Undergraduate Research Honors Program
For questions regarding the Undergraduate Research Honors Program, email the current Program Coordinator, Kendrea Todt, PhD, RN, or call (423) 439-4074
The Undergraduate Research Honors Program is for nursing students who are enrolled in the Bachelor of Science in Nursing. The honors program is designed to provide a stimulating environment and enriching experiences for academically talented and motivated students. The program provides opportunities designed to enhance the career and educational goals of the participants, The College of Nursing (CON) Undergraduate Research Honors Program is congruent with the mission and philosophy of both the CON and Honors College.
URHP Scholars take a minimum of 18 hours of honors coursework. This coursework generally counts toward the student's major, allows each student to work closely with faculty in the discipline, and includes hours earned during the completion of an Honors Thesis. Thesis projects vary by discipline; they result from a research or creative project the scholar undertakes under the direction of faculty in the discipline.
Graduation is key, 84% of Undergraduate Research Honors Program Scholars graduate from ETSU.
Visit our ETSU Honors College, Undergraduate Research Honors Program, site to learn more about the URHP Program: The Undergraduate Research Honors Program
The Undergraduate Research Honors Program (URHP) Information
Overview of the Academic Program of Study
The CON URHP is a four-semester program. Students apply and are admitted into the program during their first semester of the nursing curriculum. Students begin the four semester URHP program as a second semester nursing student of the nursing program. During the URHP program nursing URHP students take honors seminar, senior theses and enriched nursing courses and work with an individual nursing faculty mentor to complete a thesis which focuses on the nursing metaparadigm.
Admission Process and Criteria
1. Students apply for admission into the program nursing during their first semester in the nursing program.
2. Students will use the application system InfoReady to apply.
- A faculty reference is required.
- GPA requirements include an overall college GPA > 3.2 and a nursing GPA > 3.5 (includes nursing courses from ETSU and other colleges/universities).
A selection committee comprised of faculty and staff from the CON will make recommendations to the URHP coordinator and appropriate standing Council and Committee for admission.
Application & Deadlines
Applications must be received by the ETSU CON URHP Coordinator by March 7th to be considered for a scholarship for the following fall, **Admission is competitive.
Beginning Fall 2023, admission to the Undergraduate Research Honors Program will include a yearly $2500 scholarship ($1250 each semester) stackable with other ETSU scholarships. Please read all of the information on this page to understand URHP scholarship awards.
Newly admitted students (both Tennessee residents and Out-of-State) who participate in the Undergraduate Research Honors Program will receive a scholarship of $2500 ($1250 per semester) towards tuition. This scholarship is awarded for a maximum of eight semesters of study, contingent on maintaining eligibility. The 8-semester maximum is cumulative with other ETSU tuition scholarships, such as APS.
Required Courses in URHP
Second Semester Nursing:
- NRSE 3350 Nursing Informatics and Health: 2 credits, nursing course faculty.
- NRSE 4008 URHP seminar: 1 credit, course faculty of record: URHP coordinator
- *NRSE 3525 Health Promotion and Nursing Research: 3 credits, nursing course faculty
Third Semester Nursing:
- NRSE 4008 URHP seminar: 1 credit, course faculty of record: URHP Coordinator
- *NRSE 3510 Population, Community and Public Health Nursing: 3 credits, nursing course faculty.
Fourth Semester Nursing:
- NRSE 4018 Honors Theses: 3 credits, course faculty of record: faculty mentor.
- Students will choose one of the following:
*NRSE 4550 Adult Care 2: 3 credits, nursing course faculty.
*NRSE 4570 Childbearing Families and Reproductive Health: 3 credits, nursing course faculty, nursing course faculty.
*NRSE 4580 Child Health Nursing: 3 credits, nursing course faculty.
Fifth Semester Nursing:
- NRSE 4018 Honors Theses: 3 credits, course faculty of record: faculty mentor.
Total Credits: 19
Honors-enriched Assignments examples:
- Weekly discussions on the current literature surrounding a research topic of interest;
- Written report or policy brief on a research topic of interest;
- Oral/podium presentation delivered to the class on a research topic of interest;
- Research paper on a topic of interest;
- Literature review on a research topic of interest;
- Scientific poster on a topic of interest;
- Community service project
Progression & Retention
To remain in the nursing URHP, students must meet all nursing and nursing URHP requirements. The student will maintain a college GPA > 3.2 and a nursing GPA > 3.5. To progress in the program students must demonstrate steady progression during each of the four semesters towards completing their theses.
For students whose GPA falls below 3.2 cumulative or 3.5 nursing will be placed on probation for 1 semester. If at the end of that semester, the student does not meet the GPA requirements, then the student will be dismissed from the URHP.
If a grade of C is the final grade, the student will be placed on a one time probation and if a second C is received a second time, then the student will be removed from the program.
