Fall 2018
Fall 2016
Spring 2016
The Human Services Program at East Tennessee University has been accredited by the Council for Standards in Human Service Education
ETSU Human Services Graduates work with Niswonger’s Child Life Services Department
Just For Kids – Child Life Services highlights the Child Life Services Department at Niswonger Children’s Hospital and features 2 ETSU graduates. View the article and video.
Human Services Online Program Ranked 12th in NationEast Tennessee State University’s Human Services Online Degree Program has been ranked 12th in the nation by AffordableCollegesOnline.org. View the press release.
The Counseling Program
Three Counseling Program Students and GAs with THRIVE in the Counseling Center participated in the 2016 Dare to Care Challenge as part of Civility Week. You can see the video entries on YouTube.
The Participants:
Jesse Henderson, originally from Chatham, VA, with a BS in Psychology from Averett University in Danville, VA, is now a GA for the Alcohol and Other Drug Program and intern in the ETSU Counseling Center, with a concentration in College Counseling/Student Affairs with the Counseling Program.
Kemble Bray, originally from Smyrna, TN, with a B.S. in Music at Austin Peay State University in Clarksville, TN, is now GA at THRIVE with the ETSU Counseling Center with a concentration in College Counseling/Student Affairs with the Counseling Program.
Molly Cleek, originally from Kingsport, TN, with a B.S. in Psychology at ETSU in Johnson City, TN, is now GA at THRIVE with the ETSU Counseling Center with a concentration in Clinical Mental Health with the Counseling Program.Clanci Tipton is an alum of our program featured in this statewide school counseling e-newsletter. Also, there are several local professionals on the newly established Tennessee State School Counseling Advisor Council – including alum and adjunct professor, Dr. Greg Wallace.
The Bachelor of Science in Human Services Program at East Tennessee University has been accredited by the Council for Standards in Human Service Education (CSHSE) for the period of February, 2016 through February 2021.Congratulations!
Human Services Online Program Ranked 12th in Nation
East Tennessee State University’s human services online degree program has been ranked 12th in the nation by AffordableCollegesOnline.org
Summer 2015
As of July 2015, all four of our Counseling Program concentrations are accredited by the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs!
Spring 2015
Faculty Awards
Jamie Kridler - Outstanding Service
Cecil Blankenship - CollaborationStaff Awards
Trish Lowe - Support Staff
Student Awards
Rickie Carter - Outstanding Graduate Student
Michelle Kelly - Outstanding Student
Damian McClintock - Outstanding Field Experience
Elick Combs, III - Outstanding Student Worker
Liz Leinaar - Outstanding Graduate Assistant
Antonina Ignatiuc - Outstanding Tuition Scholar -
Fall 2014
Summer 2014
New Hires
Please welcome Aminda Miles, Department Secretary, and Dr. Bill Garris, Human Services Assistant Professor.
Community Service Projects
Dr. Jamie Kridler provides services through the Forth Judicial Court Clinic.
Dr. Jamie Kridler conducted the research project PASS: Positive Alternatives to School Suspension.
Professional Organization Leadership
Dr. Rebekah Byrd- served as President-elect Tennessee Association of Counselor Education and Supervision (President 14-15) and President of the Watauga Counseling Association
Dr. Mary Langenbrunner awarded $10,000 through the Administrative Offices of Courts to work with high conflict divorcing families.
Dr. Joyce Duncan (with Linda Bearfield) was awarded an Instructional Development Grant: Poverty Simulation and facilitated 2 of these programs last year.
Accreditation Status
Human Services successfully applied for accreditation in Spring 2014 and are beginning their self-study.
Counseling successfully submitted the accreditation self-study in February 2014 and will have a site visit in February 2015.
State, National, and Regional Awards
Dr. Janna Scarborough (with colleagues) received the 2013 Outstanding Research Award from the Association of Counselor Education and Supervision
Dr. Janna Scarborough- 2013 Counselor Educator of the Year from the Tennessee School Counselor Association
Drs. Byrd, Farmer, and Scarborough presented at the
Tennessee Counseling Association Conference in Nashville, TN.
Several Counseling students and ETSU alumni also presented at the state conference.
The Counseling Program's Dr. Brent Morrow is the director of the
International Friendship Program and International Buccaneer Buddies.
Please see the invitation to participate.For more information, see the International Friendship Program website or like them on Facebook.
Dr. Rebekah Byrd is the lead editor of a new School Counseling textbook!
Dr. Joyce Duncan and Teresa Brooks Taylor co-authored Coming Full Circle: A Guide to Service Learning published in 2012. Published by Cognella Academic Publications.
"Coming Full Circle is a unique stand-alone text for courses that connect service to the community to the acquisition of academic knowledge - courses that ask students to venture into the outside world, and engage in the problems and projects of the communities surrounding their schools."
Human Services Faculty members: Steve Cockerham, Cecil Blankship, Jamie Kridler, Mary Langenbrunner, and Teresa Brooks Taylor
attended and presented at the Southern Organization for Human Services.Dr. Cockerham serves as the immediate past president!