Psi Chi
Psi Chi, the official Psychology Honor Society, was established at ETSU in 1977. Psi Chi seeks to advance the science of psychology and to encourage, stimulate, and maintain a high level of general scholarship and a high level of scholarship in psychology. Benefits
Membership in any official honor society is a distinction worth having on one's resume/vita, especially an honor society within one's major discipline. Active membership, which involves coming to meetings regularly and participating in planning and conducting club business and events can be detailed on resumes/vitae. This demonstrates to future employers or graduate school selection committees that a person goes beyond the typical student role, that they seek out leadership opportunities and are mindful of professional development. Often chapter members obtain information that is helpful in planning a career. Active membership is not difficult or particularly time-consuming, and it is encouraged for all members. Qualifications
Membership qualifications are as follows: - Has completed ≥36 credit hours (can include ETSU hours and transferred from other institutions);
- Has completed ≥12 credit hours AT ETSU (cannot include hours transferred from other institutions);
- Has completed ≥9 credit hours in PSYCHOLOGY (courses PSYC prefix ONLY, including courses officially transferred to ETSU as PSYC courses);
- Has officially declared major or minor as Psychology at ETSU;
- Has Overall GPA of:
- ≥3.6126 for those applying with 30 to 59 credit hours completed (Sophomores)
- ≥3.6626 for those applying with 60 to 89 credit hours completed (Juniors)
- ≥3.6887 for those applying with 90 or more credit hours completed (Seniors)
- Note: GPA cutoffs based on Institutional Research report of Spring 2023 College of Arts & Sciences students in the top 35% of their classes. This is the national organizational standard.
- Has In-Major Psychology GPA of ≥3.00 (not rounded up, courses with PSYC prefix ONLY)
- Has high standards of personal behavior.
Note: Graduate student applicants must complete a minimum of 9 graduate hours at ETSU with a GPA of 3.50 or better. The organization may admit to active status anyone who has been a member of any other Psi Chi chapter which meets the requirements for this organization. Faculty members who are Fellows, Members, or Associates in the American Psychological Association or the American Psychological Society may become active members. They shall have the same rights and privileges, and the same financial and other obligations as student members. Alumni members are persons who were formerly active members who are no longer associated with the university. Also, persons who were graduated from the university prior to the establishment of this organization may be elected to alumni membership if they met the minimum qualifications listed in this Chapter's Constitution when they were students. Alumni members may not vote or hold office unless admitted to active status by the organization. Activities
The organization sponsors educational programs, participates in charity projects, raises funds in support of student trips to professional meetings in psychology, initiates new members each year, sponsors academic awards, and organizes social activities. Apply Today
If you meet the above qualifications for Psi Chi membership, you can complete an application online at https://www.psichi.org/page/JoinToday. Your application will be reviewed to verify your eligibility and you will receive an email stating whether or not your application has been approved. Membership applications are typically processed once per semester. Please direct any questions about the status of your application to the faculty advisor, Dr. Kelly Moore -
Psychology Club
The Psychology Club is open to all students, regardless of field of study, with an interest in psychology.Purpose
To encourage student interest in the field of Psychology, to provide programs which expand knowledge of specific areas of Psychology, and to provide a means of social interaction where interested students can meet those with similar interests. Activities
The Psychology Club provides members the opportunity to become involved in a wide range of activities. Professional activities include participation in regional and national conferences, as well as department provided academic activities. Through the Psychology Club, members participate in fund-raisers that greatly assist in covering the cost of conference participation. Membership in the Psychology Club also provides students the opportunity to perform community service through volunteer activities.Additionally, the Psychology Club allows members opportunities to participate in many social activities throughout the year, such as the annual holiday party and Spring cookout. Other activities are informal gatherings such as trips, dinners, and parties. Interested? Email the Faculty Advisor Dr. Kelly Moore -
Psychology for Equity, Awareness, and Community Enhancement (PEACE)
