Welcome to the Office of Graduate Medical Education at the Quillen College of Medicine!
We look forward to you joining our GME community.
Office of Graduate Medical Education

Stanton-Gerber Hall
VA Building 178
Maple Avenue
First Floor
Wing A - Room A102
Hours: 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
(423) 439-8023
Resident Onboarding:
Required Registration Materials will be available via New Innovations
All required onboarding documents will be provided via an onboarding checklist. All forms must be completed prior to the start of your residency.
Soon after the match you will receive an email from the GME office with instructions to set up your New Innovations® account, which is the resident management software (RMS). You will also receive notification of a checklist on your New Innovations® homepage of documents and modules that must be completed via the RMS and received by the designated deadline listed on each step to avoid any delays in your first day of employment.
If you arrive in town prior to orientation please make an effort to come by the GME office to complete the documents that must be done in person to ensure you are cleared to begin working. You must bring a form of original identification (no copies) for your I-9.
There is free parking during orientation week if you need to visit the GME office.
Park in Lot 51 located at the corner of Fifth Street and Memorial Avenue beside the
medical school building.
2025 Incoming Trainee Orientation
Each specialty program will have scheduled training and events through June 30th. You will be notified by your respective program of the details. A separate orientation will be provided to incoming fellow trainees who cannot arrive by that time due to commitment to their current training program.
Ballad Health Orientation
Orientation for Ballad will be held Thursday, June 19th, 2025, 12:00 pm - 5:00 pm. Orientation will be held in person at Johnson City Medical Center, 7th floor, Auditorium 1.
Veterans Administration Medical Center Orientation
Orientation for the VA overview will be held on Friday, June 20th, 8:00 a.m.-10:00 a.m, VA Building 1, Room B-06. Details regarding specific program orientations will be
provided by your program manager.
2025 Incoming Resident/Fellow Family Picnic
GME incoming resident and fellow family picnic Friday, June 27th, 12:30-2:30, Rotary Park. Watch your email for more information.