Physics Minor
See the ETSU Catalog description for more information about the Physics minor.
The Minor in Physics requires 20 credit hours in Physics.
These include:
- PHYS 2110/2120: Technical Physics I/II 5 credit hours each
- 10 hours of PHYS electives chosen from any of the 3000-4000 level Physics courses, with the exception of PHYS-4850, Seminar in Physics
For more information on the Physics minor, contact Physics faculty advisors Dr. Mark Giroux or Dr. Beverly Smith
Astronomy Minor
See the ETSU Catalog description for the Astronomy minor
The Astronomy minor requires a total of 21 credit hours.
These include:
- ASTR 1020: Astronomy II (4 credit hours, with required laboratory)
- PHYS 2010/2011 and PHYS 2020/2021: General Physics I and II, Lecture and Lab (3+1 credit hours each lecture/lab combination)
Note that PHYS 2110/2120: Technical Physics I and II (5 credit hours each) can be substituted for the four course combination PHYS 2010/2011/2020/2021
Plus 9 credit hours selected from:
- ASTR 3415: Astrophysics (3 credit hours)
Note that this course has a pre-requisite of Calculus I (MATH 1910) in addition to PHYS 2010 or PHYS 2110 - ASTR 3970: Variable Stars (2 credit hours)
Note that this course requires both ASTR 1010 (Astronomy I) and ASTR 1020 (Astronomy II) or permission of instructor - ASTR 4110: Extragalactic Astronomy (4 credit hours)
This course requires ASTR 1020 and PHYS 2010 or PHYS 2110 - ASTR 4910: Independent Study in Astronomy (1-4 credit hours)
This course requires permission of the instructor. Generally students are expected to have taken at least one of the other upper level classes before taking this course.
Physics majors who wish to minor in Astronomy are allowed to count Technical Physics I and II for both the major and minor, however, the upper level astronomy classes can only be used for either the Astronomy Minor or the Physics Major, but not both at the same time.
For more information, contact faculty advisors:
- Dr. Mark Giroux or call 423-439-8684
- Dr. Beverly Smith or call 423-439-8418
- Dept Chair Dr. Donald Luttermoser or call 423-439-7064
Last updated: 6/21/2024