East Tennessee State University is an agency of the State of Tennessee, bound by state laws governing claims against the state for breach of contract, personal injury, or property damage. The Tennesee General Assembly established the Tennessee Claims Commission to determine all claims for damages against the state falling within one or more of the categories listed in the Tennesse Code Annotated, Section 9-8-307.
If you believe you have a claim, you have on year from the date of your loss in which to submit your claim. The Tennessee Department of Treasury’s, Division of Claims and Risk Management, operates an on-line claim portal To file a claim, go to the State's Claim and Risk Management website. Go to the File a Claim section at the bottom of the home page and log-in to the claim portal.
You can read more about claims against the state of Tennessee by visiting the Division’s website: https://treasury.tn.gov/Services/Claims-and-Risk-Management/TORT-Liability.
Please also forward a copy of the claim to:
Office of University Counsel
East Tennessee State University
PO Box 70285
309 Burgin Dossett Hall
Johnson City, TN 37614
Upon receipt of your claim, the Division of Claims Administration should investigate within ninety (90) days.