Statewide Contracts
The state frequently enters into contracts for goods or services with vendors, and contracts for the right of state agencies and institutions to obtain the same goods or services on the same terms. Agencies and institutions are not typically obligated to participate in these contracts, but the terms are quite often more favorable than an agency or institution could obtain on their own, with no new bidding process required. Department personnel may want to check the state contracts log, first, before attempting to obtain goods or services through standard institutional procedures.
TBR Shared Contracts
Much like statewide contracts, shared contracts may provide a costs savings for departments and for the University. The Tennessee Board of Regents (TBR) and its institutions frequently enter into contracts that, by their terms, enable other TBR institutions to obtain the same goods or services at the previously negotiated terms. This may provide cost savings as well as more timely delivery of services, as no new bidding process is necessary. The list of TBR contracts can be found here.
Group Purchasing Organizations
Tennessee Higher EducationImpermissible Clauses - these clauses can not be included in contracts.