Dr. Jill Channing
Associate Professor and Associate Director of Center for Community College Leadership
- channing@etsu.edu
- 423-439-7545
- 514 Warf Pickel
2018-Present East Tennessee State University Johnson City, TN
- Associate Professor
- Associate Director of the Center for Community College Leadership
- Assistant Professor
- Department Chair
2016-2018 Truckee Meadows Community College Reno, NV
- Dean of Liberal Arts
- Adjunct Women’s and Gender Studies, English, and Humanities Instructor
2014-2016 Kankakee Community College Kankakee, IL
- Associate Dean of Humanities and Social Sciences
- Adjunct Women’s Studies and English Instructor
2006-2014 Mitchell Community College Statesville, NC
- Writing Programs Director
- English Department Head
- English, Humanities, and Women’s Studies Instructor
- ELPA 5822: Legal Issues in Student Personnel
- ELPA 6020: Seminar in Educational Supervision
- ELPA 6050: Equity, Inclusion, and Social Justice in Higher Education
- ELPA 6454: Policy, Power, and Politics in Educataion
- ELPA 7812: Qualitative Research I
- ELPA 7823: Higher Education Finance
- Gender and higher education
- Equity and inclusion in higher education
- Community college leadership
- Student success services
- Higher education organizational culture
- Online education
- Narrative and qualitative research
- Mixed methods educational research
Channing, J., Lampley, S., Lampley, J. (2023). The relationships between gender and graduation rates, dissertation methodology, GPA, and GRE scores for Ed.D. graduates at a Southeastern university. Journal of Educational Leadership Preparation, 18(1), 1-17. (Peer Reviewed)
Channing, J., & Patterson, B. (2023). Critical Race Theory and U.S. community colleges: Contending with controversy. Community College Journal of Research and Practice. https://doi.org/10.1080/10668926.2023.2256247 (Peer Reviewed)
Channing, J. & Wilson, G. (2023). Educational leadership educators’ development of a culture of caring during the Covid-19 pandemic. In J. Salvo & N. Denzin (Eds.), Qualitative research in the time of COVID: Lessons learned and opportunities presented during a pandemic. Myers Education Press. (Peer Reviewed)
Rutig, D. & Channing, J. (2023). Breaking the school-to-prison pipeline through culturally responsive leadership. In B. Cager, J. Tussey, L. Haas, & M. Galloway Burke (Eds.), Culturally responsive leadership for social justice and academic equity for all (pp. 210-229). IGI Global. https://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-6684-7482-2.ch013 (Peer Reviewed)
Channing, J. (2022). How do community college leaders learn leadership? A mixed methods study on leadership learning experiences. Education Leadership Review, 22(1), 201-220.
Channing, J. (2022). “Oh, I’m a damsel in distress”: Women higher education leaders’ narratives. Journal of Women in Educational Leadership, 281, 1-25.
Mellons, V., Channing, J., Ko, K., Lampley, J., & Moreland, A. (2022). Relationships between dual enrollment parameters and community college success in Tennessee. Education Leadership Review of Doctoral Research, 10, 69-88. https://www.icpel.org/uploads/1/5/6/2/15622000/elrdr_fall_2022_volume_10.pdf
Messmer, E., & Channing, J. (2022). First-generation women students’ perceptions of support while enrolled in higher education institutions: A phenomenological study. Education Leadership Review of Doctoral Research, 10, 89-107. https://www.icpel.org/uploads/1/5/6/2/15622000/elrdr_fall_2022_volume_10.pdf
Channing, J. (2021). Power, politics, Foucault, and community college leadership. Journal of Research in Education, 30(3). https://www.eeraorganization.org/copy-of-jre-2021-number-2
Edmonds, M., Channing, J., & Lampley, J. (2021). Influence of student and instructor characteristics in online student success. ICPEL Education Leadership Review of Doctoral Research, 9, 19-33
Channing, J. (2020). “What about your kids and your husband?”: Gender-blind sexism in women higher education administrators’ narratives. Education Leadership Review, 21(1). https://www.icpel.org/ed-leadership-review.html
Channing, J (2020). “It was just the right thing to do”: Women higher education administrators theorize ethical leadership. Journal of Research in Education, 29(2). https://www.eeraorganization.org/copy-of-jre-winter-2020
Channing, J. (2020). How can leadership be taught? Implications for leadership educators. The International Journal of Educational Leadership Preparation, 15(1), 134-148.
