Program Purpose
Leadership is a skillset most employers seek and professional schools desire. It is not just for business majors or those seeking political office. Leadership is about personal effectiveness and sustained success at work, at home and in community. The skills learned and practiced here are an excellent foundation designed to help students move quickly into mid-management positions in health care, nonprofit organizations, human services, education, business, government, community service, and even as entrepreneurs.
The Leadership Studies Minor provides:
- An interdisciplinary academic program for students in all majors.
- A program designed to enhance your understanding and practice of leadership.
- An opportunity to begin or continue your leadership development journey.
- A catalyst that launches students into career readiness.
- A curriculum composed of leadership competencies, community experiences, and a portfolio.
Knowledge, Skills, & Abilities
- Knowledge of self through an intense journey of personal awareness and feedback
- Foundational understanding of the historical development of leadership theories and their application today
- Ability to act within your core values and align an organization's purpose and culture to its core values
- Knowledge of organizations and the development of social systems
- Ability to create a clear vision, mission, and strategic plan
- Knowledge of cultural differences and their influence on social systems
- Skill development in leading change, establishing a culture of excellence, and transformational leadership
- Ability to present and persuade
- Ability to execute your highest priority
- Improved skills in managing emotions, time and planning
- Improved skills in communication, feedback, and listening
- Improved skills in assessing organizational processes, leadership, and improvement opportunities
Leadership Minor Requirements
To graduate with a Leadership Studies Minor you will need to complete 21 credits and a portfolio.
One 3 credit course is required for each of the following content areas:
- Personal Effectiveness
- Organizational Development
- Presentation and Persuasion
- Ethics
- Social Justice
- Diversity
- Application of Leadership Theory
The leadership portfolio consists of the following items:
- Completion of a 20 hour service project with a leadership component; reflection paper required.
- The assessment results of the Strengths Finder Assessment.
- Service as a campus or community leader for one year in a structured organization; reflection paper required.
- Three reference letters which include comments about your demonstrated leadership ability.
- Three visits with a community leadership mentor; reflection paper required.
- The completion of a Leadership Development Summary Plan.
Program advisor: Dr. Jo Anne Smith,