Additional Contact Information: Department of Biomedical Sciences |
1999 - B.S., Exercise Science, East Tennessee State University2001 - M.S., Exercise Physiology, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee
2009 - Ph.D., Physiology, Medical College of Wisconsin
2011 - Postdoctoral Fellowship, Nephrology, Loyola University Chicago
1. MDIN-1314-1 – Cardiovascular, Pulmonary & Renal Course in Quillen College of Medicine
Instructor for Cardiovascular (16 contact hours) and Renal (16 contact hours) Physiology
2. MDIN-1311-1 & MDIN-1312-1 & MDIN-2311-1 – Problem Based Learning and Inquiry (IQ) in Quillen College of Medicine
Group facilitator for Foundations of Medical Knowledge, Immunology and Hematology, & Brain, Body and Behavior IQ cases (40 contact hours)
- Mannon EC, Muller PR, Sun J, Bush WB, Coleman A, Ocasio H, Polichnowski AJ, Brands MW, O’Connor PM. NaHCO3 loading causes increased arterial pressure and kidney damage in rats with chronic kidney disease. Clinical Science 138(4):189-203, 2024. PMID: 38300615
- Chopde PR, Alvarez-Cedron R, Alphonse S, Polichnowski AJ, Griffin KA, Williamson GA. Efficacy of Dynamics-based Features for Machine Learning Classification of Renal Hemodynamics. 2023 31st European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Helsinki, Finland, 2023, pp. 1145-1149, doi: 10.23919/EUSIPCO58844.2023.10289999.
- Chivers JM, Whiles SA, Miles CB, Biederman BE, Ellison MF, Lovingood CW, Wright MH, Hoover DB, Raafey MA, Youngberg GA, Venkatachalam MA, Zheleznova NN, Yang C, Liu P, Kriegel AJ, Cowley AW Jr., O’Connor PM, Picken MM, Polichnowski AJ. Brown-Norway chromosome 1 mitigates the upregulation of pro-inflammatory pathways in mTAL cells and subsequent age-related CKD in Dahl SS/JrHsdMcwi Rats. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. 324(2):F193-210, 2023. PMID: 36475869.
- Potter JC, Whiles SA, Miles CB, Whiles JB, Mitchell MM, Biederman BE, Dawoud FM, Breuel KF, Williamson GA, Picken MM, Polichnowski AJ. Salt-sensitive hypertension, renal injury, and renal vasodysfunction associated with Dahl SS rats are abolished in consomic SS.BN1 rats. J Am Heart Assoc. Nov 2;10(21):e020261, 2021. PMID: 34689582.
- Mannon E, Sartain C, Wilkes T, Sun J, Polichnowski AJ, O’Connor PM. Renal mass reduction increases the response to exogenous insulin independent of acid-base status or plasma insulin levels in rats. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. 321(4):F494-504, 2021. PMID: 34396787.
- Polichnowski AJ, Williamson GA, Blair TE, Hoover DB. Autonomic and cholinergic mechanisms mediating cardiovascular and temperature effects of donepezil in conscious mice. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 320(6):R871-884, 2021. PMID: 33851543.
- Alphonse S, Polichnowski AJ, Griffin KA, Bidani AK, Williamson GA. Autoregulatory efficiency assessment in kidneys using deep learning. 2020 28th European Signal Processing Conference(EUSIPCO), 2021, pp. 1165-1169, doi: 10.23919/Eusipco47968.2020.9287447.
- Crislip GR, Patel B, Mohamed R, Ray SC, Wei Q, Sun J, Polichnowski AJ, Sullivan JC, O’Connor PM. Ultrasound measurement of change in kidney volume is a sensitive indicator of severity of renal parenchymal injury. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. 319(3):F447-457, 2020. PMID: 32686518.
- Polichnowski AJ, Griffin KA, Licea-Vargas H, Lan R, Picken MM, Long J, Williamson GA, Rosenberger C, Mathia S, Venkatachalam MA, Bidani AK. Pathophysiology of unilateral ischemia-reperfusion injury: importance of renal counterbalance and implications for the AKI-CKD transition. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. 318(5):F1086-1099, 2020. PMID: 32174143.
- Bidani AK, Polichnowski AJ, Licea-Vargas H, Long J, Kliethermes S, Williamson GA, Griffin KA. BP fluctuations and the real-time dynamics of renal blood flow responses in conscious rats. J Am Soc Nephrol.32(2):324-336, 2020. PMID: 31792155.
Quillen Research Symposium - November, 2024

American Society of Nephrology Meeting - October, 2024

Farewell Lunch for Jacqueline Chivers - July, 2024

2024 Appalachian Student Research Forum
22nd Annual Quillen Medical Student Research Symposium
Barbara A. Horowitz and John M. Horowitz Outstanding Undergraduate Research Award and Excellence in Undergraduate Research Award
Polichnowski's Lab – May, 2023