Channing, J., & Okada, N. (2019): Supplemental instruction and embedded tutoring program assessment: Problems and opportunities. Community College Journal of Research and Practice, DOI: 10.1080/10668926.2019.1575777
Channing, J. (2016). Faculty evaluations: Contentious bothers or important tools for faculty growth? Community College Journal of Research and Practice, 40, 757-760.
Channing, J. (2011). "If you're coming out, what are you coming into?": Queer educators theorize about teaching, living, and learning in the South. [Doctoral Dissertation]. https://libres.uncg.edu/ir/uncg/f/Channing_uncg_0154D_10606.pdf.
Channing, J. (2008). What would Virginia Woolf do?: Woolf and social justice in the community college classroom. Virginia Woolf Miscellany, 73, 11-13.
Channing, J. (2005). Magical realism and gender variability in Orlando. Virginia Woolf Miscellany, 67, 11-13.
Selected Non-refereed/Professional:
Channing, J. (in press). Academic leadership and governance of higher education: Book review. The Department Chair. (Editorial Board Reviewed)
Channing, J. (2023). Empowerment leadership: Or how to get more done by doing less. Women in Higher Education, 32(9), 9-15.
Channing, J. (2023). It’s not because she’s a woman: Gender-blind sexism in higher education. Women in Higher Education, 32(6), 12-15.
Channing, J. (2023). Ensuring equitable and inclusive faculty searches: What can the chair do? The Department Chair, 33(4), 15-16.
Channing, J., Christian, G., Patterson, P., & King, M. (2023). Transforming the learning experience through ungrading. Learning Abstracts, XLV(7).
Channing, J., & Wipfli, M. (2023). Researching and learning with students: Undergraduate research strategies. Innovation Abstracts, XLV(13).
Channing, J. (2022). Calculating the pace of change during the COVID era. Women in Higher Education, 31(7), 12, 16. Reprint. (Editorial Board Reviewed)
Channing, J. (2022). How do I do this online? Overcoming the challenges of teaching virtual corequisite composition courses. Learning Abstracts, 25(12).
Channing, J. (2021). The assistant professor department chair: Advice and reflection. The Department Chair, 32(1), 6-7.
Channing, J., Scott, P., & Abney, A. (2020). So, what do we do now?: Adaptive leadership capacity for community college leaders. Leadership Abstracts, 33(12).
Channing, J. (2018). Generating innovation through failure. Leadership Abstracts, 31(6).
Channing, J. (2017). Blaming and complaining: High conflict behavior patterns in community colleges. Leadership Abstracts, 30(7).
Channing, J. (2016). That’s how we’ve always done it: Creating innovative change in community colleges. Leadership Abstracts, 29(7).
Channing, J. (2016). Generative leadership for community colleges. Leadership Abstracts, 29(6).
Channing, J. (2016). The benefits of generative leadership at community colleges. The Higher Learning Commission Collection of Papers.
Channing, J. (2011). Zombies as curriculum. South Atlantic Philosophy of Education Yearbook.
In Review
Channing, J., Brown, K., Reis, N., Rodriguez, S. & Benedetti, C. Navigating advocacy and ethics: social justice educational leaders’ perspectives.
In Preparation
Channing, J. What does equity and inclusion in education look like now? The Critical Race Theory controversy.
Selected Presentations:
Channing, J. (2023). Equity, inclusion, and faculty hiring committees. Presented at Presented at the 40th Academic Chairpersons Conference. New Orleans, LA.
