ECED PhD Program Information
Early Childhood Education
The Early Childhood Education Department believes that students and faculty are reflective partners actively engaged in a continual learning process to gain the knowledge, skills and dispositions to be teachers, researchers, professionals and leaders in early care and education.
Students and Faculty:
- Engage in innovative and effective learning experiences that positively impact their lives as well as children, families and the global community.
- Advocate for the early care and education profession.
- Demonstrate excellence in early care and education through the understanding and application of theory, research and practice in a variety of real-world settings.
- Appreciate the uniqueness of each individual when preparing the teaching and learning environment.
- Honor the culture and diversity of ALL children and families within a changing global and technological society.
Download the PhD in Early Childhood Education brochure
Inquire about availability of PhD Fellowships when applying. Typically fellowships are offered for 3-year periods.
The PhD requires 69-72 semester hours distributed as follows:
Core Courses
ECED-6100 Hist. and Theoretical Basis for ECE - 3 credit hours
ECED-6200 Implications/Trends & Dvlp. of Children- 3 credit hours
ECED-6300 Soc. & Cult. Diversity in Families- 3 credit hours
ECED-6400 Seminar in Prof. Dvlp. and Leadership- 3 credit hours -
ECED-6600 Processes of Language & Literacy Learning- 3 credit hours
ECED-6610 Teaching & Learning Env. & Impacts- 3 credit hours
ECED-6620 Leadership, Admin. & Supervision in ECE- 3 credit hours
ECED-6630 Paradigms of Inquiry-Based Constructivism- 3 credit hours
ECED-6640 Critical Analysis of Brain Research- 3 credit hours -
Other Credits
ELPA-7810 Educational Statistics- 3 credit hours
ECED-7811 Early Childhood Education Quantitative Research- 3 credit hours
ECED-7812 Early Childhood Education Qualitative Research- 3 credit hours
ECED-7814 Analysis and Interp. of Research Designs- 3 credit hours
ECED-7950 Advanced Research in EC and Seminar- 3 credit hours
ECED-7960 Dissertation (3 to 6 hours repeatable) - 3 credit hours
ECED-7990 Readings and Research (1 to 3 hrs variable credit, if needed)
ApprenticeshipECED-7000* Apprenticeship in Research (required as indicated under research)
*Choose one or two Apprenticeships in addition to ECED 7000 for a total of 3-6 hrs.ECED-7001* Apprenticeship in University Teaching- 3 credit hours
ECED-7002* Apprenticeship in Dvlp. of Teachers - 3 credit hours
ECED-7003* Apprenticeship in Early Intervention - 3 credit hours
ECED-7004* Apprenticeship in Early Childhood Leadership- 3 credit hours -
The three collateral courses must be taken in the same academic area, as determined by the student, doctoral advisor, and collateral area advisor.
PhD Program Newsletters
Dr. Jane Tingle Broderick
Co-Coordinator PhD Program
Emergent Inquiry Certificate Program Coordinator
Professor ECED
Department of Early Childhood Education
Box 70548
Johnson City, TN 37614
Dr. Pam Evanshen
Department of Early Childhood Education
Co-Coordinator PhD Program
Professor ECED
Department of Early Childhood Education
Box 70548
Johnson City, TN 37614
Fiona Goodyear
Graduate Program Specialist
Phone: (423) 439-6148
Fall 2023 Faculty Presentations & Publications
** Faculty noted in bold font.
Dr. Atiles
Atiles, J. T., Dias, M. J. A, & Moore, J. D. (2023). Strategies for early childhood educators who work with emergent bilinguals. HS Dialog: The Research to Practice Journal for the Early Childhood Field, 26(3).
Dias, M. J. A., Atiles, J. T., & Moore, J. D. (2023). Preparing early childhood educators to work with emergent bilinguals. HS Dialog: The Research to Practice Journal for the Early Childhood Field, 26(3).
