Quillen Chair of Excellence in Education

Quillen Chair of Excellence in Education
"Anxiety is not right, and it is not wrong. It is just part of the human experience," says Kristin Lothman, a mind-body counselor with Mayo Clinic's Department of Integrative Medicine and Health. "Healthy anxiety calls us into action to be safe, to take care of the people that we love and to arrive at the present moment experience with resilience."
About The Quillen Chair
The James H. Quillen Chair of Excellence in Education honors former First District Congressman James H. Quillen's strong commitment to educational improvement in the region.
The current Quillen Chair is focused on:
- Rural Education and Wellness
The chairholder actively participates in:
- the life of the campus by teaching one or two classes per semester
- engaging in a progressive program of scholarship (particularly scholarship directed at the unique needs of our region)
- faculty mentoring
- grant-seeking activities.