Md Rasheduzzaman, PhD, MSc
Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety
423-439-4542 / rasheduzzama@etsu.edu
Lamb Hall 151
PhD, Environmental Engineering, Drexel University, USA, 2021
MS, Environmental Engineering, Drexel University, USA, 2019
BSc, Civil Engineering, Khulna University of Engineering & Technology, Bangladesh, 2015
2024 – Present
Assistant Professor
Department of Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety Sciences
College of Public Health
East Tennessee State University
2021 – 2024
Postdoctoral Associate
Department of Population Health Sciences and the Public Health Program
Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine - Virginia Tech
- Rural environmental health & rural water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH)
- Water and wastewater treatment & water quality modeling
- Data-based environmental modelling & environmental standard setting
- Quantitative microbial risk assessment (QMRA)
- One health and global health
- Community outreach and environmental health
- Impact of climate change on water quality
- Emerging contaminants in drinking water
Rasheduzzaman, M., O’Connell, B., Krometis, L.-A., Brown, T., & Cohen, A. (2024). Point-of-use chlorine residuals and disinfection byproduct occurrences in rural households served by public water utilities in Appalachian Virginia. Journal of Water and Health [link], jwh2024054.
Cohen, A., Rasheduzzaman, M., O’Connell, B., Brown, T., Taniuchi, M., Krometis, L.-A., Hubbard, A., Scheuerman, P., Edwards, M., Darling, A., Pennala, B., Price, S., Lytton, B., Wettstone, E., Pholwat, S., Ward, H., Hallinger, D. R., Simmons, S. O., Griffin, S. M., … Wade, T. J. (2024). Drinking water sources, quality, and associated health outcomes in Appalachian Virginia: A risk characterization study in two counties. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health [link], 260, 114390.
Minjauw, F., Rasheduzzaman, M., Baumgartner, P., Dorward, P., Clarkson, G., & Cohen, A. (2024). Perceptions of poverty: Evaluating Multidimensional Poverty Assessment Tool derived rankings and global development indicators in five African nations. Journal of International Development [link].
Minjauw, F., Rasheduzzaman, M., Huang, J., Lozano, A., Baumgartner, P., Dorward, P., ... & Cohen, A. (2024). Climate information access and use in East and Southern Africa: identifying linkages between smallholder household characteristics and climate change adaptation. Climate and Development [link], 1-12.
Darling, A., Patton, H., Rasheduzzaman, M., Guevara, R., McCray, J., Krometis, L.A., & Cohen, A. (2023). Microbiological and chemical drinking water contaminants and associated health outcomes in rural Appalachia, USA: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Science of The Total Environment [link], 164036.
Rasheduzzaman, M., Singh, R., Haas, C.N., Olson, M. & Gurian, P.L. (2023). A literature-engaged Delphi approach for water quality management in building water systems. AWWA Water Science [link], 5(3), e1339.
Cohen, A., Rasheduzzaman, M., Darling, A., Krometis, L. A., Edwards, M., Brown, T., ... & Rogawski-McQuade, E. T. (2022). Bottled and Well Water Quality in a Small Central Appalachian Community: Household-Level Analysis of Enteric Pathogens, Inorganic Chemicals, and Health Outcomes in Rural Southwest Virginia. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health [link], 19(14), 8610.
Singh, R., Chauhan, D., Fogarty, A., Rasheduzzaman, M., & Gurian, P. L. (2022). Practitioners’ Perspective on the Prevalent Water Quality Management Practices for Legionella Control in Large Buildings in the United States. Water [link], 14(4), 663.
Tolofari, D., Masters, S.V., Bartrand, T., Hamilton, K.A., Haas, C.N., Olson, M., Summers, S., Rasheduzzaman, M., Young, A., Singh, R., & Gurian, P.L. (2020). Full factorial study of pipe characteristics, stagnation times, and water quality. AWWA Water Science [link], 2(5), e1204.
Rasheduzzaman, M., Singh, R., Haas, C.N., & Gurian, P.L. (2020). Required Water Temperature in Hotel Plumbing to Control Legionella Growth. Water Research [link], 182, 115943.
