We are proud of the offerings we have through the Department of Counseling and Human Services and are committed to quality education and programming. We are also interested in the success of our students and join you in your desire to complete your degree in a timely manner while also taking advantage of multiple opportunities to learn, experience, grow, and share.
Advisement is an important piece to success as a student. This is a joint effort - we are available for students in our various programs and we want you to seek out advisement to insure you are on the path to success. Advisement depends on the program so be sure to consult the resources and faculty in each program.
For our undergraduate programs
For the Human Services degree and the two minors offered through the Human Services Program, advisement is required. It is beneficial to set up an advisement session early in starting the course work rather than later. Starting advisement early avoids any problems that may occur in the last few semesters a student is enrolled at East Tennessee State University. Check out our Human Services Advising page.
For our Graduate program in Counseling
Individuals admitted to the MA in Counseling program are assigned advisers and meet with advisers at program orientation and throughout their program. It is incumbent on students to seek advisement to assure timely completion and meet career goals.
The Counseling program makes use of a D2L program site to communicate information to students on a regular basis. Also check out the Graduate School site for information about program forms and graduation.