Melissa Altura
Clinical Instructor
Department of Biomedical Health Sciences
423-439-4538 / altura@etsu.edu
238 Lamb Hall
Box 70673, Johnson City, TN 37615
Postdoctoral Fellowship: University of Washington, 2018
PhD Microbiology, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2011
BS Biology, Georgetown University, 2005
General Microbiology Lab
Introductory Microbiology Lab
Kolodziejek AM, MA Altura, J Fan, EM Petersen, M Cook, PS Brzovic, SI Miller, 2019. "Salmonella translocated effectors recruit OSBP1 to the phagosome to promote vacuolar membrane integrity" Cell Rep. 27(7):2147-2156.
Chaudhary A, C Kamischke, M Leite, MA Altura, L Kinman, H Kulasekara, MP Blanc, G Wang, C Terhorst, SI Miller, 2018. "β-Barrel outer membrane proteins suppress mTORC2 activation and induce autophagic responses." Sci Signal. 11(558)
Altura MA, EAC Heath-Heckman, A Gillette, MJ McFall-Ngai, 2013. "The first engagement of partners in the Euprymna scolopes-Vibrio fischeri symbiosis is a two-step process initiated by a few environmental symbiont cells." Environ Microbiol. 15(11):2937-50
Altura MA, E Stabb, W Goldman, M Apicella, MJ McFall-Ngai, 2011. "Attenuation of Host NO Production by MAMPs Potentiates Development of the Host in the Squid- Vibrio Symbiosis." Cell Microbiol. 13(4):527-37
Hausmann S, MA Altura, M Witmer, SM Singer, HG Elmendorf, S Shuman, 2005. "Yeast-like mRNA capping apparatus in Giardia lamblia." J Biol Chem. 280(13):12077- 86
Farzad M, DF Soria-Hernanz, M Altura, MB Hamilton, MR Weiss, and HG Elmendorf, 2005. "Molecular evolution of the chalcone synthase gene family and identification of the expressed copy in flower petal tissue of Viola cornuta." Plant Science. 168 (4):1127- 1134