Amal Khoury
Professor and Chair
Department of Health Services Management and Policy
Director, Center for Applied Research and Evaluation in Women's Health
Lamb Hall 167
PhD, Health Policy and Management (Health Services Research), Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, MarylandMPH, Health Services Administration, American University of Beirut.
Health Services Administration; Evaluation Research in Public Health; Women's Health Care and Policy; Health Care Organization and Delivery; Healthcare Finance; Evidence-Based Public Health.RESEARCH FOCUS
Organization and delivery of health care services to women; women’s health policy; access to care in underserved populations; cancer control; evaluation research; health disparitiesFUNDED RESEARCH PROJECTS
Evaluation of the South Carolina Initiative to Reduce Unintended Pregnancy, Private Foundation
Evaluation of the Southern Appalachian Tele-Homecare (SATH) Program, Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
Practices of Primary Care Providers in Southern Appalachia toward Cancer Genetics Services, ETSU Research Development Committee.
Use of Preventive Health Services among Female Medicaid Beneficiaries with and without Physical Disabilities, Florida Agency for Health Care Administration.
Breast Cancer Control: Needs and Practices of African American Women and their Providers, The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation.
Iron Supplementation in Low-Income Postpartum Women, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Evaluation of the National Breastfeeding Promotion Campaign in Mississippi, United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).
Manalew WS, Hale N, Smith MG, Khoury AJ (2024). Change in Contraceptive Use Within South Carolina Medicaid Following the Choose Well Contraceptive Access Initiative: Did COVID-19 Alter the Trends? Women’s Health Reports DOI: 10.1089/whr.2024.0040
Hale N, Lee J, de Jong J, Smith MG, Khoury AJ (2024). Contraceptive method use among a population-based cohort during the South Carolina Choose Well initiative. JAMA Network Open 7(4):e248262.
Hale N, Dehlendorf C, Smith, MG, Stapleton J, McCartt P, Khoury AJ (2024). Contraceptive counseling, method satisfaction, and planned method continuation among women in the U.S. southeast. Contraception. 132:110365.
Beatty K, Smith MG, de Jong J, Weber A, Adelli, R, Khoury A (2023). Impact of the Choose Well initiative on contraceptive access at federally qualified health centers in South Carolina: A midline evaluation. American Journal of Public Health. Published online ahead of print August 31, 2023:e1–e6.
Hale N, Manalew WS, Leinaar E, Smith M, Sen B, Khoury A (2023). Impact of the Choose Well contraceptive access initiative on method use among women enrolled in South Carolina’s Medicaid program: A midline assessment. Women’s Health Issues. August:1 – 10.
Smith MG, Beatty KE, Khoury AJ, Gilliam L, de Jong J (2023). Increases in IUD provision at Alabama Department of Public Health clinics from 2016 to 2019. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice. 29(5):E176-E180.
Beatty KE, Hale N, Khoury AJ, Smith MG, Lee J, Ventura LM (2023). Association of health insurance with contraceptive use and interpersonal quality of contraceptive care in the Southeast United States. Southern Medical Journal 116(4):358-364.
Mann AK, Khoury AJ, McCartt P, Smith MG, Hale NL, Beatty KE, Johnson L (2022). Multi-level influences on providers’ delivery of contraceptive services: A qualitative thematic analysis. Women’s Health Reports. 3(1):491-499.
Smith MG, Hale N, Kelley S, Satterfield K, Beatty K, Khoury A (2022). South Carolina’s Choose Well Initiative to reduce unintended pregnancy: Rationale, implementation design, and evaluation methodology. American Journal of Public Health. 112(S5):S484-S489.
