Remember When? Remember Again......
Class of 1965 at their 20 th Class Reunion in 1985. Photo taken at Johnson City Country Club.
Left to right (from 1965 Jr. Buccaneer):
- Janet Bailey, class of '66
- Judy Green, '67
- Jane Hyder, '68
Lester Young
Freehold, NJ
UH '65
First grade - Jane Dove, Carl Lundstrom, Mr. A.A. Manley, conductor
4th grade
1st photo - 2nd grade, 1954-1955
2nd photo - 1st grade, 1954-1955
3rd photo - Julia Ann Honaker, Dick Bridgeforth, Bobby King, Marcia Lynn Wood, Bill
Sherrod, Betsy Hodges, John Lindley, Anny Dough, Mark Beasley
4th photo - 7th grade, 1954-1955
5th photo - 6th grade, 1954-1955
The 1963 Junior Buccaneer, ETSU University High Annual, has arrived and is dedicated
to Miss Vella Mae Smith of the school faculty. Pictured reviewing a copy of the annual
are Miss Smith and co-editors Tommy Walters and William Schmidt.
1954-1955 - 1st photo - Barbara Miller, Sr., Doris McKee, Sr., Rachael Sanders, Sr.; 2nd photo -Bobby Wooters, Student teacher, Jack Neale, Sr.; 3rd photo -Bobby Wooters, Student teacher Biology; 4th photo -Nancy West, Student Faculty Vice-President; 5th photo -Beverly Nenson, 10th Grade; 6th photo -Deanna Webster, Sr.
These area students were winners of the state High School Mathematics Contest held
at East Tennessee State College. Shown receiving their awards from Charles F. Taylor
of the ETSC Mathematics Department faculty are Fred Hicks, Science Hill, winner in
Geometry; Charles Snell, ETSC Training School, winner in Algebra II; Lester Young,
ETSC Training School, winner in Algebra I; and Frederick Russ, Dobyns-Bennett, winner
in comprehensive mathematics.
Click on "start" to begin slide show below!
May Day, May 14, 1953. Photos submitted by Ed Tillman, MRE, NCAC, email
Picture 1 - Gary Pleasant and ? Picture 2 - Sherry Vaughn and ?
Prom Picture packages - $3.50
Brownie Gentry is one of 50 high school students to win a set of the handsome "Aristocrat" World Book encyclopedia in a recent essay contest.
Cafeteria? Picnic?Food on table?
"And that's Canus Minor," says Marcia Wood, to her Daddy Star Wood and her classmates Ann Doughty and Polly Lancaster. Marcia and her fifth-grade classmates at the East Tennessee State College Training School gave a "solar trip into space" for over 30 of their parents as part of their class work on stars and planets for Miss Isabel Martin, Training School fifth grade teacher.
1961 - East Tennessee State College's Training School fifth graders on their annual
camping trip to Buffalo Mountain Camp with their teacher, Ms. Isabel Martin. The fifth
grade goes to the camp for a week each spring to get practical experience in studying
the out-of-doors to compliment their classroom study. (Click on pictures to view larger images)
Medical attention: Shirley Holtzclaw is shown being checked over by Mrs. Howell Sherrod, registered nurse, who served as camp nurse. Also pictured is Diane Swingle.
Students look over a wild flower bank which is blooming abundantly as the result of soil restoration done by previous 5th grade campers. Pictured are Anna Leah Brown, Richie Frances, Miss Isabel Martin, Mike Lloyd, and Annie Brewer.
Programs around the Camp Fire in the evenings were a feature of activities. Pictured rehearsing for an Indian camp fire program are Larry Burdick, Marcia Wood, Myra Mathes, and Mark Beasley. Also pictured are two ETSC students who were members of the camp's counselors' staff. They are John Whited and Jennie Steffey.
Keeping their cabins clean was among the daily duties. Pictured at the steps are Laura Hodges, Marlene Collette, and Anne Doughty. Pictured on the porch are Cathy Cargill, Mary Mielke, and Diane Swingle. Also pictured is Betty Berkley, ETSC student who was one of the camp's counselors.
Three students examine a jack-in-the-pulpit which was discovered in the course of a wildflower study tour at the camp. Pictured are Mike Lingerfelt, Carol Clack, and Ronnie Nelson.
