To optimize the client’s self-care capabilities by empowering them to direct his/her own life decisions.
To identify the extent of the client’s informal support systems.
To assist the client in locating and accessing existing services in areas including entitlement benefits (Medicaid and/or Social Security Disability Services), medical care, housing, counseling, transportation, and legal services.
To ensure that duplication of services by formal and informal support systems does not occur.
To provide the client with educational information regarding disease transmission and maintenance of a healthy lifestyle, and encourage and reinforce good health habits and secondary prevention methods over the course of case management.
To identify and document patterns of service needs and advocate for effective policies and resource development.
To facilitate the initial and on-going education of health care and social service providers to the issues surrounding HIV disease.
To ensure that program funding is appropriately used to meet the documented needs of HIV+ persons throughout the region in a manner that coordinates funding streams and makes use of existing community resources and services.
Our Beginning
In 1996, a statewide coalition of individuals, agencies and organizations involved in the medical care and support of HIV/AIDS patients was formed. Meetings began early in 1997. A goal of the coalition activity was to create a statewide standard for optimal care of HIV/AIDS patients. This involved recognition of certain sites where a superior level of care was already available (Centers of Excellence). Also established was a method to determine what comprises optimal care.
These activities resulted in a framework attractive to and supported by not only patients, but also by various insurance entities and other organizations that are involved with these patients.
The Center of Excellence project is a standardized and coordinated delivery system encompassing a comprehensive range of services needed by individuals or families with HIV disease to meet their healthcare and psychological needs throughout all stages of the illness.
The State of Tennessee provides HIV drug assistance, medical services and insurance assistance for eligible Tennessee residents. To be eligible for coverage by the Ryan White Part B Medical Services Program, the Insurance Assistance Program, and the HIV Drug Assistance Program, a recipient must meet the program criteria and then see a medical case manager.
The East Tennesee State University HIV/AIDS Center of Excellence is the clinical arm of the Center of Excellence in Inflammation, Infectious Disease, and Immunity at Quillen College of Medicine. In this capacity, the COE also provides avenues for research and interprofessional education.
Team Building