The College of Business and Technology Career Services Office offers, co-sponsors,
or participates in several events which encourage student-employer interface throughout
the calendar year.
Taking advantage of the Career Services Office is crucial for students as it can greatly enhance future prospects. Career Services organizes career fairs, networking events, and workshops, which connect students with potential employers and industry experts, creating invaluable networking opportunities. We can provide access to internships, co-op programs, and job placements, allowing students to gain practical experience and build a strong professional network even before graduation. Moreover, the Career Services Office offers resources such as resume writing assistance, interview preparation, and job search strategies, equipping students with the necessary tools to present themselves effectively in the competitive job market. By actively engaging with the career services office, students can maximize their chances of securing fulfilling and meaningful employment, setting a solid foundation for their future career success.
Currently Scheduled Events
Fall 2024 Interviews
Fall 2024 interviews as of 7.11.24:
- 9/24/24: Eastman Chemical (Accounting)
- 9/24/24: Pugh, CPAs
Accounting Networking Night, September 16th
Accounting Networking Night, an annual recruiting event sponsored by the Department of Accountancy, is usually held in mid-late September. Networking night typically offers the firms and corporations in attendance the opportunity to interact with over 120 BBA and Master of Accountancy students regarding projected openings for internships as well as full-time hiring.
If you are an employer interested in participating in an upcoming Networking Night, please contact the Career Services Office regarding event details and registration.
Most firms/organizations come back to campus to recruit for openings approximately 2-3 weeks after Networking Night. Please contact the Career Services Office to reserve your recruiting date.
Accounting Professionals Networking Night:
September 16, 2024
3:00 - 5:00pm
Brinkley Center Ballroom (formerly Millennium Center)
- For interview consideration, give copies of your resumes to firm reps at Networking Night. Upon arrival, sign in with your cell phone via QR code.
To let the firms and companies know of your interview interest, please register to attend on Handshake. There is a survey as part of registration that lists your companies of interest. If you register, we will download this information and share it with employers.
Upload and make your resume public on Handshake. We will send a resume book to participating employers before Accounting Networking Night.
Please schedule an appointment with CBAT Career Services if you are interested in internships and complete Student Release Form.
Please follow employer instructions regarding information that should be included on your resumes. Make sure to include a working cell number for you as we will need to contact all students selected for interviews. Most interviews are now virtual.
Registration Deadline: Wednesday, February 12, 2025 at 4:30 pm
General Registration: $125
Registration: Handshake
Payment Information:
Payment: Choose “manual” when registering on Handshake.
Credit Card Purchase Link
Check Payment: Please make checks ($125) payable to 'College of Business and Technology Department of Accountancy' for Accounting Networking Night.- Mail your checks to Laura Bennington, Assistant Dean for Fiscal Affairs, College of
Business and Technology, ETSU, PO Box 70699, Johnson City, TN 37614.
Fall Career Fair, October 23rd
The College of Business and Technology Fall Career Fair, one of the premier recruiting events within the life of the college, is held annually in October.
Employers representing a cross-section of industry, including technology, banking, financial management and services, energy, public safety, insurance, government, and retail, typically attend this event. Over the past three years, we have welcomed approximately 40+ employers to campus, affording them the opportunity to interact with 275-300 students regarding full-time and internship opportunities within their organizations.
DATE: October 23rd
TIME: 11am - 3pm
LOCATION: ETSU Culp Ballroom
If you are a currently enrolled full-time or part-time student or an alumnus from the College of Business and Technology, you are welcome to attend CBAT Career Fair. Be sure to register on Handshake
Student Registration Information (REGISTRATION IS OPTIONAL)
Navigation on Handshake to register: Log-in using ETSU credentials. From profile landing page, click on “Career Centers” on left navigation. Scroll down to “Upcoming Career Fairs” and click on “College of Business and Technology Career Fair Fall 2024.” Click on “Join Event.”
Preparation equals success when it comes to career fair attendance. Here are some helpful hints to ensure a successful career fair experience:
- Research employers of interest prior to the event.
- You need to dress professionally -- wear a suit or other professional attire.
- Employer profiles, including what they are hiring for and other important information will be Handshake.
- Upload an error-free resume to Handshake.
- Prepare a brief "infomercial" about yourself.
Research the company and be able to answer, "What do you know about us?"
Prep some great questions to ask the employer.- Bring a fantastic smile and GREAT ENTHUSIASM! Don't forget to look them in the eye.
Ask for an email address to follow up.
Informational Handouts
General Registration
Cost:$250* (covers 1 display table and meals for 2 people, venue, and event production costs)- Additional Career Fair Display Table $15 (limit of one additional table; subject to change based on space needs)
Additional Lunch for each additional team member $15
*Final price calculated at checkout
To register on Handshake - choose "manual" for paymenty as you register on Handshake.- If you do have an account on Handshake, search for East Tennessee State University under “schools,” and then click on the fairs listed on landing page to register.
