Choose Well Midline Report (2023)
This report summarizes key findings related to the evaluation of the Choose Well Initiative at the mid-point. Results are not complete but provide a brief summary of key findings and evidence to date.
Publicly Funded Contraceptive Care Services in South Carolina (2017)
State-wide clinic survey findings from Federally Qualified Health Center and Department of Health and Environmental Control family planning clinics in South Carolina. Findings include: contraceptive patient characteristics, contraceptive method provision, clinic policies and practices, and other markers of contraceptive care
Publicly Funded Contraceptive Care Services in Alabama (2017)
State-wide clinic survey findings from Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) and Alabama Department of Public Health (ADPH) family planning clinics in Alabama. Findings include: contraceptive patient characteristics, contraceptive method provision, clinic policies and practices, and other markers of contraceptive care.