Graduate Council – Minutes

East Tennessee State University

November 17, 2014 1:00 pm

President’s Conference Room – Dossett Hall 206


Present: Ms. Jennifer Barber, Dr. Karin Bartoszuk, Ms. Queen Brown, Dr. Wendy Doucette, Dr. William R. Duncan, Dr. Marsh Grube, Dr. Karen King, Ms. Billie Lancaster, Dr. Michelle Lee, Dr. Lori Marks, Dr. Brian Maxson, Ms. Sierra Maxwell, Dr. Celia McIntosh, Dr. Phillip Musich, Dr. Robert Pack, Dr. Nicole Prior, Dr. Martha M. Pointer, Dr. Kathleen M. Rayman, Dr. Evelyn Roach, Dr. Mitchell Robinson, Dr. Marie Tedesco, Dr. Paul Trogen


Absent: Dr. Stacy D. Brown, Ms. Maria D. Costa, Ms. Wendolin Elrod, Ms. LaDonna Hutchins, Dr. Janna Scarborough, Dr. Brittany Wilkins, Dr. Florence M Weierbach


Guests: Dr. Gordon Anderson, Dr. David Briley, Dr. Amber Kinser, Dr. Michelle Reece


A.    Approval of October 27, 2014 Minutes

a.     The motion was made, seconded, and approved to accept the October 27, 2014 minutes with the following changes:

                      i.     Jennifer Barber was present

                    ii.     Wendolin should be Ms. instead of Mr.

                  iii.     Dr. Marks volunteered for adhoc committee for Accelerated Fast Track for Bachelor’s to Master’s, name should be added

                  iv.     Agreed to vote on the xx7 History proposals by email to meet Academic Council timeline.


B.    Curriculum Subcommittee Report – Dr. Rayman

a.     New course proposal: FREN 4957/5957 French Classicism in Contemporary France

                      i.     Tabled until Dr. Harrington can attend.

b.     TBR Proposal: Revise M.A. in Professional Communication

                      i.     Motion to accept with changes listed was made, seconded, and carried

1.     On Snapshot, edit the description to exclude “terminate the Storytelling concentration…” since this is a separate proposal

2.     On page 3 of proposal, delete “similar to our undergraduate major in Communication Studies,” as this proposal focuses on the graduate degree. In the next paragraph, correct name of college – it should be College of Business and Technology

3.     On page 4 of proposal next to last paragraph, change “become” to “becomes”

4.     Indicate whether or not CIP code(s) need to change for the revised degree

5.     Section 6, last sentence: needs to read that you are phasing out the possibility of earning the M.A. without declaring a concentration, not that you are “phasing out Professional Communication in 2019”

6.     On page 7 of proposal under #4, reword/clarify “with appropriate substitutions offered for courses that are newly required no longer required”

7.     On page 8 of proposal, under anticipated impact for personnel: clarify how you will manage new courses/course development

8.     Appendix A: New course SPCH 5250 is called “Communication and Culture” here but in the course proposal it is called “Issues in Communication and Culture”

9.     Appendix B, under Common Core: 2 rubrics are CMST and do not match other references in the courses

10.  Appendix C, 3rd paragraph: delete word “degree” as they are given 2 options to finish but the degree remains the same

a.      Option 2 section and the section of the letter: please edit so that it is clear that they have to complete the program by the end of their current matriculation or by December 2019 whichever is earlier

11.  The number of credits for thesis and culminating project is 6; the standard number for other master’s degrees in other departments is 3. Provide a rationale and keep or change the number of thesis credits

12.  For Guided Electives, provide a list of possible electives or the language “in consultation with the graduate program coordinator”

13.  CMST 5950 not in rubric, should be SPCH

14.  THEA 5067 should be 5607

c.      New course proposal: MCOM 5100 Digital Strategic Communication

                      i.     Motion to accept with changes listed was made, seconded, and carried

1.     Other information should include information on disability services and academic misconduct

2.     Curriculum change proposal needed for this course to replace ADVR 5101

3.     The description of the topic paper in the syllabus should be expanded by a sentence to provide more information on this assignment (i.e. length?)

4.     Content may need to be broadened to cover non-business topics

5.     Under D2L Procedures: each assignment counts 2 points, but text reads “errors in grammar earn 1 point.” Change to “earn deduction of 1 point”

6.     Provide a 1 sentence summary of D2L site details

7.     Assignments: description indicates “discussion question,” grading description indicates “discussion question/article review” – make these consistent

8.     Grading scale: change the F portion to read F below 74

a.      Account for fractions (is 94.5 A or A-?)

9.     Delete textbooks in required readings

10.  Bibliography is rather thin

d.     New course proposal: MCOM 5060 Communication Ethics

                      i.     Motion to accept with changes listed was made, seconded, and carried

1.     Syllabus: description of the ethics research paper should be expanded by a sentence to provide more information on this assignment (length?)

2.     In the description of critical essays, emphasis is on a “company.” Why business emphasis in a concentration course required for all students?