Purpose and Mission
The purpose(s) of this organization shall be to provide a supportive environment for students, faculty, and staff from all walks of life to come together to work toward social justice and applying psychology in an evolving and diverse world. Through exposure to empirical literature and subsequent discussions, those involved in PEACE will learn how psychology can be applied to real world problems and social change. More than speaking about change, those involved in PEACE will get out and do something to impact the campus, local community, and broader environment.Membership
Membership in this organization shall be open to any ETSU student, faculty or staff members that are interested in becoming a member PEACE. All student members must be in good standing with ETSU and are required to keep a minimum GPA of 2.0. Officers (2024-2025)
President- Shaye Henry
Vice President- Jordan Razzak
Secretary- Ruby Purgason
Treasurer- Jessica Templeton
Community Liason - Deanna Rusielewicz
Campus Liason - Isabelle Bisio
Social Media Coordinator - Shalini VenkatUpcoming Events
Fall 2024Spring 2025Awards
In 2018, PEACE organized a student-led seminar titled "Revisiting Racism: Two Years After the Gorilla Incident" to help facilitate a conversation about race and racial tensions in our region and nation. The seminar was later recognized as the "Outstanding Multicultural Program" at the 2019 Summit Celebration at East Tennessee State University. If you have questions about PEACE events, how to join, or would like to receive updates from PEACE, please email us at peaceadmin@etsu365.onmicrosoft.com. Follow us on Instagram: @peace_at_etsu
The Graduate and Professional Student Association (GPSA) of East Tennessee State University is a student-managed organization whose membership is open to all currently enrolled post-baccalaureate degree-seeking students. Our primary function is to improve the quality of both graduate and professional education and the graduate and professional student experience at ETSU. Graduate and Professional students represent approximately 20% of the total student population at ETSU, and the teaching, clinical, and research activities of these students present genuine needs that are considerably different from those of the remaining student population.
Click here to visit our web page. -
Graduate Student Board in Psychology
Mission Statement
To serve as a professional line of communication between graduate students and faculty in the psychology graduate program at East Tennessee State University. GSBP’s secondary objectives are to foster camaraderie between concentrations and to establish a presence of graduate students within the department and the university as a whole. Membership
Open to all students "actively enrolled" in the psychology graduate program at ETSU. To be considered “actively enrolled” one must be enrolled in either the Clinical or Experimental Psychology graduate program and be taking at least three credit hours. Meetings
Monthly meetings will be organized by current board members and can be conducted pursuant to DET/DCT meetings, or in an online platform to allow for broad participation. The purpose of these meetings will be to prompt and elicit feedback from all graduate students, and to organize events or foster relationships across concentrations. Elections
Nominees must be full time students (at least 9 credit hours) in the psychology graduate program at ETSU. Senior Board Members are expected to be at the associate level (Doctoral Level), while a Junior Board Member is expected to be at the assistant level (Master’s level). Nominations for all officers will be made either during a regular GSBP meeting, pursuant to a DET/DCT meeting, or electronically. Elections of these officers will take place during the first two weeks in March. Officers
The term of office are one full academic year. An individual may not serve more than one term in a particular office. The officer positions include: Senior Board Member (Clinical and Experimental) and Junior Board Member (Clinical and Experimental).
The duties of the Senior Board Members include serving as the chief executive officers for their representative concentrations, organizing student meetings, elicit feedback from students, and bring any comments or concerns to the attention of the faculty, and attending scheduled faculty meetings as professional representatives of all graduate students within the Psychology Department.The duties of the Junior Board Members include assisting the senior board members in overseeing the organization of specical actitivies, conducting annual elections, serving as senior board members if elected senior board member(s) is unable to serve, providing leadership and organization between faculty and students, and maintaing a D2L page for graduate student access. 2024-2025 Graduate Student Board Members
Clinical: Senior Rep - John Parigger; Junior Rep: Maggie Harris Experimental: Senior Rep - Jessica Templeton; Junior Rep: Jada Beal