Academic Advising: Advisement for the Sevierville location occurs within academic departments at main campus or with a program advisor in Sevierville. Advisor contact information is listed by major.
Tutoring: Tutoring is available for virtual sessions for at-a-distance students through the Center for Academic Acheivement.
Proctoring: Proctoring for online courses, the California Critical Thinking Skills Test, and Accuplacer is available to by appointment by calling the Welcome Center.
Library Services: Computers are available at ETSU Sevierville to access online library resources. Jonathan Wilsonis available for appointments, dates are displayed throughout the building.
Computer Labs: ETSU Sevierville has two computer labs for student use. Welcome Center staff is available to help students with computer and printing issues. Lab hours are posted each semester and are available by calling the Welcome Center.
Orientations: New student orientations are conducted on the Johnson City campus. Please call the Welcome Center regarding questions about orientation.
Financial Aid: Students may fulfill requirements for academic performance scholarships and work-study positions at the Sevierville location. Find positions here. Financial Aid documents can be brought to Sevierville to be sent to the Financial Aid office on the main campus.
Scholarships: ETSU Sevierville offers one $500 book scholarship each year. Applications and instructions will be sent to all students enrolled in Sevierville courses. Applications will be sent to your ETSU email address. Partners in Progress is a unique to Sevierville scholarship. Please follow the link to the left for more information, or for questions please call the Welcome Center.
Bookstore: Students may search and purchase textbooks online.
Office Assistance: Prospective students are provided information about admission to the university and programs available in Sevierville and the main campus. Information regarding tutoring, computer labs, and scholarships may be obtained from the Welcome Center. Additional assistance to students includes faxing materials (Admissions, Registrar, Financial Aid and Bursar’s Office) and referring students to appropriate offices on main campus. ETSU Sevierville does not accept fee payments. Students or interested individuals may call or stop by the Welcome Center for assistance during office hours.
Student Recruitment: The Sevierville campus facilitates recruitment by providing marketing, advertising, news releases, printed posters, flyers and mailers to Sevier surrounding counties. Information meetings may be periodically scheduled at each potential site to gauge interest and answer prospective student questions. These meetings may include representatives from the departments, financial aid, and graduate school (when appropriate).
Counseling: ETSU students have counseling services available through the ETSU Counseling Center. A Mental Health Help Line called BucsPress2 at 423-439-4841 then press 2 is available 24 hours per day. Contact the Main Office for additional information if needed.
Disability Services: Disability services are available by contacting the office of Disability Services on the main campus.
Veterans Affairs: For help with Veterans Affairs issues, please visit the Veterans Affairs website.
Student Activities: Student activities are offered throughout the year and may include lunches, pumpkin painting, costume contests, and more. Activities will be posted throughout the buidling.