Pediatric Hospital Medicine

Priya N. Jain, MD
Associate Professor | Division Chief, Hospital Medicine |
Pediatric Residency Program Associate Director
Medical School: Robert Wood Johnson Medical School
Residency: Children's National Medical Center - George Washington University
Pediatric Hospital Medicine (American Board of Pediatrics)
Pediatrics (American Board of Pediatrics)
Provider, Pediatrics Advanced Life Support
Provider, Neonatal Resuscitation Program
Tennessee State Medical License
Chair of the AAP Section on Hospital Medicine Educators Subcommittee
AAP Value Improvement Project coach (Project BASiC)
Manuscript reviewer, Hospital Pediatrics
Future Leaders Program Curriculum Director, High Value Practice Academic Alliance
Abstract reviewer (Architecture of High Value Care Conference; Pediatric Hospital Medicine Conference; AAP National Conference & Exhibition- Section on Hospital Medicine)
Jain P, Andukuri G, King C, Liu D, Popa R. GME High Value Education. Workshop presented at Architecture of High Value Care Conference (virtual). Oct 2021.
Popa R, Andukuri G, Thakur K, Graves K, King C, Fogerty R, Jain P, Liu D, Seymann G. Designing a High Value Care curriculum: Graduate Medical Education. Workshop presented at Architecture of High Value Care Conference, Baltimore, MD. Nov 2019.
Jain P, Acholonu R. Evaluation & Feedback: A Practical Approach. Faculty Development Workshop. Metropolitan Hospital. New York, NY. May 2019.
Jain P, Cotter J, Tchou M. Practicing high-value pediatric care during a pandemic: The challenges and opportunities. Journal of Hospital Medicine 2021;10;631-633. Published Online First September 15, 2021.
Jain P, Hametz P, Banker S, Escalante E, Gutierrez F, Dodoo C, Dwivedi A, Beck J, Fromme H. Flying solo: Effectiveness of attending-less family-centered rounds on improving resident autonomy. Hospital Pediatrics. Hosp Pediatr. 2021 Oct;11(10):e218-e230.
Jain P, Lerer R, Choi J, Dunbar J, Eisenberg R, Hametz P, Nassau S, Katyal C. Discrepancies Between the Management of Fever in Young Infants Admitted From Urban General Emergency Departments and a Pediatric Emergency Department. Pediatric Emergency Care. Accepted for publication.
Uong A, Philips K, Hametz P, Dunbar J, Jain P, O’Connor K, Offenbacher R, Eliezer K, Pilnick C, Kiley V, Rinke ML. SAFER Care: Improving Caregiver Comprehension of Discharge Instructions. Pediatrics. 2021.
Jain P, Eagle S, Schechter M, Rhim H, Acholonu R. Applying high value care principles in a pediatric case: A workshop for health professions students. MedEdPORTAL. 2020;16:11030.
Jain P, Finger L, Schieffelin J, Zerr D, Hametz P. Responses of three urban U.S. children’s hospitals to COVID-19: Seattle, New York and New Orleans. Paediatric Respiratory Reviews. 2020;31:15-19.