Atiles, J. T., Almodóvar, M., & Owusu, R. S. (2023, November 15-18). Building a foundation for a kinder world: How to teach empathy to preschoolers [Paper presentation]. National Association for the Education of Young Children, Nashville, TN
Almodóvar, M., & Atiles, J. T. (2023, November 15-18). ¿Cómo enseñarle empatía a los niños de edad preescolar? Construyendo una base para un mundo más amable [Paper presentation]. National Association for the Education of Young Children, Nashville, TN.
Atiles, J. T., Perry, A. A., & Puni-Nyamesem, C. (2023, November 15). Child care centers licensing standards in the United States from 1981 to 2023 [Poster presentation]. National Association of Early Childhood Teacher Educators, Nashville, TN.
Atiles, J. T., Maron-Puntarelli, C., Costa, M., & McMullen, M. B. (2023, September). Touched by care: Life stories of sharing understanding, respect, peace, and compassion, with young children [Paper presentation]. 31st European Early Childhood Education Research Association Conference, Cascais, Lisbon, Portugal.
Atiles, J. T., Chavarría Vargas, A., & Zúñiga León, I. M. (2023, August). A teacher workforce to develop bilingual learners is needed: Costa Rican early childhood educators’ voices. [Poster presentation]. 31st European Early Childhood Education Research Association Conference, Cascais, Lisbon, Portugal
Dr. Broderick
Broderick, J.T., Bock, S., Hatcher, A., Moran, M. (2023, November) Teachers as Researchers: Interpreting and Questioning to Plan for Emergent Inquiry Curriculum Centered on Children’s Thinking. National Association for the Education of Young Children, Nashville, TN
Broderick, J. T., Dias, M. J., & Orimaye, K. H. (March 2024). Framing Open-Ended Explorations of Materials Within the Context of Creativity and Constructivist Theories. Exchange Magazine (spring).
Broderick, J. T. & Evanshen, P. (2023). Studying Reggio-Inspired Early Childhood Emergent Inquiry Online. Exchange Magazine (summer).
Broderick, J. T. & Hong, S. B. (2023). Undergraduates Use of Materials Explorations and Documentation to Study Re-Representation and Multi-Symbolic Representation in Learning Processes, Association for Constructivist Teaching, Boone, NC.
Dr. Facun-Granadozo
Facun-Granadozo, R., (2023, November) “Dear Teacher…”: Early Childhood Educators’/Parents’ Perspectives on Supporting Immigrant and Foreign National Children and Families to Thrive in US Early Childhood Settings. National Association for the Education of Young Children, Nashville, TN
Dr. Lange
Perry, A.A, Lange, A.A, (2023, November) Pre-service teachers’ reflections on community-engaged learning in a STEM Course (paper session) National Association of Early Childhood Teacher Educators, Nashville, TN
Lange, A.A., Morton, M., Galisini, T., & Perry, A.A. (2023, November). Exploring early math outdoors. Annual conference of National Association of Early Childhood Education. Nashville, TN.
Lange, A.A. & Culter, C. (2023) Webinar. Integrating math meaningfully with science and engineering. First webinar hosted by the Early Math Interest Forum, NAEYC (Lange is co-facilitator), September. NAEYC.