Singh, R., Hamilton, K.A., Rasheduzzaman, M., Yang, Z., Kar, S., Fasnacht, A., Masters, S.V., & Gurian, P.L. (2020). Managing Water Quality in Premise Plumbing: Subject Matter Experts’ Perspectives and a Systematic Review of Guidance Documents. Water [link], 12, 347.
Rasheduzzaman, M., Singh, R., Haas, C.N., Tolofari, D., Yassaghi, H., Hamilton, K.A., Yang, Z., & Gurian, P.L. (2019). Reverse QMRA as a Decision Support Tool: Setting Acceptable Concentration Limits for Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Naegleria fowleri. Water [link], 11, 1850.
Rahman, M. T. U., Tabassum, F., Rasheduzzaman, M., Saba, H., Sarkar, L., Ferdous, J., Uddin, S.Z., & Zahedul Islam, A. Z. M. (2017). Temporal dynamics of land use/land cover change and its prediction using CA-ANN model for southwestern coastal Bangladesh. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment [link], 189(11), 565.
Tauhid Ur Rahman, M., Rasheduzzaman, M., Habib, M. A., Ahmed, A., Tareq, S. M., & Muniruzzaman, S. M. (2017). Assessment of freshwater security in coastal Bangladesh: An insight from salinity, community perception, and adaptation. Ocean & Coastal Management [link], 137, 68–81.
Rasheduzzaman, M., Darling, A., Krometis, L.A., O’Connell, B., Brown, T., Cohen, A. (2023, October 23-27). Disinfection by-product occurrence in small water systems in two rural counties in Appalachian Virginia. UNC 2023 Water and Health Conference, Chapel Hill, NC, USA.
Cohen, A., Rasheduzzaman, M., O’Connell, B., Brown, T., Wade, T., Krometis, L.A. (2023, October 23-27). Drinking Water Quality and Associated Health Outcomes in Appalachian Virginia: Characterizing Exposures in Two Counties. UNC 2023 Water and Health Conference, Chapel Hill, NC, USA.
Rasheduzzaman, M., Darling, A., Pioso, R., Krometis, L.A., Cohen, A. (2022, October 24-28). The Search for Safe Water: Assessing Bottled Water Quality in Rural Southwest Virginia. UNC 2022 Water and Health Conference, Chapel Hill, NC, USA.
Rasheduzzaman, M., Singh, R., Gurian, P.L., (2022, October 24-28). Effectiveness of Free Chlorine and Chloramine to Control Legionella in Building Water Systems. UNC 2022 Water and Health Conference, Chapel Hill, NC, USA.
Gurian, P.L., Haas, C.N., Hamilton, K., Rasheduzzaman, M., Singh, R. (2022, June 28-30). Legionella Risk: Research and Action from Science to Results. 2022 AEESP Research and Education Conference, St. Louis, MO, USA.
Darling, A., Cohen, A., Patton, H., Rasheduzzaman, M., Krometis, L.A., Guevara, R., McCray, J., McQuade, E.R. (2022, June 28-30). Drinking water contamination and associated health outcomes in rural Appalachia: A systematic review and meta-analysis. 2022 AEESP Research and Education Conference, St. Louis, MO, USA.
Rasheduzzaman, M., Singh, R., Annapoorna Madireddy, L., & Gurian, P. L. (2021, June 7–11). Conceptualization to Development of a Decision Support Tool to Manage Building Water Quality. In World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2021 (pp. 925-936).
Rasheduzzaman, M., Singh, R., Haas, C.N., & Gurian, P.L. (2021, June 14-17). Role of Disinfectants and Hot Water Temperature on Legionella Control in Water Systems. American Water Works Association ACE21, Virtual.
Singh, R., Chauhan, D., Rasheduzzaman, M., Yang, Z., Fogarty, A., Hamilton, K., Gurian, P. (2020, December 13-17). Comparison of the Theory and Practice of Microbiological Water Quality Management in Premise Plumbing. Society for Risk Analysis Annual Meeting, Austin, Texas,
Rasheduzzaman, M., Bartrand, T., Haas, C.N., Singh, R., & Gurian, P. L. (2019, December 8-12). Inferring hidden exposure parameters based on dose-response information for Naegleria fowleri. Society for Risk Analysis Annual Meeting, Arlington, VA, USA.