- If you don’t have an account, create one at and then search for ETSU under schools, click on fair link and then register.
- Helpful resource:
Payment Information
- Choose “manual” when registering on Handshake.
Credit Card Payment Link . Click on the icon for the Fall 2024 Fair and proceed to next screen.
Check Payment: Make checks payable to 'College of Business and Technology-CBAT Career Fair'.
Mail your checks to Laura Bennington, Assistant Dean for Fiscal Affairs, College of Business and Technology, ETSU, PO Box 70699, Johnson City, TN 37614
Corporate Sponsor Program Mission
Corporate Sponsors prove vital to a successful career fair experience and partner with the College on programming as well as interact with our students in meaningful ways before and during our annual career fair. If you are interested in learning more, please contact the Career Services Officeto receive information about our corporate sponsor program.GOLD AND BLUE Corporate Sponsorships
Gold Corporate Sponsor
Sponsorship Cost: $1000 (calculated at checkout)
Covers 2 Career Fair registrations, both CBAT Fall Career Fair and CBAT Spring Career Fair (excludes Accounting Networking Night)Blue Corporate Sponsor
Sponsorship Cost: $500 (calculated at checkout)
Covers 1 career fair registration, either CBAT Fall Career Fair or CBAT Spring Career Fair (excludes Accounting Networking Night)
Gold Corporate Sponsors
Blue Corporate Sponsors
Spring Career Fair, February 19th
The College of Business and Technology Spring Career Fair, one of the premier recruiting events within the life of the college, is held annually in late February.
Employers representing a cross-section of industry, including technology, banking, financial management and services, energy, public safety, insurance, government, and retail, typically attend this event. Over the past three years, we have welcomed approximately 75-80 employers to campus, affording them the opportunity to interact with 300 students regarding full-time and internship opportunities within their organizations.
CBAT Career Fair 2025DATE: February 19th
TIME: 11am - 3pm
LOCATION: ETSU Culp Ballroom
If you are a currently enrolled full-time or part-time student or an alumnus from the College of Business and Technology, you are welcome to attend CBAT Career Fair. Be sure to sign up on Handshake.
Student Registration Information (REGISTRATION IS OPTIONAL)
Navigation on Handshake to register: From profile landing page, click on “Career Centers” on left navigation. Scroll down to “Upcoming Career Fairs” and click on “College of Business and Technology Career Fair Spring 2025.” Click on “Join Event.”
Preparation equals success when it comes to career fair attendance. Here are some helpful hints to ensure a successful career fair experience:
- Research employers of interest prior to the event, you need to dress professionally -- wear a suit or other professional attire.
- Employer profiles, including what they are hiring for and other important information will be Handshake.
- Upload an error-free resume to the Handshake.
- Prepare a brief "infomercial" about yourself.
Research the company and be able to answer, "What do you know about us?"
Prep some great questions to ask the employer.- Bring a fantastic smile and GREAT ENTHUSIASM! Don't forget to look them in the eye.
Ask for an email address to follow up.
Informational Handouts:
General Registration
Cost:$250* (covers 1 display table and meals for 2 people venue, and event production costs)- Additional Career Fair Display Table $15 (limit of one additional table; subject to change based on space needs)
- Additional Lunch for each additional team member $15
*Final price calculated at checkout
To Register on Handshake - Choose "manual" for payment as you register on Handshake.- If you do have an account on Handshake, search for East Tennessee State University under “schools,” and then click on the fairs listed on landing page to register.
- If you don’t have an account, create one at and then search for ETSU under schools, click on fair link and then register.
- Helpful resource:
Payment Information- Choose “manual” when registering on Handshake.
Credit Card Payment Link. Click on icon for Spring 2025 fair and proceed to next screen.
Check Payment: Make checks payable to 'College of Business and Technology-CBAT Career Fair'.
Mail your checks to Laura Bennington, Assistant Dean for Fiscal Affairs, College of Business and Technology, ETSU, PO Box 70699, Johnson City, TN 376144
Corporate Sponsor Program Mission
Corporate Sponsors prove vital to a successful career fair experience and partner with the College on programming as well as interact with our students in meaningful ways before and during our annual career fair. If you are interested in learning more, please contact the Career Services Officeto receive information about our corporate sponsor program.GOLD AND BLUE Corporate Sponsorships
Gold Corporate Sponsor
Sponsorship Cost: $1000 (calculated at checkout)
Covers 2 Career Fair registrations, both CBAT Fall Career Fair and CBAT Spring Career Fair (excludes Accounting Networking Night)Blue Corporate Sponsor
Sponsorship Cost: $500 (calculated at checkout)
Covers 1 career fair registration, either CBAT Fall Career Fair or CBAT Spring Career Fair (excludes Accounting Networking Night)
Gold Corporate Sponsors
Blue Corporate Sponsors
Past Events
Employer Days
The College partners with employers to offer "Employer Days," welcoming employers to campus and encouraging interactions with students in the classroom setting. Topics that guest speakers address vary depending on the course. Students are encouraged to use this opportunity to ask meaningful questions of employers and network with them regarding future career or internship/co-op opportunities. Moreover, these exchanges marry classroom theory with real world scenarios, fostering great synergy for student learning.
