Middle School Cross Country

Middle School Cross Country 2022
Coaches: Ms. Jennifer Ledbetter ledbetterj@etsu.edu
Ms. Ann Marie Stippey stippey@etsu.edu
Middle School Cross Country - 2022-2023 Tentative Meet Schedule
MS Cross Country Schedule 2023
August 2nd Practice 3:15-4:30pm CPA/Soccer Fields
August 7th Practice 3:15-4:30pm CPA/Soccer Fields
August 9th Practice 3:15-4:30pm CPA/Soccer Fields
August 15th Practice 3:15-4:30pm CPA/Soccer Fields
August 17th Practice 3:15-4:30pm CPA/Soccer Fields
August 22nd Meet TBA Morristown
August 24th Practice 3:15-4:30pm CPA/Soccer Fields
August 26th Meet TBA Bristol (TN)
August 28th Practice 3:15-4:30pm CPA/Soccer Fields
August 30th Meet TBA Greeneville
September 5th Practice 3:15-4:30pm CPA/Soccer Fields
September 9th Meet TBA Ashley Academy
September 11th Meet TBA Providence
September 14th Practice 3:15-4:30pm CPA/Soccer Fields
September 16th Meet TBA Jonesborough
September 19th Sectionals TBA Daniel Boone
Attn Middle School Cross Country Parents:
Important XC Season Information
We will try to practice two days a week, weather permitting. Practice days will be Tuesday and Thursday.
Practice time is 3:15-4:30.
Pickup should be promptly at 4:30. Three late (later than 4:35) pickups will result in a meeting with the athletic director and possible dismissal from the team.
Runners will be given a workout schedule to complete at home on non-practice days.
Please note that due to the TSSAA Policy on Outdoor Sports Practice during times of extreme heat, Cross Country practice may be cancelled by the coach or Athletic Director. Please remind athletes to bring a water bottle and to drink plenty of water at school and at home!
Runners - please note that you MUST have a physical and turn in your Emergency Treatment Form ASAP. You cannot participate in a meet until these forms are returned
Directions to University School Cross Country Meets:
Terry Hull Crawford Classic
Access to the course for cars is from the TN 70 Bypass (Asheville
Hwy). Parking is restricted to designated areas at the XC course. Coaches with
equipment, meet officials, elderly and
handicapped patrons only will be allowed to park in a reserved area near the
start/finish area. You will be directed up the hill to a drive going out to this
area. All other cars will be directed to parking areas. Late arrivals will need
to park near the Bypass.
NO ONE will be allowed to drive across the course during a race.
There will be a $5 per vehicle parking donation requested at the
race site. No charge for coach parking.
Holston Dam (Run for the Hills Meet)
Take Bristol Highway. Just before Bristol Speedway take right onto 394. Go straight through red light. Stay on 394 (5/6 miles) to second red light. Take right onto 421. Follow signs to Holston Dam.
David Crockett High School (Santo Cicirello Meet)
Take West Market Street out of town towards Jonesborough. West Market Street becomes Jackson Blvd (2.1 mile). Turn left onto N Washington Drive (0.2 mile). Turn right onto W Main St. (0.8 mile). Continue on Old TN-34 (2.0 mile). David Crockett will be on your right.
Daniel Boone High School (Region and Trailblazer)
Take I-181 N to Exit 42. Turn left. The school is a couple miles ahead on the left.
Winged Deer Park
Take Bristol Highway and Winged Deer Park will be on the left. Take Carroll Creek Road until the boat dock. The race is to the right of the boat dock and pavilion.
Steele Creek, Bristol (Bristol Cross Meet)
Take Bristol Highway to State Street (in Bristol). Turn left on State Street. Stay on State Street bearing left in front of the Walmart. Go past the K-Mart. Turn left at Taco Bell and CVS. Turn left on 126. Steele Creek Park is one mile ahead.
Warriors Path State Park
Take 1-181 towards Kingsport and take Rock Springs Road exit. After you exit turn right onto Moreland Drive. You will pass Sullivan South High School on your left. Continue on road, crossing straight through red light on Ft. Henry Drive and follow road until you reach park. Follow signs.
VA Meets
Turn into the Veterans Administration (VA) from State of Franklin (across from the Mini-Dome at ETSU)
Victor Ashe Park, Knoxville
From downtown Knoxville, take Western Avenue headed west; after approximately four miles, turn right onto Pleasant Ridge Road; go approximately three miles (before Northwest Middle School) and turn left onto Bradshaw Road; park is on immediate right.
Hagan Stone, Greensboro, NC
From I-40 E towards Greensboro merge onto US-220 S via Exit 218A toward US-220 S/Asheboro/I-85-BR S. Merge onto I-85 N via Exit 78. Take the US-421, exit on Exit 126 toward Sanford. Merge onto US-421 S/Joseph M Hunt Jr Expy via Exit 126A toward Sanford. Turn right onto Hagan-Stone Park Road.