Cash Receipts
Should I be collecting money on behalf of the University?
Only departments or activities authorized by ETSU's Office of Financial Services should accept payments for the University.
How often do I deposit payments and where?
All payments should be deposited intact to ETSU's Office of Financial Services or a University approved bank account for off-campus locations. These deposits should be made within three business days or daily when an office has collected $500 or more.
Where do I keep the money before transfer to the Office of Financial Services or University approved bank account?
All funds collected on behalf of the University should be secured at all times under lock with limited access.
Should I give a receipt?
Anyone making a payment to the University must be given a receipt detailing the payee, date paid, amount, payment method, and purpose of the payment.
How should checks be endorsed?
All checks should be made payable to ETSU and restrictively endorsed "For Deposit Only ETSU" immediately upon receipt.
What if I need to void a receipt?
The original receipt must be retained and attached to the copy.
What if I have an overage or shortage?
All overages and shortages should be reported to ETSU's Office of Financial Services immediately. In the case of thefts, please notify ETSU Police at (423) 439-4480 and Internal Audit at (423) 439-6155.
For further information please refer to ETSU Policies, Cash Receipts, Deposits, and Petty Cash Policy, or if assistance is needed, please contact the Office of Financial Services at (423) 439-5884 or the Department of Internal Audit at (423) 439-6155.
What types of travel may be authorized?
Authorization may be granted for travel related to executing official ETSU business, pursuing the University's mission, or attending professional meetings and conferences.
Do I need authorization for travel?
All employees must obtain prior written authorization to be on official travel status regardless of funding source.
Do I need authorization if expenses are paid personally or a source other than ETSU?
Authorization is always needed regardless of funding source for insurance coverage and documenting absence from the worksite.
Who approves travel outside the Continental USA?
Travel to Canada must be submitted through the chain of approvals to the President.
Other travel outside the Continental USA must be submitted through the chain of approvals to the President.
The President's travel outside of the Continental USA must be submitted to the Chair of ETSU's Board of Trustees for approval.
What expenses are allowable?
Reimbursement for travel expenses shall only be allowed for meal per diem and actual expenses incurred for lodging and transportation subject to maximum limitations.
What expenses are not reimbursable?
Entertainment, laundry, valet and gratuities are considered personal and not reimbursable.
Where can I find reimbursement rates?
Rates are found in the ETSU Policies, General Travel Policy.
Can I request a travel advance?
Normally expenses will be reimbursed after incurred. Travel advances are available only under extraordinary circumstances. The employee must prepare a request for Exception for Travel Advance, which is found under the travel forms at:
How do I get reimbursed for my travel expenses?
Upon return the employee must submit a claim within 30 days detailing actual expenses approved by their supervisor.
How do I request payment for conference or seminar registration fees?
The Procard may be used for payment of conference registrations, workshop registrations, and booth/exhibitor fees.
If Procards are not accepted as a form of payment, the registration can be paid by check by completing the Registration Fee Prepayment Request Form and forwarding this to the Office of Procurement and Contract Services. This form can be found under the travel forms at:
For further information please refer to the ETSU Policies, General Travel Policy, or if assistance is needed, please contact the Office of Procurement and Contract Services at (423) 439-4224 or the Department of Internal Audit at (423) 439-6155.
What purchasing methods are available?
- Purchase Requisitions - should be submitted online through the eBucs system.
- Procards - the Procurement Card Manual sets forth all processes and procedures for procard purchases.
- Contract Purchases - all purchases valued at $10,000 or more shall be based upon the principles of competitive bidding, except for the exceptions provided in the ETSU Policies, General Purchasing, Receipt of Materials, and Payment of Invoices Policy.
What types of purchases are not allowed?
- Gifts and flowers except for officially sponsored events and student activities.
- Employee awards or rewards.
- Personal purchases for employees or students.
- Professional license fees
- Membership and license fees (i.e. civic or professional organizations)
- Subscriptions
- Purchases for office use (i.e. decorations for private offices, coffee pots, microwaves, tissues, food, drinks, cups, plates, etc.)
Where should the items be delivered?
- University Purchase Orders will normally be delivered to Central Receiving.
- Procard Orders may be delivered to Central Receiving or directly to the department.
What can I use my procard for?
- Supplies, given the exceptions listed in section II.C. of the manual.
- Hazardous or Radioactive Materials with prior approval by the Radiation Safety Officer.
- Membership Dues & Subscriptions
- Postage
- Shipping Services
- Limited Travel (i.e. Airfare and Registration Fees)
- Rental of Products
- Reprints and Submission Fees
- Software (small dollar only), given the exceptions listed in the manual.
- Apps for departmental personal computational devices.
For further information please refer to the ETSU Policies, General Purchasing, Receipt of Materials, and Payment of Invoices Policy or the Procurement Card Manual. If additional assistance is needed, please contact the Office of Procurement and Contract Services at (423) 439-4224 or the Department of Internal Audit at (423) 439-6155
Can I volunteer for the same position in which I am paid?
A non-exempt employee cannot volunteer for the same position in which they are being paid.
Do overtime hours need to be approved?
An employee must receive approval from their supervisor prior to working any overtime. In order to avoid potential miscommunications, written approval should be obtained and maintained with the timekeeping records.
Should all overtime worked be recorded on the timesheet?
Any overtime worked by a non-exempt employee must be recorded on the timesheet.
What should I do if I am asked to work overtime but not record the hours?
Contact the Department of Internal Audit at (423) 439-6155 or follow the Report Fraud, Waste, or Abuse procedures outlined at:
Do I have to record all hours of leave taken?
All hours of leave taken by an employee should be appropriately recorded on the timesheet.
Does the supervisor need to review the actual timesheets during their approval process in TRS?
All timesheets should be reviewed and compared to the TRS entries when the supervisor is approving timesheets in the Time Reporting System (TRS).
Who is supposed to complete the timesheet?
The individual time report (timesheet) must be completed by the employee. The timesheet should then be submitted to the supervisor for approval prior to being entered into TRS.
What should I do if I suspect abuse of timekeeping polices or the Fair Labor Standards Act?
Contact the Department of Internal Audit at (423) 439-6155 or follow the Report Fraud, Waste, or Abuse procedures outlined at:
For further information please refer to the ETSU Board of Trustees, General Personnel Policy. If additional assistance is needed, please contact the Department of Human Resources at (423) 439-4457 or (423) 439-5825, the Payroll Office at (423) 439-5320, or the Department of Internal Audit at (423) 439-6155.