Accounts Payable (Main Forms)
Auxiliaries/Nonres. Alien Tax
Budget Revision (Paper) & Budget Revision (Online)
Bursar (Educational Benefit Forms)
Fee Discount (Children Public School Teachers/State Employees)
Fee Discount (Spouse/Dependent of ETSU Employees)
Fee Waiver, Non-Credit and/or Audit (ETSU Employees)
Public Higher Education Fee Waiver (State Employees)
Tuition Reimbursement (ETSU Employees)
Bursar (Loan Forms)
College of Medicine, Resident Emergency Fund
E.G. Hughes/University-Kick Start
Perkins Disbursement/Perkins Hardship Deferment/Forbearance Postponement
ETSU Education Abroad Bridge Loan Application
University Short-Term (*Loan Funding Currently Unavailable*)
University Sponsored Enroll. Kick Start, Short Term/Emergency
Central Receiving
Equipment Inventory Change/Deletion Request
Agreement Routing College Medicine & Family Medicine
Clinical Affiliation Agreement
Employee vs. Independent Contractor Classification Criteria
HIPAA Business Associate Agreement
Payment Personal Services Less Than $5,000
Standard Contract Terms & Conditions
Use of Campus Facilities Agreement
Contract Services (Fiscal Review Committee)
Financial Systems & Tech (Goldlink Finance/ePrint & eBucs)
Goldlink Finance/ePrint - Establish Access (eBucs Requisitioning and/or Approvals)
Goldlink Finance/ePrint - Single User = Remove Access (eBucs Requisitioning and/or Approvals)
Goldlink Finance/ePrint - Multiple Users = Remove Access (eBucs Requisitioning and/or Approvals)
Financial Systems & Tech (TouchNet)
TouchNet Cashiering/Business Office - Establish Access (Web Departmental Deposits)
TouchNet Marketplace - New Online Payment Site/Product/TouchNet Ready Partner
TouchNet Marketplace - Order Refund (uStore/uPay/TouchNet Ready Partner)
TouchNet Marketplace - Multiple Orders Refund (uStore/uPay/TouchNet Ready Partner)
Financial Systems & Tech
(Vendors/Individual Payees/Reimbursees)Vendors/Individual Payees/Reimbursees
Please Visit: Non-Employee Direct DepositFinancial Services
Foundation Accounting
Passport Services
DS-11=Apply for U.S. Passport (First Time)
DS-3053=Statement Consent, Issue to Minor < 16
DS-5504=Apply for Name Change/Data Correction/Limited Replacement
DS-5525=Statement Exigent/Special Family Circumstances, Issue to Minor < 16
DS-64=Report valid U.S. Passport lost/stolen
DS-82=Renewing Adult U.S. Passport
Tax, Revenue, & Contract Services
University Relations
University Marketing and Communications administers public records requests.
Forms above that can't be submitted online must be printed. The "fillable" forms should be filled in electronically before being printed. The "non-fillable" forms must be printed and then filled in by hand or on a typewriter. If you need assistance with these forms, please contact each department directly.
Forms by Department
Main Office
Insurance Claim-Injury/Damages (Employee)
Insurance Claim-Injury/Damages (Non-Employee)
201 Burgin Dossett Hall, PO Box 70601, Contact Us, (423) 439-5884,
Budget Revision
When do I need to use a budget revision form?
Budget revision forms are to be completed by the budgetary unit when a change to the base budget is requested. Budget revisions are administered when funds are needed to cover pending expenditures, to cover overdrafts or to transfer funds for other departmental uses. Permanent budget adjustments effect more than one fiscal year while temporary budget adjustments only effect the current fiscal year.
What cannot be processed on a budget revision form?
Budget revisions CANNOT be processed between Funds. This means to/from General Academic Campus to/from College of Medicine, Family Medicine, College of Pharmacy, Grants, Foundation, Agencies and Auxiliaries. If a budget revision is needed for a grant index (six-digit index number), please contact Grant Accounting in Financial Services.
How will I know the budget revision has been processed?
Once approved by the Office of Budget and Financial Planning, the budget revision is entered into Banner and a copy of the processed budget revision form is forwarded to the originating department. A copy of the budget revision form is maintained in the Office of Budget and Financial Planning and Financial Services. The department can also verify the budget revision has been processed by GoldLink. -
New Position Request
Sample Budget Revision & Instructions for Preparing Revision: Paper & Online
Sample Budget Revision & Instructions for Preparing Revision: Paper & Online
How do I complete a paper budget revision form?
