Pediatric Gastroenterology

Anjali Malkani, MD
Medical School/Rotating Internships: Calcutta National Medical College University of Calcutta, India
Residency: Pediatrics All Children’s Hospital University of South Florida St. Petersburg
Fellowship: Pediatric GI, Stanford University Medical Center Stanford, California
American Board of Pediatrics
American Board of Pediatrics, Sub-board of Gastroenterology
Certified Nutrition Support Clinician
Tennessee Medical Board License
American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (ASPEN)
American College of Gastroenterology (ACG)
Faust B, Faust, Costello P, Malkani A. (2021) “Development of Eosinophilic Esophagitis Following Adalimumab Treatment in Two Adolescents with Crohn’s Disease” Presented at the ETSU 36th Annual Pediatric Conference, /2nd Place, Medical Case Study Category, Aug 2021 and presented at 2021 TNAAP Pediatrician in Training Poster Session - Aug 2021
Denton K, Alfaro-Cruz L, Malkani A. (2021) “When a Nasogastric Tube Becomes More Than a Foreign Body: A Puzzling Nasogastric Tube" Presented at the ETSU 36th Annual Pediatric Conference, Winner/1st Place, Medical Case Study Category -Aug 2021, the 2021 TNAAP Pediatrician in Training Poster Session - Aug 2021, and the ACG conference Oct 2021
Khan N, Lamsal R, Malkani A. (2021) “Vit K deficiency in the setting of long term blenderized Gtube feeds ” poster presentation at the 36th Annual ETSU Pediatric Conference, October 2021
Blanchard I, Malkani A. (2021) “Cotton Candy- A ‘Freeze form” of Pica”, Poster presentation at the ETSU 36th Annual Pediatric Conference Poster Presentation August 2021 and at the ACG Virtual October 2020
Widner J, Jain A, Malkani A (2019)“ Where’s the Coin” poster presentation at the 35th Annual ETSU Pediatric Conference, August.
Khan N, Taimur M, Malkani A, Lamsal R. Vitamin K Deficiency in the Setting of Blenderized Tube Feeding Regimen in a Teenager: A Case Report. J Diet Suppl. 2022:1-7. PMID: 35014576
Malkani A, Ramprasad C. (Dec 2018) “ACG Highlights in Pediatric Research.” Gastroenterology and Endoscopy News Vol 69, Number 12, Pages 62-64