
Maegan H. Beale
Psychology (Clinical and Child Concentrations), Anthropology (0-59 earned credit hours)
M.A., American History, East Tennessee State University
B.A., History, East Tennessee State University
Phone: 423-439-5602

Hank Selby
Psychology (General, Health, or No Concentrations), Sociology (0-59 earned credit hours)
M.S., Human Services, East Tennessee State University
B.S., Psychology, East Tennessee State University
Phone: 423-439-5602
Anthropology is the study of humankind from its beginnings, millions of years ago, to the present day and includes subsets of cultural anthropology, archaeology, and physical anthropology. This major is only offered in a Bachelor of Arts and requires a minor. Majoring in Anthropology gives the opportunities for hands-on experiences and for traveling abroad. For additional information about the Anthropology major, please see the Department of Sociology and Anthropology website.
Advisement for students with 0-59 earned credit hours-
Please call the CASA Office at 423-439-5602 to schedule a meeting.
Advisement for students with 60 or more earned credit hours-
You will be advised by your faculty advisor
Dr. Bill Duncan 423-439-4996
Psychology is the scientific study of human behavior and mental processes. This major offers a Bachelor of Arts or a Bachelor of Science, with options for various concentrations. For additional information about the Psychology major, including more information regarding concentrations, please see the Department of Psychology website.
Advisement for all students-
Please call the CASA Office at 423-439-5602 to schedule a meeting.
Students wanting to learn more about graduate school and career advising can also make an appointment to meet with Dr. Julia Dodd, the Faculty Mentor for Psychology students.
Sociology is the study of people interacting with others individually, in social groups, and in social systems. This major offers a Bachelor of Arts or a Bachelor of Science and requires a minor. For additional information about the Sociology major, please see the Department of Sociology and Anthropology website.
Advisement for students with 0-59 earned credit hours-
Please call the CASA Office at 423-439-5602 to schedule a meeting.
Advisement for students with 60 or more earned credit hours-
You will be advised by your faculty advisor
Betsie Cole 423-439-6654
Advisement for Online-Only students-
Dr. McCallister- Department Chair