Information About the Election of the Faculty Trustee for the 2025-2027 term:
2024-2025 Faculty Senate Meetings
Faculty Senate conducts hybrid meeting with both in-person and Zoom attendance options. Guests are welcome to attend Faculty Senate meetings online or in-person. Full Senate meetings are 3:10-4:30 p.m. every other Monday. The Faculty Senate Executive Committee meets 3:10-4:30 p.m. on the Mondays in which the Full Senate does not meet.
- 08/20/2024 Fall Retreat (Culp East Tennessee Room | Agenda | Minutes)
- 09/23/2024 (Lamb Hall 337 / Zoom | Agenda | Minutes)
- 10/07/2024(Lamb Hall 337 / Zoom | Agenda | Minutes)
- 10/21/2024 (Lamb Hall 337 / Zoom | Agenda | Minutes)
- 11/04/2024 (Lamb Hall 337 / Zoom | Agenda | Minutes)
- 11/18/2024 (Lamb Hall 337 / Zoom | Agenda | Minutes)
- 12/02/2024 (Lamb Hall 337 / Zoom | Agenda | Minutes)
- 01/27/2025 (Lamb Hall 337 / Zoom | Agenda | Minutes)
- 02/10/2025 (Lamb Hall 337 / Zoom | Agenda | Minutes)
- 02/24/2025 (Lamb Hall 337 / Zoom | Agenda | Minutes)
- 03/10/2025 (Lamb Hall 337 / Zoom | Agenda | Minutes)
- 03/31/2025 (Lamb Hall 337 / Zoom | Agenda | Minutes)
- 04/14/2025 (Lamb Hall 337 / Zoom | Agenda | Minutes)
- 04/28/2025 (Lamb Hall 337 / Zoom | Agenda | Minutes)
To join Faculty Senate meetings via Zoom, please log into Zoom through the SSO option and enter ETSU as the domain.
If you wish to place an item on the agenda for a meeting of the full Senate, please present it to a member of the Executive Committee. In its next meeting the Executive Committee will consider the item for a future agenda. If you have a motion, please complete the Motion Submission form. Please note that motions can only be made by current senators.
Officers for the 2024-2025 year
President: Alan Stevens
Vice President: Kate Beatty
Secretary: Ashley Sergiadis
Past President: Ginni Blackhart
Mission of the Faculty Senate
1.1 To fulfill its mission effectively, the University needs a mechanism for meaningful
and continuing cooperation between the faculty and administrative officers of the
institution in shared governance. In order to foster mutual trust and respect and
to produce cooperative efforts that enhance the stature of the university and its
programs, formal and systematic lines of communication are needed to ensure full discussion
of important matters and adequate reaction from one constituency to another.
1.2. Final authority for implementing the policies of the institution resides with
the University president. It is a basic premise of this document that the faculty
has the right and obligation to participate fully and actively in the determination
of those policies that pertain to academic matters and faculty welfare. The Faculty Senate herein constituted provides, therefore, for meaningful and formal
participation by the faculty in matters of University governance that are related
to its right and proper concerns.
~from the Preamble to the Constitution of the Faculty Senate