Rocca CH, Smith MG, Hale NL, Khoury AJ (2022). Ranges of pregnancy preferences and contraceptive use: Results from a population-based survey in the Southeast United States. Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health
Beatty K, Smith MG, Khoury AJ, Ventura LM, Ariyo O, de Jong J, Surles K, Slawson D (2022). Contraceptive care service provision via telehealth early in the COVID-19 pandemic at rural and urban federally qualified health centers in 2 southeastern states. The Journal of Rural Health. 1 – 12. DOI:10.1111/jrh.12701
Manalew WS, Hale N, Leinaar E, Sen B, Smith M, Khoury AJ (2022). Medicaid cost savings from provision of contraception to beneficiaries in South Carolina, 2012-2018.” Population Health Management. DOI: 10.1089/pop.2021.0392
Sharma P, Sen B, Hale N, Manalew WS, Leinaar E, Khoury A (2022). Contraception use and pregnancy outcomes for Alabama Medicaid enrollees: A baseline analysis using 2012-2012 data. Southern Medical Journal 115(12):899-906.
Beatty KE, Smith MG, Khoury AJ, Ventura LM, Ariyo T, de Jong J, Surles K, Rahman A, Slawson D (2022). Telehealth for contraceptive care during the initial months of the COVID-19 pandemic at local health departments in 2 US states: A mixed-methods approach. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice 28(3): 299-308.
Hale N, Tatro K, Orimaye SO, Smith M, Meit M, Beatty KE, Khoury AJ (2022). Changes in adolescent birth rates within Appalachian subregions and non-Appalachian counties in the United States, 2012–2018. Journal of Appalachian Health 4(1):31–50. DOI:
Ventura LM, Beatty KE, Khoury AJ, Smith MG, Ariyo O, Slawson DL, Weber AJ (2021). Contraceptive access at federally qualified health centers during the South Carolina Choose Well initiative: A qualitative analysis of staff perceptions and experiences. Women’s Health Reports 2:1, 608-620.
Hale N, Manalew WS, Leinaar E, Smith M, Sen B, Sharma P, Khoury A 2021. Contraceptive use and pregnancy outcomes among women enrolled in South Carolina Medicaid Programs. Maternal and Child Health Journal. Online ahead of print.
Okwori G, Smith MG, Beatty K, Khoury A, Ventura L, Hale N 2021. Geographic differences in contraception provision and utilization among federally funded family planning clinics in South Carolina and Alabama. Journal of Rural Health 37(4): In Press.
Ariyo O, Khoury AJ, Smith MG, Leinaar E, Odebunmi O, Slawson DL, Hale N 2021. From training to implementation: Improving contraceptive practices in South Carolina. Contraception. DOI: 10.1016/j.contraception.2021.04.016
Beatty KE, Smith MG, Khoury AJ, Zheng S, Ventura LM, Okwori G 2021. Accessibility of federally funded family planning services in South Carolina and Alabama Preventive Medicine Reports 22: 101343.
Orimaye SO, Hale N, Leinaar E, Smith MG, Khoury A 2021. Adolescent birth rates and rural-urban differences by levels of deprivation and health professional shortage areas in the United states, 2017-108. American Journal of Public Health 111(1): 136-144.
Hale N, Smith M, Baker K, Khoury A 2020. Contraceptive use patterns among women of reproductive age in two southeastern states. Women’s Health Issues 30(6): 436-445.
Hale N, Khoury A, Smith M (2018). Use of Highly Effective Reversible Contraception in Title X Clinics: Variation by Selected State Characteristics. Women's Health Issues. 28(4).
Beatty KE, Meit M, Hale N, Khoury AJ, Masters P 2016. Clinical service delivery along the urban/rural continuum. Frontiers in Public Health Services and Systems Research. 5(1):21-27. DOI: 10.13023/FPHSSR.0501.04.
Wykoff R, Khoury AJ, Stoots JM, Pack RP 2015. Undergraduate training in public health should prepare graduates for the workforce. Frontiers in Public Health 2:285. doi:10.3389/fpubh.2014.00285.
Stoots JM, Wykoff R, Khoury AJ, Pack RP 2015. An undergraduate curriculum in public health benchmarked to the needs of the workforce. Frontiers in Public Health 3:12. doi:10.3389/fpubh.2015.00012.