On occasion, employers will invite students to networking socials at their places of business. General Shale, Northwestern Mutual, and Eastman Chemical have sponsored such events for CBAT students. In addition, to enjoying excellent food and freebies, students share their resumes and interact with many members of the management team. These events represent great opportunities for students to practice communicating with hiring managers--a vital skill in the marketplace.
Career Fair Prep Week
College of Business and Technology (CBAT) Career Fair Preparation Day/Week, affectionately known as "Prep Day" in the college, is an annual event that takes place one week prior to the college's career fair, usually in late February of each year.
The short term goal of Prep Day or Week is to "prepare" students for attending career fair; the long term goal is to offer students workshop sessions to improve their job search readiness as they transition from student to job seeker. In the past, the college has partnered with area human resources professionals, many of whom are CBAT alumni, to deliver sessions that are timely and informative.
More recently, Prep Day/Week has been offered in concert with corporate sponsors, reaching out to students in workshop sessions and, more importantly, in the classroom. Class presentations offered by companies address a host of topics encompassing corporate branding, diversity in the workplace, the global economy, leadership, corporate culture, and competitive positioning.
Special thanks to our corporate sponsors for speaking to classes and clubs as part of career fair preparation activities!
For additional information regarding Prep Day or Week or if your organization would be interested in becoming a corporate sponsor of this annual event, please contact the Office of Career Services.
Alumni Career Events
The College of Business and Technology is proud to offer programming that fosters the interaction of alumni with current students. Recent offerings included:
Employer Days on campus
Class Talks that dovetail with course content
College of Business and Technology Career Fair
Student-Alumni-Employer Networking Events
We love to welcome our alumni back to campus to speak to students about their careers and the future of the job market in their chosen fields.
For several years running, the College of Business and Technology has proudly welcomed back alumni from a cross section of industry, including insurance, hospitality, accounting, construction/development, banking, healthcare, retail, fashion merchandising, government, military, and surveying.Some questions which alumni may encounter from students include:
How did you choose your career path?
In the current economic climate, what is your best advice for job seekers?
What do you look for in a candidate when hiring?
What methodologies have you used since leaving ETSU to expand your professional network?
What is the best decision you made as a student at ETSU?
What implications did this decision have on your future career/employment?
What classes did you find especially helpful to you as you launched your career?
What is a typical day like in your chosen field/industry?
What are key strategies for success during the first year on a new job?
How have your experiences at ETSU impacted your career - short term and long term?If you are interested in connecting with CBAT students via any of our alumni based programs, please contact the Office of Career Services.
CBAT Student Executve Briefing
Mission Statement: To foster senior level student learning and professional development by providing opportunities to hear and interact with executives from strategic business partners at the local, regional, national, and global levels.
Student Executive Briefing Goals:
To provide students with insight into an executive's corporate vision and perspective;
To learn about corporate strategy and its impacts on business operations;
To dovetail with and provide a context for senior level capstone course objectives;
To raise awareness about diverse business units and their impact on corporate strategy;
To raise corporate brand awareness amongst CBAT students, and
To educate students about career options within a particular industry/market.
The series is offered once each fall and spring semester.If interested in participating in the student executive briefing series, please contact:
Office of Career Services or 423-439-5656
Banking Meet & Greet
Each fall regional banking institutions are invited to attend the annual "Banking Meet and Greet" event coordinated by the Center for Banking and sponsored and hosted by a local bank. Key players in the banking industry have the opportunity to network with advanced finance majors and MBA students interested in careers in banking. For students, this event provides an excellent opportunity to ask questions about career options as well as to share resumes with strategic members of the banking community.
Any bank representatives interested in participating in the Banking Meet and Greet should contact Marci Roth via email or via phone at 423-439-5677.
Previous Banking Meet and Greet Networking Event Supporters -
CBAT@Work Networking Career Social
DEI Panel/Networking Career Fair Social is the major recruiting event for the fall semester. Different from a traditional career fair, the DEI Panel/Networking Career Fair Social facilitates student and employer networking through a conference social environment. Typically, an alumni panel comprised of recent graduates from the college will share information about their professional journeys, key learning points from their first year on the job, critical skills, and general advice to current students.
Following the panel discussion, students and employers congregate—and network!—in three major zones: business, computing/digital media, and engineering/engineering technology/surveying.The virtue of this format is that employers do not have to bring displays, giveaways, or other items. However, a table will be placed in each zone for any employers who want to share an internship/co-op or full-time job description or a company overview. Other than that, employers simply bring themselves. Won’t you join us?
DEI Panel/Networking Career Fair Social 2023
October TBD, 2023
3:00 - 5:30pm
ETSU The James and Nellie Brinkley Center Ballroom
Gold Corporate Sponsors