Goal: To recruit, prepare, and retain high school teachers in Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics.
The ETSU Noyce Program has two components:
1) A 5-week summer internship program for undergraduate majors in the above three subject areas (Chemistry, Physics, and Math). These interns will work at local science/technology museums, centers, or camps. They will help lead activities, give tours, preparing and giving presentations, giving scientific demonstrations, tutoring, and other activities. Click here for more information.
2) Scholarships to the ETSU Masters of Arts in Teaching for students with bachelor's degrees in one of three subjects given above, plus also Biology and Geosciences. Click here for more information about the Noyce MAT scholarships.
In these programs, we are specificallly targeting students who are not already enrolled in a teacher education program at ETSU.
This program is funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation Robert Noyce program.
Any opinions, finding, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in these web pages
are those of the author(s), and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National
Science Foundation.
For more information, contact Dr. Beverly Smith at smithbj@etsu.edu or 423-439-8418.
Last updated: 6/21/2024