- Request for Budget Revision for Fiscal Year – Enter the Fiscal Year for the budget revision to be processed.
- Permanent or Temporary – Check the appropriate box. Check Permanent if the budget adjustment effects more than one fiscal year. Check Temporary if the budget adjustment is just for the current fiscal year.
- Index Number – The five digit number assigned to an index (i.e. 40400 for Budget and Financial Planning.)
- Account Code - The five digit number identifying where the budget is being transferred to or from (i.e. Travel 73000, Operating 74000, etc.)
- Index Name – The name of the index that corresponds with the five digit index number. (Organizational name). For the official index name, go to ePrint report FGRACCI, Account Index Report.
- Amount Increase – The budget dollar amount rounded to the nearest $10 to be added to the corresponding account code.
- Amount Decrease – The budget dollar amount rounded to the nearest $10 to be subtracted from the corresponding account code. Make sure that the amount increase column equals the amount decrease column.
- Justification – A short explanation as to why the funds are being transferred.
- Requested by – The name of the originator from the budgetary unit who can be contacted if any questions arise.
- Approved by – Approval by the appropriate Chair/Dean/Director or his designee.
- Approved by – Approved by the appropriate Vice President for the division, President or designee.
- Approve by – Approval by the Associate Vice President for Budget and Financial Planning or designee.
- Budget Office Use Only – (Information in the upper left hand corner). Upon final approval, the Office of Budget and Financial Planning will assign a Batch Header number (BDXXXXXX). This information identifies the specific batch of budget revisions processed for that effective date.
How do I complete an online budget revision form?
- Request for Budget Revision for Fiscal Year – REQUIRED - Enter the Fiscal Year for the budget revision to be processed.
- Type: Permanent or Temporary – REQUIRED - Check the appropriate box. Check Permanent if the budget adjustment effects more than one fiscal year. Check Temporary if the budget adjustment is for the current fiscal year only.
- Justification – REQUIRED - A short explanation as to why the fund transfer is being requested. Supporting documentation can be uploaded, i.e. Fiscal Year Salary Allocation Form.
- Index Number – REQUIRED - The five digit number assigned to an index (i.e. 40400 for Budget and Financial Planning.
- Account Code – REQUIRED - The five digit number identifying where the budget is being transferred to or from (i.e. Travel 73000, Operating 74000, etc.)
- Index Name – REQUIRED - The name of the index that corresponds with the five digit index number. (Department name not the name of the account code).
- Amount Increase – The budget dollar amount rounded to the nearest $10 to be added to the corresponding account code.
- Amount Decrease – The budget dollar amount rounded to the nearest $10 to be subtracted from the corresponding account code.
- Signatures – Business Managers will be responsible to establish the approvers for each of their
- Department Signature – Originator of the budget revision.
- Chair Signature – Approval by appropriate Chair of Department or designee for Academic Units.
- Dean/Director – Approval by appropriate Dean/Director or designee.
- President/Vice President – Approval by the appropriate Vice President for the division, President or designee.
- Note: Rejected budget revisions can be sent back to the Originator for corrections or further clarifications.
- Comments – Additional information by approving party. Especially important when the budget revision is being rejected and returned.
- Budget Analyst – Notification that the budget revision (BR) has been received by the Office of Budget and Financial Planning. The BR will be reviewed for final approval. The BR will be entered into the Banner system manually. A copy of the processed BR will be e-mailed back to the Business Manager and/or Orginator.
- Budget Office Use Only – (top of form) – Upon final approval, the Office of Budget and Financial Planning will assign a Batch Header Number (BDXXXXXX). This information identifies the specific batch of budget revisions processed for that effective date.
- Note: Paper copies will continue to be accepted.
203 Burgin Dossett Hall, PO Box 70562, Contact Us, (423) 439-4383,
Financial Systems & Tech
Goldlink Finance/ePrint & eBucs Requisitioning and/or Approvals
Create Access for a New User or Establish Additional Access for Current Users
- Used by departmental staff who monitor budget information via Goldlink Finance Self-Service or ePrint Finance reports.
- Used by departmental staff who place and/or approve requisitions/purchase orders in eBucs.