Dr. Malkus
Nyamesem, C., & Malkus, A. J. (November, 2023). Young children’s screen media use: Insights from a study on familial regulation of young of young children’s TV viewing in Ghana. Poster presented at the annual conference of the National Association for the Education of Young Children, Nashville, TN
Malkus, A.J. (October, 2023). From algorithms to imaginations: Crafting a constructivist learning voyage with AI. Keynote address presented at the annual conference of the Association for Constructivist Teaching, Boone, NC
Dr. Sareh
Edokhamhen, E., Sareh, N., Nyabando, T., Tian, Q., Mensah Bonsu, P. (October 2023). Embracing Constructivism in a digital age: Empowering Learning Journeys with Gen Z. Association for Constructivist Teaching, Boone, NC
Moore, R., Seipel, S., & Sareh, N., Hood, M., Johnson. A. (November 2023). Developing authentic STEM inquiry experiences for infants and toddlers: Early childhood preservice teachers’ experiences in an infant toddler practicum. National Association for the Education of Young Children, Nashville, TN
Tian, Q., Nyabando, T., Sareh, N., Mensah-Bonsu, P., Edokhamhen, E. (November, 2023). Effective Early Childhood Teacher Education Strategies: Teaching Generation Z. National Association of Early Childhood Teacher Educators, Nashville, TN
Sareh, N. (November 2023). The Relationship between the amount of time spent in the Blok Center and Gender Differences in Preschool Children’s Spatial Performance. National Association for the Education of Young Children, Nashville, TN
Baugher, D.J. & Sareh, N. (2023) Book-Tasting Presentations within an Early Childhood Educator Preparation Program. The Advocate, 28(2). DOI: 10.4148/2637-4552.1180
Dr. Sharp
Shelton, A. M.& Sharp, L. K. (2023, November) Residency Bootcamp: A Collaborative Project for a Successful Residency Experience. National Association of Early Childhood Teacher Educators, Nashville, TN.
Fall 2023 PhD Student Presentations & Publications
** Doctoral Students noted in bold font.
Atiles, J. T., Dias, M. J. A, & Moore, J. D. (2023). Strategies for early childhood educators who work with emergent bilinguals. HS Dialog: The Research to Practice Journal for the Early Childhood Field, 26(3).
Dias, M. J. A., Atiles, J. T., & Moore, J. D. (2023). Preparing early childhood educators to work with emergent bilinguals. HS Dialog: The Research to Practice Journal for the Early Childhood Field, 26(3).
Broderick, J.T., Bock, S., Hatcher, A., Moran, M. (2023, November) Teachers as Researchers: Interpreting and Questioning to Plan for Emergent Inquiry Curriculum Centered on Children’s Thinking. National Association for the Education of Young Children, Nashville, TN
Perry, A.A, Lange, A.A, (2023, November) Pre-service teachers’ reflections on community-engaged learning in a STEM Course (paper session) National Association of Early Childhood Teacher Educators, Nashville, TN
Shelton, A. M. & Sharp, L. K. (2023, November) Residency Bootcamp: A Collaborative Project for a Successful Residency Experience. National Association of Early Childhood Teacher Educators, Nashville, TN.
Clemmer College
Clemmer College offers a wide array of scholarships to accepted prospective students and currently enrolled ETSU students majoring in an academic program housed within Clemmer College.
Graduate School
Scholarships, Grants, and Assistantships
DEADLINES: All materials must be submitted by the following deadlines:
- Fall Semester - July 1
- Spring Semester - November 1
- Summer Semester - April 1
International Merit Scholarship
Program Specific Scholarships: See the Clemmer College Tab on this PhD Program Web Page
Diversity Scholarships
Diversity Incentive Minority Scholarship
For information please contact:
Special Assistant to the President for Equity and Diversity
Affirmative Action Director
423.439.4445Southern Regional Education Board
- Doctoral Scholars Program
- The program’s goal is to produce more minority Ph.D students who seek careers as faculty on college campuses.
Program Graduates
Owale Olubowale 2023
Olawale Olubowale
Wale is currently an Assistant Professor at the Metropolitan University of Toronto.
Dissertation Title: Childhood Trauma in Early Care and Education: Understanding School Administrators' Perceptions.
Chair: Dr. Evanshen
Ehichoya Edokhamhen 2023
Ehichoya Edokhamhen
Ehi is currently an Assistant Professor, University of Nebraska at Kearney
Dissertation Title: Building Resilience: A Mixed Methods Exploration of Head Start Teachers Coping During the Covid-19 Pandemic.
