline for completion of their Administrative Concentration.


Action taken by council:  approved with changes


New Course Proposal – PUBH 5480, Genetic Epidemiology:


This proposal addresses a new course which presents issues and considerations of the integration of genetics and epidemiology as it applies to public health.


The Subcommittee recommends approval with the following changes:


A.        In the Course Description, remove the first sentence.

B.         In part Contact Information for Similar Courses, include references to e-mails (which you are to obtain) that state the new course is not the same course as offered by either the Department of Biology or the College of Medicine.

C         In the Purpose and goals section, delete the first two sentences, and begin the third sentence with “The purpose of this course is ….”

D.        In the Purpose and Goals section, move the fourth sentence to the goals section, and add the goals of the course, removing the titles of “Broad goal” and “Ultimate goal.”  The goals should align with the Learning Outcomes listed in a following section.

E.         In the Major Assignments section, remove “The” from before ETSU.

F.         In the Major Assignments section, hyphenate make-up examinations.

G.        In the Other Information, change “Student” to ”Students.”

H.        In the Other Information, change the reference to the Student Handbook and replace it with the Graduate Catalog.

I.          Check for the latest version of the Koenig text; there appears to be a 2010 edition.


Action taken by council:  approved with changes


Non-Substantive Curriculum Change – Master of Education, Secondary Education:


The proposal discusses change in language for admission criteria so that international applicants with teaching credential in their home country can be considered for admission as well as U.S. citizens with educational jobs that do not require professional licensure (k-12). (For M.Ed. change in admissions draft of changes and how it would appear in the catalog,  see edited text at end of agenda.)


The subcommittee recommends approval with the following changes:


            A.        In the Narrative Description of Action on the second page of the Snapshot, remove the capitalization of the word “emphasis” in two places.

            The proposal revises the admission standards to accommodate students who are international students or non-education undergraduate majors.

            B. Revise the Rationale For Proposal to include the two groups addressed with this revision, and give examples mentioning normal schools and diploma designations.  Also, eliminate the last sentence in the section.

            C.        Capitalize the response to “List ETSU courses to be deleted from the course inventory.”

            D.        Re-word the “Insert proposed curriculum revision with changes in bold” by changing “program of studies” to “programs of study.”

            E.         In the “Insert proposed curriculum revision with changes in bold” section, change “major” to “area.”

            F.         Revise the “Insert proposed curriculum revision with changes in bold” to reflect the changes made in the Rationale for Proposal.

G.        Correct the formatting at the end of the Insert proposed curriculum revision with changes in bold”


Action taken by council:  approved with changes


Non-Substantive Curriculum Change –

Master of Education, School Library Concentration


This proposal changes the admission standards for the concentration. This will take care of the question of formula use when GRE score is changed in fall 2011 and updates the admission requirement accordingly.


The Subcommittee recommends approval with the following changes:


A.        Change the “Major Name” to Master of Education.”

B.         Change the Major Code to “M.Ed.”

C.        Place a semicolon after “Therefore” in the Rationale for Proposal” section.

D.        Correct the Existing Program Admission Requirements, number 2.

E.         In the Proposed Admission Requirements, bold the items that have changed.

F.         In the Proposed Admission Requirements, insert “(General)” after the GRE in item 1.


Action taken by council:  approved with changes


II.                Graduate Faculty Subcommittee report and recommendations – Dr. Tedesco. 


Graduate Faculty Subcommittee Report*


May 2011


New Applications


            Applicant                                Department                            Recommendation


  1. Anastasia, Lynda                      SOWK                                                Affiliate            
  2. Cockerham, Steve                    HDAL                                      Affiliate
  3. Elgazzar, Mohammed               Internal Medicine                       Member
  4. Graves, Jesse                           English                          Member
  5. King, Karen                             Allied Health                             Affiliate
  6. Seek, Michael                          Engineer Tech.              Member





Applicant                        Department                        Present Status            Recommendation


1.   Hathaway, Michelle                 SOWK                   Temp.                          Affiliate

2.   Hilton, John                             Art                          Temp.                          Affiliate


III.             Other Reports

A.                          Report on Credit Hour Definition committee – Dr. Champney presented an update on progress of the Credit Hour Definition task force.  He will present the final version once it is approved through Academic Council.


B.                          Report on Academic Honesty/Integrity task force – Dr. Hoover. In Dr. Hoover’s absence, Dr. Verhovsek (who also serves on this committee) reported that there are subcommittees gathering information on what is done at other universities with respect to education of students and faculty as well as policies and procedures.  This committee is scheduled to meet again in June.


C.                          Report on University Research Advisory Committee – Dr. Champney informed the Council of the charge of this advisory committee which is to make recommendations to support, expand, and enhance scholarship across campus (research, service, creative activities).  He also summarized discussions and recommendations being formed to develop databases to track productivity, to promote interdisciplinary research, to develop strategic partnerships, and to promote student and postdoctoral research. Recommendations will be carried forward to the Strategic Planning Committee for approval.  Dr. McIntosh also serves on this committee. Dr. Tedesco asked Drs. Champney and McIntosh to be sure that the committee includes consideration of research in the humanities.  Dr. McIntosh stated that this was discussed and is included in the report.


IV. Old Business


A.     Proposal for competitive summer research fellowships – Dr. McIntosh asked that this be tabled.  She is locking down a funding resource for these.  Once funding is firm, she will revise the white paper/proposal and bring back to the Council.


V. New Business

1)      Report on Add-on Fellowships.  Dr. McIntosh reported that two more awards will be made for fall 2011.  Several Graduate Council members reviewed the nominations and recommended the following new students for awards: Jacqueline Shelton in the M.A. History program and Kristi Sanborn-Miller in the Ph.D. Nursing program.  Dr. McIntosh noted that donations must increase to keep this program viable and asked Council members to encourage faculty in their colleges to consider a modest contribution through payroll deduction.

VI.       Other

                    1) Summer Grad Faculty recommendations – The Council agreed to vote on graduate faculty applications received over the summer via email vote.

        2)  The next Graduate Council meeting will be August 29, 2011.

VII.    Adjournment