Volunteer ETSU
How can I be a part of Volunteer ETSU?
Volunteer ETSU is open to all students who are interested in serving on campus and in the local community. With multiple levels of involvement, students can connect with non-profit agencies through volunteer placement or join the leadership team. Leadership team members are responsible for planning, implementing, and evaluating a variety of major service projects. If interested in applying for a leadership position, please contact serve@etsu.edu.
Why should I volunteer?
Getting involved outside of ETSU helps students understand important social issues
and develop a desire to address concerns of their own through service projects. Community
service guides students in the development of leadership skills, thus impacting others
and enhancing the collegiate experience. Volunteering while at ETSU gives students
the chance to meet new people who have similar interests and develop lasting friendships.
What type of service opportunities are available for students?
Each semester, Volunteer ETSU focuses on a wide variety of social issues including
health, environment, youth, literacy, hunger/homelessness, and holiday sharing. Many
service projects are developed around these social issues such as community agency
fairs, blood drives, and a hunger banquet. Partnering with non-profit agencies in
the Johnson City and surrounding areas, students have the flexibility of one-time,
short-term, or long-term commitments to community service. Please see the event list
below for upcoming volunteer opportunities.
Where can I get more information about Volunteer ETSU?
For more information, to become involved in Volunteer ETSU, or any of its numerous
projects call (423) 439-4254, or email serve@etsu.edu. Volunteer ETSU is located in the Carrier Center, second floor of the D.P. Culp Center.