- Must be filled out and submitted by the employee requesting access or by the employee's Supervisor, which is determined by the employee's Timekeeper in TRS. If an employee's Supervisor is changed by the Timekeeper, a new form will need to be submitted.
- Will automatically reoute for Supervisor approval. Additional approvals will be obtained by Financial Systems and Technology as needed, including the Financial Manager(s) and Campus Business Manager.
- Submissions will be rejected if no additional access will be established.
- For urgent needs, please add only the index or organization needed to a submission of this form. All other indexes and organizations needed should all be added to a single submission rather than listing one index or organization on multiple separate submissions.
- Access cannot be established based on comments, indexes/organizations must be added row by row. If an index/organization will not populate into a row, please make a note regarding the error in the comments field and list the index/organization, including chart E or chart F, and the corresponding access that is needed in eBucs (Requisitioning and/or Approval access).
- eBucs Approval Access is prohibited for Clerical/Support staff in the College of Arts and Sciences and for all Clerical/Support staff for all Chart F (Foundation) indexes/organizations.
- eBucs Approval Access must be requested by the index and cannot be established on organizations.
- Goldlink Finance/ePrint access is requested by default as a user must have this access in order to establish the respective access in eBucs.
- If the same account is listed as an index and as an organization, there is no need to add them both to the form, simply add the index to the form as access to the organization will be established automatically.
Remove all Access or Remove Specific Access for a Single User
- NOT required or applicable for terminations.
- Typically used when an employee's duties/responsibilities are reduced, such as when an employee transfers to another position or when a Department Chair steps down.
- May be filled out and submitted by any ETSU employee and any user may be added to the form.
- Will by reouted automatically for approval from the Supervisor of the Employee who will have access removed, this Employee will be notified at the end of this process.
- Comments regarding any access to be retained are encouraged.
Remove All Access or Remove Specific Access for Multiple Users
- NOT required or applicable for terminations.
- Typically used when an employee's duties/responsibilities are reduced, such as when an employee transfers to another position or when a Department Chair steps down.
- May be filled out and submitted by any ETSU employee and any user(s) may be added to the form.
- Will by reouted by Financial Systems and Technology for Employee(s) and Supervisor(s) approval. Additional approval may be obtained as needed from Campus Business Manager(s).
- Comments regarding any access to be retained are encouraged.
TouchNet Cashiering/Business Office - Establish Access (Web Departmental Deposits)
- Who should I contact for assistance?
TouchNet Marketplace - New Online Payment Site/Product/TouchNet Ready Partner
- Who should I contact for assistance?
Accounting Needs (Indexes Required by Forms) - Karen Glover, - All Other Needs -
TouchNet Marketplace - Order Refund (uStore/uPay/TouchNet Ready Partner)
- Who should I contact for assistance?
TouchNet Marketplace - Multiple Orders Refund (uStore/uPay/TouchNet Ready Partner)
- Who should I contact for assistance?
TouchNet Marketplace - Order Cancellation (uStore)
- Who should I contact for assistance?
- Who should I contact for assistance?
Vendors/Individual Payees/Reimbursees, Please Visit: Non-Employee Direct Deposit
202 Burgin Dossett Hall, PO Box 70601, Contact Us, (423) 439-5504
Foundation Accounting
Foundation Deposit Transmittal
Fundraising - Solicitation & Acceptance
302 Burgin Dossett Hall, PO Box 70601, Contact Us, (423) 439-4702,
Financial Services
Authorization of Signature-Agency Account
Records - Disposal Authorization & Classification Guide
201 Burgin Dossett Hall, PO Box 70732, Contact Us, (423) 439-6110,
Accounts Payable (Travel)
Main Forms:
Food/Business Meal & Recognition Event Payment
Reimbursement or Check Request
Travel Forms:
Vendors/Individual Payees/Reimbursees, Please Visit: Non-Employee Direct Deposit
B016 Burgin Dossett Hall, PO Box 70729, Contact Us, (423) 439-6112,
Financial Accounting
New Agency Fund
- Agency fund index numbers are mostly used for student clubs
- Use of agency funds must follow the policies and guidelines posted by Student Activities and Organizations
- Financial manager must be an employee of the university
- A balance must be available before any disbursements can be made
- A university index is required for the department that will be responsible for any over spending on the agency fund
- Disbursements and other transactions will follow all university policies
New Detail Code
- This is used to request a new detail code to post to students’ accounts
- This usually accompanies a form for New Org/Index or New Agency Fund
New Organization/Index
- This form is used to request a new index code for a new expense or new revenue index or to request a new organization code
- New index codes can be requested on existing organization codes
- The financial manager should be the person that will be listed on the index code as the responsible financial manager.
