Hospital Medicine

Patricia Chambers, MD
Associate Professor
Medical Education: Temple University School of Medicine
Residency: Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Fellowship: Pediatric Emergency Medicine Division of Emergency Medicine Cincinnati Children’s
Hospital Medical Center, Ohio
2001-2004 Pennsylvania Training License
2004, 2014 American Board of Pediatrics, Board Certified
2004-2020 Ohio Medical Board, License 35.084127
May 2020 Advanced Cardiac Life Support
May 2020 Pediatric Advanced Life Support
June 2020 Virginia Medical Board
July 2020 Tennessee Medical Board
February 2022 Advanced Trauma Life Support
Chambers P. Benz L. Boat A. Patient and Family Experience in the Healthcare Value Equation: Current Treatment Options in Pediatrics. Current Treatment Options in Pediatrics. 2016; 2(4):267-279. DOI: 10.1007/s40746-016-0072-6
Schubert C. Chambers PL. Building the Skill of Delivering Bad News. Clinical Pediatric Emergency Medicine. 2005; 6:165-172.
Chambers PL, Mahabee-Gittens ME, Leonard AC. Vulnerable child syndrome, parental perception of child vulnerability, and emergency department usage. Pediatric Emergency Care. 2011; 11:1009-13. PMID: 22068058. PMCID: PMC5490373. DOI: 10.1097/PEC.0b013e318235bb4f
Schubert C. Chambers PL. Building the Skill of Delivering Bad News. Clinical Pediatric Emergency Medicine. 2005; 6:165-172.
Chambers PL. Paraphimosis Reduction. Textbook of Pediatric Emergency Procedures, 2nd Edition. Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore, MD, 2006.
Chambers PL. Mahabee-Gittens ME. Leonard AC. Vulnerable child syndrome, parental perception of child vulnerability, and emergency department usage. Pediatric Emergency Care. 2011; 11:1009-13. PMID: 22068058.
Brady RC. Chambers PL. Fever and Vesicular Rash: Which Virus? Consultant for Pediatricians. 2013; 12(9): 420-421.
Chambers PL. Duma EM, Anaphylaxis, In Dieckmann RA, Pitt WR, Schafermeyer R, Young K (editors-in-chief): "PEMSoft: The Pediatric Emergency Medicine Software", Version 9.0. EBSCO Publishing, Ipswich, MA, 2013.
Speer M. Chambers PL. Ethical Considerations. Insoft R, Schwartz H, Romito J eds. Guidelines for Air and
Ground Transport of Neonatal and Pediatric Patients, 4th Ed. American Academy of Pediatrics.
Johnson LH, Chambers PL, Dexheimer JW. Asthma-related emergency department use: current perspectives. Open Access Emergency Medicine. Jul 2016 13; 8:47-55. PMCID: PMC4950546.
Chambers P, Benz L, Boat A. Patient and Family Experience in the Healthcare Value Equation. Current Treatment Options in Pediatrics. 2016; 2(4):267-279. DOI: 10.1007/s40746-016-0072-6.
March M, Stratton M, Chambers P, Vukovik A. Refusal to Use an Upper Extremity in a 17-month-old with Facial Nerve
Palsy. Pediatrics in Review.
Riney L, Frey T, Fain E, Duma E, Chambers P. Improving Communication with Families for Evaluation of Child Abuse. Journal of Patient
Experience. 2020. DOI:10.1177/2374373520950987.