Chair: Dr. Trivette
Katherine Madison 2023
Katherine Madison
Dissertation Title: Exploration of Privilege and Demographics Associated with Teachers' Self-Efficacy in Culturally Responsive Classroom Management
Chair: Dr. Malkus
Sonia Yoshizawa 2023
Sonia Yoshizawa
Sonia is currently the Pedagogista/Assistant Director. School name: St. Margaret’s Episcopal School Website:
Dissertation Title: Sound and Music Opportunities in Toddler Learning Environments
Chair: Dr. Facun-Granadozo
Kristy Castanon 2023
Kristy Castanon
Dissertation Title: Perceptions of Primary Caregivers About Managing their Child's Transition to Kindergarten: A Mixed Methods Study
Chair: Dr. Trivette
Kara Boynewicz 2022
Kara Boynewicz
Kara is an Associate Professor in the Rehabilitative Sciences Program at East Tennessee State University.
Dissertation Title: Early detection of atypical motor and neurobehavior development of infants exposed to opiates: A prospective study
Chair: Dr. Trivette
Guillermo Mendoza 2022
Guillermo Mendoza
Guillermo is Chief of Staff at Northeast State Community College.
Dissertation Title: Examining Teachers Referral and Placement Decisions for Gifted and Talented Programs of Hispanic Children
Chair: Dr. Sharp
Tahani Ahmed 2022
Tahani Ahmed
Dissertation Title: An Investigation of the Relationship Between Teachers’ Personal Epistemologies and Their Self-Efficacy About Culturally Responsive Classroom Management
Chair: Dr. Malkus
Qiuji Tian 2022
Qiuju Tian
Qiuju (Daisy) is an Assistant Professor at Mercyhurst University.
Dissertation Title: The Impact of an Integrated STEM Collaborative Approach on Early Childhood and Elementary Preservice Teachers’ Pedagogical Content Knowledge and Curricular Role Identity for Teaching Science.
Chair: Dr. Lange
Narges Sareh 2020
Narges Sareh
Narges Sareh is an Assistant Professor at East Tennessee State University.
Dissertation Title: The relationship between the amount of time spend in block center and gender differences in preschool children’s spatial performance.
Chair: Dr. Lange
Randa Dunlap 2020
Randa Dunlap is an Assistant Professor of Early Childhood at the Appalachian State University, Boone, NC.
Dissertation Title: Determining if Classroom Pets as part of an Empathy-Based Intervention Affect Public Elementary Students ' Empathy.
Chair: Dr. Malkus
Tara Voit 2020
Tara Voit is currently an adjunct professor at Sante Fe Community College.
Dissertation Title: Head Start Preschool Teachers’ Perceptions of Reggio Emilia
Principles Practiced Within Their
Own Setting: A Case Study.Chair: Dr. Broderick
Tsitsi Nyabando 2019
Tsitsi Nyabando is currently an Assistant Professor at Eastern New Mexico University
Dissertation Title: Second Grade Students’ Perceptions of Their Classrooms’ Physical Learning Environment.
Chair: Dr. Evanshen
Michael Garrett 2018
Michael Garrett is currently teaching in the Math and Statistics Department at ETSU.
Dissertation Title: Seeing the World Differently. An Exploration of a Professional Development Model Bridging Science and Lay Cultures.
Chair: Dr. Broderick
Rebekah Taylor 2018
Rebekah Taylor
Dissertation Title: A Mixed Methods Exploration of East Tennessee Early Childhood Teachers’ Perceptions, Knowledge, Practices, and Resources of Critical Literacy.
Chair: Dr. Sharp
Hongxia Zhao 2018
Hongxia Zhao is currently an Assistant Professor at New Mexico State University, Carlsbad.
Dissertation Title: Examining Contributors to Preschoolers’ Classroom Engagement using Structural Equation Modeling.
Chair: Dr. Trivette
Stephanie Stephens 2018
Stephanie Stephens
Dissertation Title: Teachers’ response to infants’ nonverbal communication and use of response to facilitate a dialogue.
