Dr. Briley joined the faculty at ETSU after completing his Ph.D. at the University of Tennessee- Knoxville. Before that, he went to the University of Alabama and Middle Tennessee State University. He teaches courses in all three areas of the department in American Government, Public Administration and International Relations. Dr. Briley was MPA Director from 2008-2010 and 2012-2019.
Ph.D., Political Science, University of Tennessee – Knoxville
M.P.A. Public Administration, University of Tennessee – Knoxville
B.A. Political Science, University of Tennessee – Knoxville
Teaching Interest
Dr. Briley teaches courses in all areas of American politics. The courses include American Government and Politics, Southern Politics, State and Local Politics, President and Congress, Civil Rights and Liberties, Public Administration and American Political Thought. He has taught American Foreign Policy and International Relations in the International Affairs field. Dr. Briley has also taught a variety of graduate courses that include Public Administration, Urban Government, Politics and Administration, Public Organization Theory, and Public Management Report.
Research Interest
Dr. Briley’s research interests broadly on numerous aspects of American politics, foreign policy, the relationship between politics and sports, and trade policy.
Recent Publications
Briley, John David. Nixon Rebuilds: From Defeat to the White House, 1962-1968. MacFarland Company & Publishers, (Jefferson, North Carolina). Forthcoming 2021.
Briley, John David. “1973,” from Sixteen and Counting. University of Alabama Press, (Tuscaloosa, Alabama), Edited by Ken Gaddy, 2017.