Justin Ledogar
Ph.D., 2015, Biological Anthropology, University at Albany
M.A., 2009, Biological Anthropology, Stony Brook University
B.A., 2006, Biological Anthropology, Stony Brook University
Assistant Research Professor, Department of Evolutionary Anthropology, Duke University,
Postdoctoral Research Fellowship, Zoology Division, University of New England (NSW),
HSCI 3000 Human Anatomy
My research focuses on understanding the feeding adaptations of fossil hominins, modern humans, and non-human primates. I also collaborate on projects that apply biomechanical modeling techniques to the study of form and function in non-primate animals. Please visit my personal research page here: http://justinledogar.weebly.com
2023. Sansalone G, Profico A, Wroe S, Allen K, Ledogar J, Ledogar S, Mitchell DR, Mondanaro A, Melchionna M, Castiglione S, Serio C, Raia P. Homo sapiens and Neanderthals share high cerebral cortex integration into adulthood. Nature Ecology & Evolution 7: 42–50.
2022. Ledogar JA, Senck S, Villmoare BA, Smith AL, Weber GW, Richmond BG, Dechow PC, Ross CF, Grosse IR, Wright BW, Wang Q, Byron C, Benazzi S, Carlson KJ, Carlson KB, Pryor McIntosh LC, van Casteren A, Strait DS. Mechanical compensation in the evolution of the early hominin feeding apparatus. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 289: 20220711.
2021. Cook RW, Vazzana A, Sorrentino R, Benazzi S, Smith AL, Strait DS, Ledogar JA*. The cranial biomechanics and feeding performance of Homo floresiensis. Interface Focus 11: 20200083. (*Corresponding author)
2021. JM Martin, AB Leece, S Neubauer, SE Baker, CS Mongle, G Boschian, Schwartz GT, Smith AL, Ledogar JA, Strait DS, Herries AIR. Drimolen cranium DNH 155 documents microevolution in an early hominin species. Nature Ecology & Evolution 5: 38-45.
2020. Sansalone G, Allen K, Ledogar J, Ledogar S, Mitchell D, Profico A, Castiglione S, Melchionna M, Serio A, Raia P, Wroe S. Variation in the strength of allometry drives rates of evolution in primate brain shape. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 287: 20200807.
2018. Ledogar JA, Luk THY, Perry JMG, Neaux D, Wroe S. Biting mechanics and niche separation in a specialized clade of primate seed predators. PLoS ONE 13(1): e0190689.
2017. Ledogar JA, Benazzi S, Smith AL, Weber GW, Carlson KB, Dechow PC, Grosse IR, Ross CF, Richmond BG, Wright BW, Wang Q, Byron C, Carlson KJ, de Ruiter DJ, Pryor LC, Strait DS. The biomechanics of bony facial “buttresses” in South African australopiths: an experimental study using finite element analysis. Anatomical Record 300:171-195.
2016. Ledogar JA, Dechow PC, Wang Q, Gharpure PH, Gordon AD, Baab KL, Smith AL, Weber GW, Grosse IR, Ross CF, Richmond BG, Wright BW, Byron C, Wroe S, Strait DS. Human feeding biomechanics: performance, variation, and functional constraints. PeerJ 4: e2242.
2016. Ledogar JA, Smith AL, Benazzi S, Weber GW, Spencer MA, Carlson KB, McNulty KP, Dechow PC, Grosse IR, Ross CF, Richmond BG, Wright BW, Wang Q, Byron C, Slice DE, Carlson KJ, de Ruiter DJ, Berger LR, Tamvada K, Pryor LC, Berthaume MA, Strait DS. Mechanical evidence that Australopithecus sediba was limited in its ability to eat hard foods. Nature Communications 7:10596.
2013. Ledogar JA, Winchester JM, St. Clair EM, Boyer DM. Diet and dental topography in pitheciine seed predators. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 150:107-121.
Music, hiking, skiing, spending time with my wife and two children