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William A. Block Jr., MD, MBA
Vice President for Clinical Affairs and Dean of the Quillen College of Medicine
Professor of OB/GYN
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Undergraduate Degree:
BS (Physics), University of the South, Sewanee, Tennessee, 1988
Graduate Education:
Masters of Business Administration, Emory University / Goizuita Business School, 2012
Medical School:
MD, East Tennessee State University / Quillen College of Medicine, 1992
University of South Carolina / Richland Memorial Hospital, Columbia, SC, 1996
Bowman Gray School of Medicine / Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC, 1998
Board Certifications:
- American Board of Obstetrics & Gynecology
- Maternal / Fetal Medicine Subspecialty
Areas of Special Interest:
- Maternal/Fetal Medicine
Brief Bio:
After working as the medical director for the Minnesota Perinatal Physicians in Minnesota,
Dr. Block returned to Quillen College of Medicine in 2016 as chair of the Department
of Obstetrics and Gynecology before serving as the university’s vice president for
Clinical Affairs and dean of Quillen College of Medicine. Dr. Block is the first Quillen
College of Medicine alumnus to serve as dean.