This reporting is anonymous.
The mission of Internal Audit is to provide an independent, objective assurance and consulting service that is designed to add value and improve the University's operations. Internal Audit aims to help the University accomplish its objectives by bringing a systematic, disciplined approach to evaluate and identify opportunities for improvement in the areas of risk management, internal controls, efficiency, policies, and procedures. In addition, Internal Audit is here to promote integrity and compliance across all University operations. This function is guided by the Institute of Internal Auditor's Statement of Responsibilities, Code of Conduct, and the Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing.
Internal Audit performs audits in all areas of the University. The Internal Audit staff uses their knowledge and professional judgment to provide an independent assessment of the University's financial, operational, and control activities. We examine, evaluate, and report on the adequacy of internal controls, the accuracy and propriety of transactions, the extent to which assets are accounted for and safeguarded, and the level of compliance with institutional policies, in addition to government laws and regulations. In addition, we provide analyses, assessments, recommendations, counsel, and information concerning the activities reviewed.
We have full and complete access to all records, physical properties, and personnel relevant to the audit process. Internal Audit is a resource for the University, not a threat. We report functionally and are accountable to the Audit Committee of the ETSU Board of Trustees and report administratively to the University President.
Please contact us with any ideas, questions, or concerns that you have regarding University operations. Since our mission includes promoting integrity and compliance in all University operations, we will do our best to investigate your questions or concerns and resolve them to the best of our ability. Confidentiality of the individual reporting concerns is protected by state statute unless subject to court action requiring disclosure.