Interpreter Request
To request ASL interpreting, please use the Interpreter Request form appropriate for your role: Student or Staff/ Faculty/Community Member. Please request your interpreter at least 5 business days in advance.
Philosophy and Mission
Disability Services offers a variety of accommodations and assistance to qualifying students who register with our office. Our mission is to provide services and promote an accessible environment which allows people with disabilities an equal opportunity for participation in educational pursuits and other campus activities.
- Assists students in negotiating disability-related barriers to their pursuit of education.
- Strives to improve access to university programs, activities, and facilities for students with disabilities.
- Promotes increased awareness of disability issues on campus.
- Aids in developing self-awareness, self-determination, and self-advocacy.
Disability Services has returned to the D.P. Culp Center, with our new office space located in Suite 390! We will continue to offer meetings by phone or by Zoom with all incoming and established students. You can review the ETSU mask policy and COVID-19 Guidelines here: ETSU's Face Covering Policy. Please feel free to reach us by telephone at 423-439-8346 or by email at
Please be advised: Summer is a busy time of year for our office. Do your best to reach out in a timely manner to avoid experiencing any delays in getting services set up.