Our Team
Our Team

Rob Pack
Executive Vice Provost, ETSU; Co-Director, ETSU ASC & ETSU/NORC RHERC

Angela Hagaman
ASC Co-Director

Christopher Lewis
Assistant Operations Director

Marissa Kluk
Director of Recovery Ecosystem Alignment and Certified Peer Recovery Specialist

Michelle Donaldson
SBIRT Coordinator, Johnson City Downtown Day Center

Hannah Warren
Implementation Specialist
Faculty Affiliates

Manik Ahuja, PhD, MA
Research Interests

Bill Brooks, DrPH, MPH
Research Interests

Meredith Ginley, PhD
Research Interests

Nicholas Hagemeier, PharmD, PhD
Research Interests

Stephanie Mathis, DrPH, MPH
Research Interests

Kelly E. Moore, PhD
Research Interests

Kwangman Ko, PhD
Research Interests