Stephen Rice
Ph.D. Evolutionary Biology, 2017 (San Diego State University, University of California Riverside)
M.Sc. Biology, 2011 (Old Dominion University)
B.A. Biology, 2003 (University of North Carolina Asheville)
Assistant Professor, Department of Health Sciences, East Tennessee State University (Jan 2022 – Present)
Assistant Professor, Department of Natural Sciences, Fairmont State University (Aug 2018 – Dec 2021)
Adjunct Faculty, San Diego Mirarmar College (2018)
Adjunct Faculty, San Diego State University (2017-2018)
HSCI 2010/2011 Anatomy & Physiology I
HSCI 3020 Human Physiology
Broad research interests include both direct and collaborative efforts towards:
- Developing regional and community partnerships to provide students with undergraduate research opportunities in health sciences.
- Developing student-centered pedagogical approaches for undergraduate anatomy and physiology curricula.
- Using genetic/genomic tools to understand the ecology and evolution of regional wildlife and applying this knowledge to model potential changes due to changing environmental conditions.
Glaudas X, SE Rice, RW Clark, GJ Alexander (2020) Male energy reserves, mate-searching activities, and reproductive success: alternative resource use strategies in a presumed capital breeder. Oecologia 194, 415-425 doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00442-020-04755-0.
Glaudas X, SE Rice, RW Clark, GJ Alexander (2020) The intensity of sexual selection, body size, and reproductive success in a mating system with male-male combat: is bigger better? Oikos 129, 998-1011 doi: https://doi.org/10.1111/oik.07223.
Lion KA, SE Rice, RW Clark (2018) Genetic patterns in fragmented habitats: a case study for two Peromyscus species in southern California. Journal of Mammalogy 99, 923-935.
Rose RK, RM Nadolny, J Kiser, SE Rice, HG Salamone, J Eggleston, HD Gaff (2018) Compositional changes in two small mammal communities during succession in Southeastern Virginia. Virginia Journal of Science 69, doi: https://doi.org/10.25778/DB6R-4R32.
Rice SE, E Moustakas*, R Nava, X Glaudas, G Alexander, RW Clark (2017) Characterization of 11 cross-amplifying polymorphic microsatellite loci for use in the African puff adder, Bitis arietans. Herpetology Notes 10, 329-333.
Rice SE, RW Clark (2016) Amelanism in the island night lizard, Xantusia riversiana. Herpetological Review 47, 675.
Rice SE, B Putman, H Schraft, RW Clark (2016) Crotalus oreganus helleri (Southern Pacific rattlesnake) loss of style/matrix. Herpetological Review 47, 679.
Rice SE, Beasley RR, Lance SL, Jones KL, Clark RW (2016) Development of 24 polymorphic microsatellite markers for the Island Night Lizard (Xantusia riversiana) in Microsatellite records for volume 8, issue 2. Conservation Genetics Resources, 8, 169-196 doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12686-016-0549-4.
Rice SE (2016) Range Expansion of Aspidoscelis sexlineata into the Blue Ridge Mountains. Herpetological Review 47, 257.
Schuett GW, SK Hoss, SE Rice (2012) Crotalus atrox (Western diamond-backed rattlesnake), Crotalus ruber (Red diamond rattlesnake). Loss of rattle and style/matrix. Herpetological Review 43(2), 341-342.
*Undergraduate student