Singh, R., Rasheduzzaman, M., Yang, Z., Hamilton, K. A., & Gurian, P. L. (2019, December 8-12). Identifying Knowledge Gaps in Building Water Quality Management: Experts’ Perspective and Review of Existing Guidance Documents. Society for Risk Analysis Annual Meeting, Arlington, VA, USA.
Rasheduzzaman, M., Gurian, P. L., Hamilton, K. A., Yang, Z., Kar, S., Fasnacht, A., & Masters, S. (2019, June 9). Guidance Documents and Subject Matter Expert Views on Premise Plumbing: Current Knowledge, Gaps, and Research Priorities. American Water Works Association ACE19, Denver, CO.
Rasheduzzaman, , Tolofari, D., Yassaghi, H., Raj, L., Gurian, P. L., Bartrand, T. A., & Hamilton, K. A. (2018, December 2-6). The Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Conundrum in Premise Plumbing: Setting Acceptable Limits Using the DALY Approach. Society for Risk Analysis Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.
Rasheduzzaman, M., Rahman, M.T.U., & Habib, M.A. (2017, September 18-21). Climate Change and Human Health: Threats and Adaptation Strategies in Southwestern Bangladesh. Proceedings of the Water Security and Climate Change Conference, Cologne, Germany.
Rasheduzzaman, M., Rahman, M.T.U., & Hoque, M.M. (2017, September 18-21). Climate Change and Food Security: Community Based Adaptation in the Agricultural Sector in Southwestern Bangladesh. Proceedings of the Water Security and Climate Change Conference, Cologne, Germany.
Habib, M.A., M., Rahman, M.T.U., Ferdous, J. Hoque, M.M., & Rasheduzzaman, (2017, September 18-21). Farmers’ Perceptions on Impacts of Salinity Driven Fresh Water Scarcity in Coastal Bangladesh Agriculture. Proceedings of the Water Security and Climate Change Conference, Cologne, Germany.
Rahman, M.T.U., Rasheduzzaman, M., Habib, M.A., Ahmed, A., Tareq, S.M., & Muniruzzaman, S.M. (2016, 29 November- 01 December). Community Mitigation Approaches to Combat Safe Water Scarcity: In the Context of Salinity Intrusion in Coastal Bangladesh. Proceedings of the Conference on Water Security and Climate Change, Bangkok.
Rasheduzzaman, M., Mohiuddin, K.A., & Nur-E-Alam, S.M., (2016, February 12-14). Assessment of Energy Recovery Potential of Municipal Solid Waste in Khulna City. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development (ICCESD 2016), KUET, Khulna, Bangladesh, page 273-277.
Nur-E-Alam, S.M., Moniruzzaman, S.M., Rasheduzzaman, M., & Baten, S.M.A. (2016, February 12-14). Characterization of Selected Industrial Effluent and Their Effects On Narod River Of Natore, Bangladesh. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development (ICCESD 2016), KUET, Khulna, Bangladesh, page 221-227.
- 2024- Present: “Expanding Access to Safe Drinking Water to Improve Health Outcomes in Rural Regions: A Pilot Intervention Trial in Central Appalachia”. Funded by VT Center for Emerging, Zoonotic, and Arthropod-borne Pathogens (CeZAP), Total amount awarded: $20,000, ROLE: Co-Investigator (PI Dr. Alasdair Cohen)
- 2023- Present: “Assessing the Impacts of 25 Years of Public Water Supply Funding Support and Associated Implications for Water, Health, and Sanitation in the Coalfield Counties of Southwest Virginia”. Funded by Powell River Project, Total amount awarded: $20,000, ROLE: Co-Investigator (PI Dr. Alasdair Cohen)
Bulletin of the World Health Organization; Water Research; Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology; MDPI Pathogens; MDPI Sustainability; MDPI Microorganisms; Environmental Science and Pollution Research (ESPR)
Family, Travel, Fishing, Camping