Wire Transfer - Domestic
- This form is used to request payments to international recipients
- Purchases of goods and services must still follow all procurement policies
- ETSU incurs a charge of $25 from our bank for the processing of each domestic wire transfer. The requesting party assumes responsibility for this fee and acknowledges that the charge is passed to the index to be provided below. With the submission of this form, you are agreeing to transfer of a $25 fee as well as the total dollar amount of the wire to the indexes to be provided below. If the Payee listed below attempts to name an intermediary bank, the bank must be a Standard Chartered Bank. All wire transfers initiated by ETSU will process in US dollars.
Wire Transfer - International
- This form is used to request payments to international recipients
- Purchases of goods and services must still follow all procurement policies
- ETSU incurs a charge of $55 from the bank for the processing of each international wire transfer. The requesting party assumes responsibility for this fee and acknowledges that the charge is passed to the index to be provided on this form. With the submission of this form, you are agreeing to transfer of a $55 fee as well as the total dollar amount of the wire to the indexes to be provided below. If the Payee listed below attempts to name an intermediary bank, the bank must be a Standard Chartered Bank. All wire transfers initiated by ETSU will process in US dollars, at the current exchange rate as of the time the request is initiated by our bank
Wire Transfer - International (International Student and Scholar Services)
Wire Transfer - International (International Student and Scholar Services)
- This form is to be used only for the Office of International Programs for payment of study abroad courses
202 Burgin Dossett Hall, PO Box 70732, Contact Us, (423) 439-4316,
Grant Accounting
Cash Payment Acknowledgment Receipt
This form is used to acknowledge cash received in payment for participation in a research study.Cash Payment Research Participants
This form is used to request petty cash for payments to research participants.Cost Waiver
This form is used to request a cost waiver, an indirect cost reduction, or a tuition waiver.Exception PI Eligibility
This form is used to request an exception to the principal investigator eligibility policy.Fiscal Year Salary Allocation - Instructions
These instructions will help in filling out the Fiscal Year Salary Allocation form (FYSA) which is used to reallocate payroll charges.
Any retroactive fiscal year salary allocation beyond the one-month period will require a service charge of $500.00. For academic units, the charge will be to the dean's account of the respective college for each change of status. For non-academic units, the Vice President or President will determine the appropriate account to be charged. Exceptions to the charging for retroactive change of status beyond the one-month period will require the approval of the Comptroller.
Cell phone change requires a new cell phone allowance form.
Grant Internal Routing
This form is used to provide information and acquire approvals on new grant proposals or contracts.Grant Program Payment
This form is used to request payment of tuition and fees for students from grants.No Cost Extension
This form is used to request a no-cost extension of a grant.Pre Award Sponsored Account
This form is used to request a pre-award grant number.Re-Budget
This form is used to request a re-budget of your grant.Subaward Payment Authorization
This form is used to request payment of a subrecipient invoice.Traditional Gift Card Acknowledgment
This form is used to provide acknowledgement of receiving a gift card by grant research participants.
202 Burgin Dossett Hall, PO Box 70732, Contact Us, (423) 439-4275,
>403(b) Deferral Change
Direct Deposit Authorization-Payroll (PDF)
Direct Deposit Authorization-Payroll (Dynamic Forms)
Payroll Deduction-Food Service Employee Block Plan
TN State Retirement - Higher Education (TCRS/ORP, 401K/457)
311 Burgin Dossett Hall, PO Box 70732, Contact Us, (423) 439-5320,
Tax and Revenue Services
Certificate of Sales Tax Exemption for Supplier
Taxable Fringe Benefit - Reporting
Taxable Fringe Benefit - Request for Extra Compensation
202 Burgin Dossett Hall, PO Box 70713, Contact Us, (423) 439-5869,
Bursar (Benefits/Loans)
Main Forms:
Departmental Receipting Deposit General
Things You Should Know When Withdrawing
Educational Benefit Forms:
Fee Discount (Children Public School Teachers/State Employees)
Fee Discount (Spouse/Dependent of ETSU Employees)
Fee Waiver, Non-Credit and/or Audit (ETSU Employees)
Public Higher Education Fee Waiver (State Employees)
Tuition Reimbursement (ETSU Employees)
A new Request for Education Benefits dynamic form will go-live on 7/15/2022. All requests for Fall 2022 (Fee Waivers, Tuition Reimbursements & Spouse/Dependent Discounts) will need to be submitted via the new electronic form. Paper/PDF forms will continue to be accepted for only Summer 2022. Please visit the Human Resources website for more information.