Channing, J. (2023). “Having a completed education Is going to be my selling point”: Black and Hispanic male community college students’ success strategies. Presented at the 19th Annual International Qualitative Congress. Urbana, IL.
Channing, J. (2023). Queering leadership and collaborating for equity in education. Presented at the 2023 Queer Studies Conference. Ashville, NC.
Channing, J. (2023). When the rubber hits the road: Teaching advanced qualitative research courses. Presented at the 19th Annual International Qualitative Congress. Urbana, IL.
Channing, J., Brown, K., Rodriguez, S., & Reis, N.(2023). It just takes courage to step up and do it: Social justice leadership. Presented at the American Educational Research Association Conference. Chicago, IL.
Channing, J., & Wipfli, M. (2023). Researching with students: Learner- and inquiry-based strategies. Presented at the Micro Conference on High Impact Instructional Practices. Virtual.
Riggs, R., & Channing, J. (2023). Perceptions of tenured science faculty regarding the provision of reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities. Presented at the 19th Annual International Qualitative Congress. Urbana, IL.
Channing, J. (2022). Addressing the Critical Race Theory controversy in the community college classroom. Presented at the National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development Conference. Virtual.
Channing, J. (2022). Calculating the pace of change during the COVID era. Presented at the 39th Academic Chairpersons Conference. Virtual.
Channing, J. (2022). Equity and inclusion leaders’ challenges and opportunities. Presented at the 19th Annual International Qualitative Congress. Virtual.
Channing, J. (2022). How do I start?: Writing a qualitative thesis or dissertation. Presented at the Mid-South Educational Research Association Conference. Little Rock, AR.
Channing, J. (2022). Navigating the Critical Race Theory controversy as educational leadership educators. Presented at the International Council of Professors of Educational Leadership. Denver, CO.
Channing, J. (2022). Teaching English corequisite courses online. Presented at the National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development Conference. Virtual.
Channing, J. (2022). What does equity and inclusion in education look like now? The Critical Race Theory controversy. Presented at the Eastern Educational Research Conference. Clearwater Beach, FL.
Channing, J. (2022). When is a study trustworthy enough? Presented at the 18th Annual International Qualitative Congress. Virtual.
Channing, J., & Scott, P. (2022). Pandemics, politics, and people: The adaptive skills community college leaders need to meet today’s challenges. Presented at the National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development. Webinar.
Channing, J., Swindle, J., Perreault, M., & Adeniji, O. (2022). Black and Hispanic men's success, persistence, and experiences at Tennessee Board of Regents community colleges. Presented at the We All Rise Conference. Murfreesboro, TN.
Channing, J., & Wilson, G. (2022). Educational leadership educators’ development of a culture of caring during the Covid-19 pandemic. Presented at the 18th Annual International Qualitative Congress. Virtual.
Christian, G., & Channing, J. (2022). Creating a culture of caring: Transforming the learning experience through ungrading. Presented at ETSU’s 5th Annual Conference for High Impact Instructional Practices (CHIIPs). Johnson City, TN.
Korstange, A., & Channing, J. (2022). Reactions of resident assistants working as essential personnel during the COVID-19 shut-down. Presented at the Eastern Educational Research Conference. Clearwater Beach, FL.
Channing, J. (2021). Post-Covid online teaching and learning. Presented at the Mid-South Educational Research Association Conference. New Orleans, LA.
Channing, J., & Lampley, J. (2021). Black and Latinx men's success, persistence, and experiences at Southeastern community colleges. Presented at the Mid-South Educational Research Association Conference. New Orleans, LA.
Channing, J. (2021). Infusing social emotional learning in the online format. Presented at 4th Annual Conference for High-Impact Instructional Practices. Virtual.
Channing, J., Bernard, J., & Cuda, C. (2021). Student evaluations of teaching: What are they good for? Presented at Eastern Educational Research Conference. Virtual.