Liu X, Khoury AJ, Longcoy J, Ikekwere J 2014. Grade 2 and 3 obesity and diagnosed prostate cancer in middle-aged and elderly men: an epidemiologic study with stratified multistage sampling design. ISRN Epidemiology, Article ID 715939, Accessed by
Khoury AJ, Hall AG, Andresen, Zhang J, Ward R, Jarjoura CM 2012. The association between chronic disease and physical disability among female Medicaid beneficiaries 18 – 64 years of age. Disability and Health.
Mitra AK, Khoury AJ 2011. Universal iron supplementation: a simple and effective strategy to reduce anaemia among low-income, postpartum women. Public Health Nutrition, June 2011. Available on CJO 2011 doi:10.1017/S1368980011001261
Lopez EDS, Khoury, AJ, Dailey AB, Hall AG, Chisolm LR 2009. Screening mammography: A cross-sectional study to compare characteristics of women aged 40 and older from the deep south who are current, overdue and never screeners. Women’s Health Issues, 19:435-446.
Avis-Williams A, Khoury, AJ, Lisovicz N, Graham-Kresge S 2009. Knowledge, attitudes, and practices of underserved women in the rural south toward breast cancer prevention and detection. Family & Community Health, 32 (3):238-46.
Hall A, Khoury AJ, Lopez E, Lisovicz N, Avis A, Mitra A 2008. Correlates of breast cancer fatalism. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 19(4):1328-42.
Kolbo JR, Khoury AJ, Bounds W, Lee J 2007. Overweight and obesity in the south: Prevalence and related health care costs among population groups. Southern Rural Development Center’s Food Assistance Policy Series, No. 13.
Khoury AJ, Moazzem SW, Jarjoura CM, Carothers C, Hinton A 2005. Breastfeeding initiation in low-income women: Role of attitudes, support, and perceived control. Women’s Health Issues 15(2):64-72.
Mitra AK, Khoury AJ, Carothers C, Hinton A 2004. Predictors of breastfeeding intention in low-income women. Maternal and Child Health Journal 8(2):65-70.
Mitra AK, Khoury AJ, Carothers C, Foretich C 2003. The Loving Support breastfeeding campaign: Awareness and practices of healthcare providers in Mississippi. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, and Neonatal Nursing 32:753-60.
Mitra AK, Khoury AJ, Carothers C, Foretich C 2003. Evaluation of a comprehensive Loving Support Program among state Women, Infant, and Children (WIC) program breastfeeding coordinators. Southern Medical Journal 96:168-71.
Khoury AJ, Hinton A, Mitra AK, Carothers C, Foretich C 2002. Improving breastfeeding knowledge, attitudes and practices of WIC clinic staff. Public Health Reports 117(5): 453-62.
Khoury AJ, Weisman CS 2002. Thinking about women’s health: Gender equity or gender sensitivity? Women’s Health Issues 12(2):1-4.
Khoury AJ, Mitra AK, Hinton A, Carothers C, Sheil H 2002. An innovative video succeeds in addressing barriers to breastfeeding among low-income women. Journal of Human Lactation 18(2):125-31.
Khoury AJ, Weisman CS, Jarjoura CM 2001. Ownership type and community benefits of women's health centers. Medical Care Research and Review 58(1):76-99.
Weisman CS, Khoury AJ, Cassirer C, Sharpe VA, Morlock LL 1999. The implications of affiliations between Catholic and Non-Catholic health care organizations for availability of reproductive health services. Women’s Health Issues 9(3):121-34.
Curbow B, Khoury AJ, Weisman CS 1998. Provision of mental health services in women’s health centers. Women’s Health: Research on Gender, Behavior, and Policy 4(1):71-91.
Khoury AJ, Summers L, Weisman CS 1997. Characteristics of current hospital-sponsored and non-hospital birth centers. Maternal and Child Health Journal 1(2):89-99.
Weisman CS, Curbow B, Khoury AJ 1996. Women's health centers and managed care. Women’s Health Issues 6(5):255-63.
Weisman CS, Curbow B, Khoury AJ 1995. The national survey of women's health centers: Current models of women-centered care. Women’s Health Issues 5(3):103-17.
Reading; walking; spending time with the family; exploring the beautiful Tennessee mountains and parks.