Dr. Pamela H. Scott
Professor, Program Coordinator For School Leadership
- scottp@etsu.edu
- 423-439-4430
- 501 B Warf Pickel
Dr. Scott is professor in the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis and serves as the program coordinator of the concentration in School Leadership. Dr. Scott’s expertise in P-20 school leadership is grounded in her prior work in public schools as a building and district level administrator and as a current board trustee at a regional community college. She also serves as methodologist and chair of students conducting dissertation research. Dr. Scott serves on a variety of department, college, and university committees.
Ed.D. in Educational Leadership with a double cognate in Curriculum and Instruction
and Special Education from Appalachian State University.
Ed.S. in Educational Administration from Appalachian State University.
MA in Elementary Education with a specialization in Middle School from Appalachian
State University
BS in Secondary Education from Appalachian State University.
Areas of interest include: The practical application of policy as it is implemented
in public schools, leadership development in a time of social change, and the influence
of social media on public school policy.
Scott, P. (February 2022). The framework of applying adaptive leadership: Extending
theory and practice. Critical Questions in Education Conference. Charleston.
Channing, J., & Scott, P. (August 2020). Building a community of dissertation research practice. International Council of Professors of Educational Leadership (ICPEL).
Scott, P. & Channing, J. (July 2022). Pandemics, Politics, and People: Adaptive Leadership is the Skill You Need for Today's Challenges. NISOD: National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development.
ELPA 6040 Writing for Professional Educators
ELPA 6020 Seminar in Educational Supervision
ELPA 6030 Instructional Leadership
ELPA 6452 Creating Effective Organizational Cultures
ELPA 6453 Ethics for Educational Leaders
ELPA 6720 Supervisory Techniques
ELPA 6454 Politics, Power, and Policy in Education
ELPA 6450 Leadership Studies
ELPA 7812 Qualitative Research
ELPA 6581 Internship
ELPA 6810 Theories of Administration
ELPA 5100/6100 Interpersonal Relations
ELPA 5200/6200 Emerging Perspectives
ELPA 5300/6300 Professional Needs of Individuals and Groups
ELPA 5400/6400 Instructional Leadership
ELPA 5500/6500 Implementation Strategies
Channing, J., Scott, P., & Abney, A. (2020). So what do we do now? Adaptive leadership capacity for community college leaders. Leadership Abstracts. December 2020.
Scott P., & Tweed, S. (2017). Implications of spirituality on organizations. Journal of Education and Social Policy (JSEP). Vol. 3 No. 6.
Grubb, J., Scott, P., & Good, D. (2017). The answer is yes: Dual enrollment benefits students at the community college. Community College Review. Sage. http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/0091552116682590