Channing, J. (2021). What do I do now?: Tackling higher education adaptive leadership challenges. Presented at 38th Academic Chairpersons Conference. Virtual.
Channing, J., & Lampley, J. (2021). Students’ perceptions of an online program and D2L learning management system: Implications for educators. Clemmer Online Teaching Retreat. Virtual.
Channing, J., Ondari, J., & Craft, A. (2020). “Being Student-Centered and Then It's Just Communicate, Communicate, Communicate”: Communication and Community College Leadership during COVID-19. Presented at the Mid-South Educational Research Association Conference. Virtual.
Channing, J. (2020). integrating reflection into online courses. Presented at ESTU High Impact Practices Conference. Virtual.
Channing, J., & Scott, P. (2020). Building relationships in a dissertation research community of practice in online learning environment. Presented at International Council of Professors of Educational Leadership Conference. Virtual.
Channing, J. & Cooke, J. (2020). Minding the gap: Working toward equity for underrepresented students. Presented at the League for Innovation in the Community College Conference. Seattle, WA.
Channing, J. & Cooke, J. (2020). Zoom into student engagement and learning. Presented at the League for Innovation in the Community College Conference. Seattle, WA.
Channing, J. & Ebenhack, K. (2020). Can leadership be taught? What community college administrators have to say. Presented at the League for Innovation in the Community College Conference. Seattle, WA.
Channing, J. & Ebenhack, K. (2020). Strategic planning and benchmarking for dummies. Presented at the League for Innovation in the Community College Conference. Seattle, WA.
Channing, J. (2020). “It was just the right thing to do”: Women higher education administrations theorize ethical leadership. Presented at the Eastern Educational Research Association Conference. Orlando, FL.
Lampley, J., & Channing, J. (2020). The relationships between gender, and graduation rates, types of Dissertation, and GRE scores for Ed.D. graduates at one Tennessee university. Presented at the Eastern Educational Research Association Conference. Orlando, FL.
Channing, J. (2019). Can leadership be taught?: Implications for leadership educators. Presented at the Mid-South Educational Research Conference. New Orleans, LA.
Channing, J., Lampley, S., & Lampley, J. (2019). Online doctoral students’ perceptions of learning management system tools, connectedness, and suggestions. Presented at the Mid-South Educational Research Conference. New Orleans, LA.
Channing, J. (2019). Beyond compliance: Authentic and engaged online teaching and learning. Presented at the Conference for High-impact Instructional Practices at East Tennessee State University. Johnson City, TN.
Channing, J. (2019). Women higher education leaders’ counter-narratives. Presented at The International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry. Urbana, IL.
Channing, J. (2019). It shouldn’t matter: Ethical leadership and gender-blind sexism in women higher education administrators’ narratives. Presented at The International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry. Urbana, IL.
Channing, J. (2019). Challenges and opportunities: Community colleges in the coming decade. Presented at League for Innovation in the Community College Conference, New York, NY.
Channing, J. (2019). A grand plan: Increasing enrollment in online programs. Presented at League for Innovation in the Community College Conference, New York, NY.
Channing, J. (2019). Increase access for adult students. Presented at League for Innovation in the Community College Conference, New York, NY.
Dulaney, W., Reynolds, S., & Channing, J. (2019). Tennessee’s innovative state-wide initiatives. Presented at League for Innovation in the Community College Conference, New York, NY.
Channing, J. (2018). Threats to masculinities: On being a woman leader. Presented at Northern Nevada Diversity Summit, Reno, NV.
Channing, J. (2018). Generating innovation through failure. Presented at League for Innovation in the Community College Conference, National Harbor, MD.
Channing, J. (2018). Embedded tutoring and supplemental instruction equal student success. Presented at League for Innovation in the Community College Conference, National Harbor, MD.
Channing, J. (2018). I will never use this: Contextual teaching and learning. Presented at League for Innovation in the Community College Conference, National Harbor, MD.