Field Experience Placements
Field Experience Placements
Field experience placements allow students the opportunity to complete observational or hands-on experiences within a classroom of a partnering school district. Students encounter multiple field experience opportunities working through our programs within Clemmer College of Education and Human Development. These experiences expose students to many teaching styles and pedagogies. It is critical for students to observe and apply real world practice to what is being taught in the classroom.
Field Experience Placement Guidelines
Please see the below steps you will need to complete for your Field Experience Placement. You can also find this information in the Field Placement Timeline.
Step 1: Online Field Experience Placement Request Form
The Online Field Placement Request Form is the first step to request a placement. It is recommended that students complete the online request form prior to the first day of class. Students can confirm that a field placement is part of their class requirements on the first day of classes when their instructor goes over the syllabus.
Students should complete the online Field Experience Request Form ONE (1) time and list ALL field classes that require placement.
Students may not double count hours. All hours must be completed for each course for which students are enrolled. (For example, if a student is enrolled in two courses with 20 hours for each course, then the student must complete a total of 40 hours. The same hours cannot count for both classes.)
Request Form Final Deadlines: (No placements will be requested after these deadlines)
- Fall Semester: September 15
- Spring Semester: February 15
The Spring 2025 Online Field Experience Request Form is now OPEN. Click here to complete the Online Field Placement Request Form. Please email the Office of Educator Preparation at if you have any questions.
Step 2: Background Check Package (fingerprinting + 3 forms)
All students who participate in a field experience placement are required to complete a Background Check Package, which consists of fingerprinting and 3 required forms. This Background Check Package will be good for one calendar year.
If you have completed a Background Check Package within the past 12 months with the Office of Educator Preparation, you may be eligible for a Background Check Package Affirmation. This affirmation can extend the duration of the background check for the next year. Please email the Office of Educator Preparation at or call 423-439-7597 to inquire.
If you have never completed a Background Check Package or it has been over 12 months since your previous Background Check Package was completed with the Office of Educator Preparation, please follow the link below for directions to complete a Background Check Package (fingerprinting + 3 required forms):
Background Check Package Final Deadlines:
- Fall Semester: September 15
- Spring Semester: February 15
You must complete the Background Check Package (fingerprinting + 3 forms) before the final deadline or you will not be able to receive a field experience placement.
Step 3: Placement Confirmation
The Office of Educator Preparation will email students their assigned field experience placement and teacher information once the placement has been confirmed by the school district.
Students need to contact their assigned field experience teacher via email within ONE WEEK of receiving their placement to set up their first classroom visit.
When the student receives the email reply from their assigned teacher, they will need to forward the email reply from their assigned teacher to Once this email has been received in the Office of Educator Preparation, the student placement is confirmed.
*If you do not hear back from your mentor teacher within one week of contacting them, email the Office of Educator Preparation at for assistance.
Step 4: Field Experience Verification
The student should have their mentor teacher in their field experience placement complete the Field Experience Verification Form AFTER all required field experience hours have been completed (No electronic signatures will be accepted).
Click Here: Field Experience Verification Form
Once the Field Experience Verification Form is complete, it is the student's responsibility to return the Field Experience Verification form to the Office of Educator Preparation either in person or by scanning and emailing to: by the last day of classes for the semester.
*The Field Experience Verification Form must be returned by the last day of class in order to pass your course.
**Please note that instructors may have other due dates for paperwork so please consult your syllabus. Students must follow the deadline of their instructor if he/she requires this paperwork earlier than the dates required by the Office of Educator Preparation.
If you have any questions about the steps of the Field Experience Placement Guidelines, please contact the Office of Educator Preparation at or 423-439-7597.
Deadlines for Requesting a Field Experience Placement
Fall Semester
Online Request Form Opens: June 1
Online Request Form Deadline: September 15
Background Check Package Deadline: Sept. 15
(No placements will be requested after Sept. 15)
Spring Semester
Online Request Form Opens: December 1
Online Request Form Deadline: February 15
Background Check Package Deadline: Feb. 15
(No placements will be requested after Feb. 15)
The Spring 2025 Online Field Experience Placement Request Form is now OPEN. Click here to complete the Online Field Experience Request Form. Please email the Office of Educator Preparation at if you have any questions.
Field Experience Placement Information
- Complete the online Field Experience Placement Request Form by the deadline.
- After the placement deadline September 15 (Fall)/February 15 (Spring), the online request form cannot be completed; therefore, students cannot be placed.
- Complete required documentation and background checks prior to all school placements. Students will not receive a placement until the Online Field Experience Request Form and Background Check Package (fingerprinting + 3 forms) or Affirmation is complete.
- Contact the assigned field placement mentor teacher via email within one week of receiving your assigned placement asking the mentor teacher to send an email response with a date for their initial meeting.
- Forward the email reply from the assigned mentor teacher to the Office of Educator Preparation,, to confirm the placement.
- Establish a clear schedule with the field placement mentor teacher before completing hours and make sure he/she is notified of any changes or absences in advance.
- Notify the Office of Educator Preparation ASAP regarding issues or concerns with the placement or of extenuating circumstances that might interfere with the field placement.
Expected Duties:
- Allow for adequate time in the semester to complete required hours.
- Follow procedures at school placement where placed (i.e., dress code, professionalism, etc.).
- Maintain confidentiality with ALL student information (student records, conversations, etc.).
- Do not share information about the school, students, mentor teachers, etc., privately or publicly to others.
- Refrain from posting materials, information, photos, or personal commentary on social networking sites.
- Refrain from serving where you have close friends or relatives due to a conflict of interest and confidentiality issues.
- Avoid bringing others (e.g., personal child, significant other, etc.) with you to the assigned school.
- Upon their arrival and departure, students should sign in and out of the school in the office using the school's procedures.
- Logged hours must match the total amount of hours indicated on the Field Experiences Verification Form.
- Turn in the Field Experience Verification Form to the Office of Educator Preparation no later than the last day of classes
- Provide required paperwork to your instructor per syllabus deadline.
Please note the Honor Code and Pledge about falsifying information. Falsification of hours will not be tolerated.
Honor Code and Honor Pledge
Please note the Honor Code and Pledge stated below. Falsifying information including falsification of hours will not be tolerated.
Honor Code
East Tennessee State University is committed to developing the intellect and ethical behavior of its students. Students found to be in violation of policies on plagiarism, cheating, and/or fabrication will be held accountable for their actions. Any knowledge of academic misconduct should be reported. Students are expected to act with honesty, integrity, and civility in all matters. Honor Code revised and adopted February 16, 2012.
Honor Pledge
By becoming a member of the campus community, students agree to live by the standards of the honor code and thereby pledge the following: “I pledge to act with honesty, integrity, and civility in all matters.” Honor Pledge revised and adopted February 16, 2012.
Tennessee Mandatory Reporting
All members of the University community are responsible for compliance with Tennessee laws on mandatory reporting of child abuse and child sexual abuse. Go to the Tennessee Department of Children’s Services website to find out more information on how to identify and report child abuse and child sexual abuse.
University students placed in school districts should proactively ask the field experience and residency site for the school’s procedures for mandatory reporting and adhere to those reporting structures when possible.
View full Mandatory Reporting protocol here.
The Completed Field Experience Information form allows students to track their field experiences leading up to residency and/or graduation. It is encouraged to track each placement throughout your academic career.