Loan Forms:
College of Medicine, Resident Emergency Fund
E.G. Hughes/University-Kick Start
Perkins Disbursement/Perkins Hardship Deferment/Forbearance Postponement
ETSU Education Abroad Bridge Loan Application
University Short-Term (*Loan Funding Currently Unavailable*)
University Sponsored Enroll. Kick Start, Short Term/Emergency
202 Burgin Dossett Hall, PO Box 70719, Contact Us, (423) 439-4212,
Central Receiving
Equipment Inventory Change/Deletion Request
325 Treasure Lane, PO Box 70696, Contact Us, (423) 439-4364,
Contract Services
Agreement Routing College Medicine & Family Medicine
Clinical Affiliation Agreement
Employee vs. Independent Contractor Classification Criteria
HIPAA Business Associate Agreement
Payment Personal Services Less Than $5,000
Standard Contract Terms & Conditions
Use of Campus Facilities Agreement
W-8BEN, Foreign Individual-Certificate Foreign Status
W-9, U.S. Citizen-Taxpayer Identification
Fiscal Review Committee:
Non-Competitive Contract Amendment
Supplemental Department Information
202 Burgin Dossett Hall, PO Box 70713, Contact Us, (423) 439-6888,
Purchasing a Department/University Owned Vehicle
Service and Software Accessibility Standards
Sole Source and Proprietary Definitions
Vendors/Individual Payees/Reimbursees, Please Visit: Non-Employee Direct Deposit
Goldlink Finance/ePrint & eBucs Access, please visit: Financial Systems & Technology
B016 Burgin Dossett Hall, PO Box 70729, Contact Us, (423) 439-4224,
Auxiliaries/Nonres. Tax
Nonresident Alien Tax Compliance-Schedule Appointment
202 Burgin Dossett Hall, PO Box 70713, Contact Us, (423) 439-6887,
Post Office
Department Stamp/Envelope/Letterhead Request
Department Stamp/Envelope/Letterhead Request
When should I use this form?
Use this request when departments need books of stamps for official school usage or to order pre-printed envelopes or department letterhead.Who should I contact with questions?
- Questions concerning stamp ordering can be sent to or call 439-4232.
- Questions concerning Envelope/Letterhead can be sent to or call 439-6894.
Who should I contact for technical access assistance?
Ryan Seale: via MS Teams or -
Request for New ETSU Department Mailing Address
Request for New ETSU Department Mailing Address
When should I use this form?
Use this form when a new department is being formed and needs a new ETSU Mailing Address.
Who needs to approve this form?
The form must be routed to the Dean or Department VP for Approval.How will I know when my new address is ready?
Once reviewed and approved by Postal Services, the requestor will be informed of the new address and date it can be used.Are there any restrictions?
- All ETSU Departments must use the PO Box assigned.
- Street addresses are optional but if used, it must be placed above the PO Box address.
Who should I contact with questions?
Questions regarding completing the form should be sent to postal@etsu.eduWho should I contact for technical access assistance?
Ryan Seale: via MS Teams or
110 D.P. Culp University Center, PO Box 70267, Contact Us, (423) 439-4232,
Passport Services
Request for New ETSU Department Mailing Address
DS-3053=Statement Consent, Issue to Minor < 16
DS-5504=Apply for Name Change/Data Correction/Limited Replacement
DS-5525=Statement Exigent/Special Family Circumstances, Issue to Minor < 16
DS-64=Report valid U.S. Passport lost/stolen
DS-82=Renewing Adult U.S. Passport
DS-86=Statement of Non-Receipt of a U.S. Passport
STEP=Safe Traveler Enrollment Program
147 D.P. Culp University Center, PO Box 70267, Contact Us, (423) 439-7277,