Chair: Dr. Geiken
Cathy Landy 2018
Cathy Landy is currently working as a contractor for the Upper TN River Roundtable as a Save Our Streams coordinator
Dissertation Title: The State of Outdoor Education in Northeast Tennessee: Preschool Teacher Attitudes Toward Outdoor Education.
Chair: Dr. Malkus
Jennifer Lynberg 2018
Jennifer Lynberg
Dissertation Title: Teachers and their perceptions about
adaptive skill training within an Early Childhood comprehensive development classroom for students
with intellectual disabilities.Chair: Dr. Trivette
Brandie Maness 2018
Brandie Maness is an Assistant Professor at University of South Carolina, Aiken.
Dissertation Title: Preschool Teachers’ Perceptions of Children Prenatally Exposed to Drugs.
Chair: Dr. Trivette
Gina Wohlford 2018
Ginal Wohlford is currently Superintendent of Norton City Schools, Norton, VA.
Dissertation Title: Observation and Interpretation: Teachers’ beliefs and the impact of intervention on teachers’ meaningful conversations with children in preschool programs
Chair: Dr. Broderick
Michelle Johnson 2017
Michelle Johnson is an Associate Professor in the Nutrition Program, Department of Allied Health Sciences, ETSU. She is also Dietetic Intern Director.
Dissertation Title: Design and Validation of a Scale for Preschoolers:
Measuring Nutrition Knowledge, Beliefs, and Behaviors.Chair: Dr. Malkus
Kim Austin 2017
Kim Austin is currently an Assistant Professor of Early Childhood Education at Southwest Virginia Community College.
Dissertation Title: Parental Perceptions of Preschool Age Children’s Literacy Development in a Rural Appalachian Community.
Chair: Dr. Hale
Teresa Boggs 2016
Teresa Boggs is an Associate Professor and the Director of Clinical Services for Speech-Language Pathology at ETSU.
Dissertation Title: The effects of environmental modifications and visual supports in the home on engagement and challenging behaviors in children with autism.
Chair: Dr. Evanshen
Lori Hamilton 2016
Lori Hamilton is currently teaching for an online program.
Dissertation Title: Teachers perceptions of intensive professional development in the Daily Five™ in literacy instruction: A multiple case study.
Chair: Dr. Sharp
Charity Hensley 2015
Charity Hensley is an Assistant Professor at Emory & Henry College.
Dissertation Title: Use of the Physical Classroom Environment as a Teaching & Learning Tool Including the Impact of the Common Core State Standard Initiative in Kindergarten through Third Grade Primary Classrooms in Northeast Tennessee.
Chair: Dr. Evanshen
Kim Cassidy 2015
Kim Cassidy recently is an Associate Professor of Early Childhood Education at Shawnee State University in Ohio.
Dissertation Title: Determining if Grandparents as Primary Caregivers of Pre-K through Third Grade Students in Northeast Tennessee Perceive Delivery of Information and Services as Effective in Decreasing Chronic Absence.
Chair: Dr. Malkus
Ruth Facun-Granadozo 2014
Ruth Facun-Granadozo is currently an Associate Professor of Early Childhood Education at East Tennessee State University.
Dissertation Title: Developing Mastery in Phonemic Awareness and Morphemic Awareness: A Multiple Case Study of Preservice Early Childhood Educators.
Chair: Dr. Sharp
Angie Baker 2014
Angie Baker is an Assistant Professor at King College.
Dissertation Title: An Exploratory Critical Study of Questioning Strategies Posed by Early Childhood Teachers During Literacy Blocks.
Chair: Dr. Sharp
Helen Lane 2012
ETSU Early Childhood Faculty pose with Dr. Helen Lane, the first recipient of the ETSU Early Childhood Program PhD. Click here to read an article about Dr. Helen Lane receiving the first ETSU doctoral degree in Early Childhood in the Johnson City Press.
Dissertation Title: Influences of Caregiver-Child Interactions and Temperament on Cortisol Levels of Toddlers in Full-Day Childcare.
Chair: Dr. Gloeckler