3.     Delete textbooks in required readings

4.     Grading scale: change the F portion to read F below 74, need to account for fractions

5.     Other information should include information on disability services and academic misconduct

e.     New course proposal: SPCH 5250 Issues in Communication and Culture

                      i.     Motion to accept with changes listed was made, seconded, and carried

1.     Does the program really want a student to get 9 of the degree credits (25%) from this 1 course even if topics vary?

a.      Clarification: this is a special topics/special issues course which will not be offered more than once a year, therefore making it almost impossible for a student to take the maximum 3 times

2.     Grading Scale: change the F portion to read F Below 73

3.     Provide a 1 sentence summary of D2L site details

4.     List relevant journals in required readings

5.     Textbook by Carey is dated – is there a more recent edition?

6.     Other information should include information on disability services and academic misconduct

f.      New course proposal: SPCH 5350 Organizational Communication and Consulting

                      i.     Replaces the xx7 course, SPCH 5350 is a purely graduate course now

                    ii.     Motion to accept with changes listed was made, seconded, and carried

1.     Suggest transcript title be “Org Communic and Consult” to get the organizational component on the transcript

2.     Catalog description: change “performing organizational communication audits” to “performance of…”

3.     Course Syllabus: purpose and goals, omit “to” from each bullet point

4.     Assignments: begin new paragraph with “Case Studies.” Organizational Communication Audit Project

5.     Required Readings: are students expected to read all titles listed?

6.     Grading Scale: change the F portion to read F Below 75

7.     Other information should include information on disability services and academic misconduct

g.     Substantial course modification: STOR 5890 History of Performance Tradition

                      i.     Motion to accept with changes listed was made, seconded, and carried

1.     Grading Scale: add F<74.5

2.     Other information should include information on disability services and academic misconduct

h.     Substantial course modification: STOR 5230 Advanced Solo Performance

                      i.     Motion to accept with changes listed was made, seconded, and carried

1.     Grading Scale: add F<74.5

2.     Other information should include information on disability services and academic misconduct

3.     Required Textbook: check Lipman for latest edition (1999)

i.       TBR Proposal: Terminate a concentration in the M.A. in Reading

                      i.     Motion to accept with changes listed was made, seconded, and carried

1.     Be sure to include the word “concentration” after each use of Storytelling

2.     Regarding the letter to inform current students of the change: the way the letter reads now (paragraph 2) it sounds as if students do not have a choice when the purpose of the letter is to make it clear that current students do have a choice to stay in their current catalog of record OR to change to the new catalog of record and pursue the concentration within the M.A. Professional Communication

3.     In “option 2” section and corresponding section of the letter, edit so that it is clear that they have to complete the program by the end of their current matriculation or by December 2019 whichever is earlier

j.      TBR Proposal: Revise Admission Criteria for MPH Degree

                      i.     Motion to accept list of admissions tests (MCAT, PCAT, DAT, LSAT, GMAT) that will be accepted by Public Health was made, seconded, not carried with a vote of 2 ayes, 10 nays

                    ii.     Motion to accept all other portions of the proposal, including the changes listed below, but excluding the change in admissions tests was made, seconded, and carried

1.     In Narrative description of action, remove the “for students who may face financial barriers”

2.     In general, the wording in Appendix A is superior to the wording in the purpose and need sections. Edit so that wording is more consistent

3.     Appendix A in the contact information section: change the word “department” to “program.” Include a note to have test scores and transcripts sent directly to ETSU School of Graduate Studies in addition to COPH code 7333 in order to facilitate application processing

k.     New course proposals and substantial curriculum modification for PGMT

                      i.     PGMT 5347 not included in package, just an editorial change

                    ii.     Motion to accept all curriculum changes and/or additions was made, seconded, not carried with a vote of 0 ayes, 10 nays

l.       New course proposal: AMBA 5600 Business Protocol

                      i.     Motion to accept was made, seconded, and carried

m.    New course proposal: AMBA 5700 Intercultural Studies

                      i.     Motion to accept was made, seconded, and carried


C.    Graduate Faculty Subcommittee report and recommendations – Dr. Trogen








Price, Kellie










Present Status


Barrett, Martin L.




Dunham-Taylor, Janne




Elangovan, Saravanan

Audiology and Speech Language Pathology



Ernenwein, Eileen




Steadman, Mark




Trainor, William





a.     Motion to accept appointments was made, seconded, and carried



D.    Report from Academic Council – Dr. Marks

a.     Revising of Admission for Early Childhood Education

b.     Revising of Masters of Liberal Studies, Archival Studies Concentration


E.    Old Business

a.     Dr. Maxson – discontinuation of thesis reader services

                      i.     List of potential editors will be given to students if they inquire about editing services, Rob Russell is examining communication language to let students know that this is not a university service

b.     Accelerated Bachelors to Masters Committee policy development committee will be meeting in December before break


F.     No New Business


G.   Meeting adjourned at 2:30 pm