Field trips for on-the-spot knowledge of natural life studied in their science courses were an important part of the program of the annual camping trip. Pictured with some of the specimens discovered are Laura Hodges, Bobby Garrett, Bobby Edmisten, Julia Honaker, and Cathy Hartsell. Also pictured is ETSC student Sandra Holtzclaw, camp counselor.
Response to date:
(1) First Grade - Lanty Ross Lindley, Carol Ann Shadoan
3rd Grade United Nations Unit
Response to date:
(1) From left Susan Miller and Betty Gayle Young
Anne Wilson
1960 Training School Class in 2nd Grade
1960 Training School Class Reunion in 1985
Above photos submitted by Kent McCune, Class of 1960. Thanks, Kent!!!!!
Multiple grade levels working together from the beginning.....Can you answer the
questions on the board?
The tenth grade English class at East Tennessee State College's Training School is drawing a mural to illustrate some of the stories the students are reading in their literature studies. The pictured students include Mark Bashor, Mike Barwick, Ellen Dove, Zella Reedy, Chris Hodges, and Diane Patterson. (written on back of photo)
Responses to date:
(1) Female far right identified as Diane Patterson may really be Helen Lou Lacy not sure
Kent McCune, class of 1960
(2)First female from left Mary Crumley and next is Kathy Gerace
Anne Wilson
(3) These students are from the 1964 graduating class so if the photo was taken in 10th grade it would have been taken during the 1961-1962 school year
John Hawthorne
Fourth-grade East Tennessee State College Training School students came from all over the area to meet their teacher Mrs. Lillian F. Poe, who lived on Maple Street, and walk to school with her. Pictured are Carol Clack, Ronnie Nelson, Mrs. Poe, and Robert Murdock.
Responses to date:
(1) Lilian Poe, 4th Grade, was my all-time favorite teacher.
Kent McCune, class of 1960
Annual White Christmas was held at East Tennessee State College's Training School
Saturday, December 17, 1960. Training School pupils returned to the school Saturday
morning, before beginning their holidays, to make their contributions to the collection
of gifts for needy persons collected at the school in the White Christmas program.
Pictured against a background of part of this year's collection are Training School
students (L-R) from the 4th, 3rd, 2nd, and 1st grades, Mary Lou Manning, Jane Blair
Stevenson, David Francis, and Terry Turner. Also pictured are Training School Director
John H. Arrants and Captain H.H. Lawson of the local Salvation Army.
Instrumental Ensemble looks a little different!
Responses to date:
(1) Band Picture: circa 1958 - 1962
First row, left, closest to stage, holding flute is Schery Lodter (Collins), class of 1962, who now lives in Abingdon, VA. Her Dad taught (French I think) at ETSC (as it was then).
The director is, I think, Mr. Lindley. If Lindley, he was also the ETSC band director, and maybe the head of music dept. Lindley died somewhere between 1958 and 1962.
First trombone is, I believe, Alfred Gervin; 2nd trombone Mac Sams
Two behind the director, square in front of the sousaphone, is Judy Myron(Horton), class of 1960.
First sax is, I believe, Marshall Lee Smith, class of 1960.
2nd clarinet in from outside is, I believe, Parker Davis, circa 1962, whos father was a Dean at ETSC
(I played baritone horn in the band from 1955 or 1956 to 1960, and was Drum Major some years, but Im not in this picture.)
Kent McCune, class of 1960
Responses to date:
(1) Possibly portraying the 1st Thanksgiving.....
Responses to date:
(1) Perhaps these young students were preparing for a future as Buc Basketball players?
(2)Jr. Bucs Exercise Picture:
Left most is Buddy Hartsell, an outstanding athlete and very nice person, who married Linda Kelly (not Training School grad; graduated from ETSU circa 1963).
Kent McCune, class of 1960
As our country honors our Veterans this November, ETSU and University School expresses our gratitude for those who have served.
Responses to date:
(1)Homecoming? FallFormal?
Responses to date:
(1) History of challenging our Bucs.....optimizing brain performance through physical activity. Exercises involving learning a series of complex movements while coordinating ones balance have been proven to generate a greater number of connections between neurons. These connections make it easier for students of all ages to learn..... Of course, physical activity, such as baton twirling, can also be a lot of fun!!
Responses to date:
(1) This is the old shop which is now my Art Room!! The little boy is literally sitting in my closet, which is no bigger than 6 X 10 in area. He looks as if he is in detention.
Ms. Sharon Squibb, University School Art Instructor
(1) "Switzerland" - 3rd Grade 1955