If a student is not progressing in a satisfactory manner during a semester the student will be placed on probation during that semester and placed on a detailed plan of steps to complete the required assignments for that semester. Once the required assignments are completed in a satisfactory manner, the student will be removed from probation.
Students not completing or progressing towards completion of each semester’s assignments will receive an F for the semester and will be placed on probation. With extenuating circumstances, the student may receive an incomplete (See university incomplete policy). The assignment of an F may result in discontinuation of funding from the Honors College.
Honors Thesis
All Honors College Scholars are required to complete an Honors Thesis. This senior capstone experience provides opportunity to attain comprehensive knowledge in your field and acquire skills needed to promote continued study and advancement. Honors College Scholars work closely with a faculty mentor who guides the research and completion of the thesis. Deadlines for thesis submission dates in the Spring is April 10th and in the Fall is November 15th.
Recommended Calendar
Junior Year
Semester II- Week 2: Consult with Program Director and/or Department Coordinator about details of the
thesis process.
- Week 4: Choose a Faculty Mentor.
- Week 6: Develop a Thesis Prospectus (research proposal).
- Week 8: Begin a Literature Search and Review.
- Week 9: Complete and submit a Thesis Contract form.
- Week 10: Check on IRB requirements.
Senior Year
Semester I- Week 1: Meet with Faculty Mentor and develop time table for thesis completion.
- Week 4: Provide Faculty Mentor with final prospectus.
- Week 5: Submit study to Institutional Review Board if necessary or begin data gathering or creative work. Meet with Faculty Mentor regularly. Finalize Background of the Study, Review of the Literature (using primary literature sources) and Study Method sections of the thesis as appropriate.
- Week 15: Data gathered/analyzed or creative work substantially completed.
Semester II
- Week 1: Meet with Faculty Mentor and assess progress.
- Week 4: Write Results, Discussion and Recommendations sections of thesis.
- Week 6: Submit first draft of thesis to Faculty Mentor. Choose date and location for Thesis Presentation. Complete creative work.
- Week 8: Revise thesis and submit to Faculty Mentor and Thesis Reader(s).
- Week 9: Post flyers advertising Thesis Presentation unless presenting at Boland Undergraduate Thesis Symposium or other established conference.
- Week 12: Present thesis in a public forum; Bind thesis and submit to the Honors College (and College or Department as appropriate); Submit thesis through eThesis process.
- Week 2: Consult with Program Director and/or Department Coordinator about details of the
thesis process.
Thesis Contract Form
No later than April 15th, Junior Year Global Citizen Scholars, Honors-in-Discipline and Fine & Performing Arts Honors Scholars must submit a completed Thesis Contract Form to their program Director and/or Coordinator.
The contract form includes a proposed thesis title and the signature of the Thesis Mentor and the Second Reader. The Thesis Mentor and the Second Reader should be full-time faculty members within the major or minor fields of study relevant to the thesis topic.
In addition, the Thesis Mentor and the student must agree on the grading strategy for the thesis hours. In most cases, the Thesis Mentor will award a grade at the end of each semester the scholar is enrolled in XXXX-4018 Honors Thesis. In exceptional cases, with permission of the program Director or Coordinator and the Thesis Mentor a grade of an I (incomplete) after the first semester can be given and then changed as appropriate for both semesters after completion of the thesis.
Example of Prospectus (Research Proposal) Outline:
- Title page
- Abstract
- Background and Significance
- Why is this study important to do, set the context for the study in history, finances, issues, etc.
- Literature Review
- What does the current literature tell us about the area of interest
- Nursing Theory/concepts being explored *
• Metaparadigm concepts-nurse, patient, environment, health
- Purpose
- What is the overall purpose of the study/what do you plan to learn
- Research Question/Specific Aims
- Definitions
- Define the dependent and independent variables you are studying
- Research Method
- Design
- Population and sample: inclusion & exclusion criteria
- Study site
- Instruments
- Data Collection (how will the data be collected)
- Data Analysis (how will the data be analyzed)
Thesis Format
The Honors Scholar and Faculty Mentor choose the format for the thesis. It is recommended that the thesis be written as a manuscript for publication in a journal specific to the Scholars discipline.
In general, the thesis will include:
- Title Page
- Dedication/acknowledgements (optional)
- Background of the study
- Thesis statement or research question
- Review of pertinent literature
- Method (study design, population/sample, instruments, data gathering strategies, data analysis plan, IRB approval)
- Results
- Discussion
- Recommendations
- Summary/Conclusions
- References (format used by discipline)
- Appendices
For more information, refer to the link below:
Graduation Requirements
To graduate with the Undergraduate Research Honors Program designation, students must:
1. Be admitted to the College of Nursing Undergraduate Research Honors Program
2. Complete all required coursework (honors, nursing major, thesis hours).
3. Maintain an overall GPA of 3.2 and a nursing GPA of 3.5
4. Dissemination: Present thesis in a public forum; Bind thesis and submit to the Honors College (and College or Department as appropriate); Submit thesis through eThesis process.
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