Josie Gilbertson
Criminal Justice
MA, Criminal Justice & Criminology, East Tennessee State University
BS, Criminal Justice & Criminology, East Tennessee State University

Cody Morelock
History, International Affairs, Political Science, and Philosophy
MEd, Educational Leadership, East Tennessee State University
BA, Anthropology, East Tennessee State University
Criminal Justice
Why a student might choose a major in Criminal Justice & Criminology
1. To gain knowledge about criminal justice and criminology, for example, the administration of justice in the United States and theories of crime and delinquency causation.
2. To prepare for a career in the criminal justice field including law enforcement, probation, parole, or prisons.
Degree Requirements
• Completion of General Education Core Requirements of the university and requirements
of the College of Arts and Sciences B.A. or B.S. in social and behavioral sciences.
• Completion of criminal justice and criminology core curriculum.
• Completion of 21 hours of elective courses.
• Completion of a minor to be selected in consultation with the director of advising
in the department.
Total Credits Required for Graduation: 120
GPA Requirements
Students must maintain a minimum grade point average of 2.50 in criminal justice and
criminology coursework completed at ETSU.
No grade earned in criminal justice and criminology major core course below a 2.0
(C) will be accepted.
Josie Gilbertson
Click here to schedule an appointment
The History department at ETSU offers both Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Arts degrees. Students are also required to declare a minor, preferable one that complements the major in regards to a student's post-graduation plans. History majors must maintain a GPA of at least a 2.5 in all history courses taken, with no grade lower than a C, and maintain a GPA of at least a 2.0 in their minor. This major also have a teacher education option.
For more information about the History major, please see the Department of History website:
A major leading to a baccalaureate degree in history requires completion of a minimum of 39 semester hours of study, including the following:
- HIST 1110 and 1120: World Civilization (6 hours)
- HIST 3410: Introduction to Historical Method (3 hours)
- 6 3000-level courses: 2 U.S., 2 Europe, 2 World (18 hours)
- 3 4000-level courses (9 hours)
*SETP Minors: HIST 4417 CANNOT double count as a Major 4000 level course. - 1 course at either the 3000 or 4000-level in any geographic area. (3 credits)
HIST 3410: Introduction to Historical Study, must be taken by all history majors. It should be taken PRIOR to the enrollment in any upper-level (4000-level) courses. During the semester in which you plan on taking course, please contact Dr. Doug Burgess for a course permit. History majors should also complete both World History courses before you take this course.
Advisement for students with 0-59 earned credit hours
Click here to schedule an appointment with me
or call 423-439-5602
Advisement for students with 60+ earned credit hours
Please contact one of the following history faculty members to schedule an appointment:
Doug Burgess
Melanie Storie
International Affairs
International Affairs is the study of behavior of states, international organizations, and inter-governmental organizations, and covers such areas as international cooperation and conflict, the global political economy, U.S. foreign policy, world cultures, global health and environmental concerns, and international law and organization. The major is only offered in a Bachelor of Arts and requires a 2.0 GPA as well as a minor. For additional information, please see the Department of Political Science, International Affairs, and Public Administration website.
Advisement for students with 0-59 earned credit hours:
Click here to schedule an appointment with me
or call 423-439-5602
Advisement for students with 60+ earned credit hours:
Please contact one of the following faculty members to schedule an advisement appointment:
Dr. Michele Crumley
The Philosophy department at ETSU provides students with the ability to think critically, communicate clearly, and present effectively as well as provides them with the ability to understand and evaluate their most basic beliefs and values and to integrate them into a coherent view of themselves and the world. The department offers both Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Arts degrees in either a traditional philosophy or a religious studies concentration. A minor is required for the major unless a student is double majoring. All students must complete a senior seminar prior to graduating and must maintain an overall GPA of a 3.2 or a 3.5 GPA in department courses. Students should also be aware that most upper-division courses, excluding those required for the major, are offered only once every other year and should plan accordingly. For additional information, please see the Department of Philosophy& Humanities website.
Advisement for students with 0-59 earned credit hours
Click here to schedule an appointment with me
or call 423-439-5602
Advisement for students with 60+ earned credit hours
Please review the list below regarding faculty advisement:
Students with the Philosophy Concentration
David Harker (harkerd@etsu.edu/423.439.8310)
Students with the Justice, Ethics & Law Concentration
Allen Coates (coatesa@etsu.edu/423.439.6622)
Students with the Religious Studies concentration
Keith Green (greenj@etsu.edu/423.439.4442)
Honors-in-Discipline Students
Allen Coates (coatesa@etsu.edu/423.439.6622)
Political Science
Political Science is the student of government, politics, and public policy in the United States and other countries, and of the relations among nations and states in the world community. The department offers both Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Arts degrees and students are required to maintain the university-wide standard GPA of 2.0. Double counting of credits for the Political Science major and for another major or minor is limited and must first be approved by the Coordinator of the Political Science major or the Chair of the department. For additional information, please see the Department of Political Science, International Affairs, and Public Administration website:
Advisement for student with 0-59 earned credit hours
Click here to schedule an appointment with me
or call 423-439-5602
Advisement for students with 60+ earned credit hours
Please contact one of the following Political Science faculty to schedule an appointment: