Online Courses at ETSU
Many required courses for programs as well as electives are available online at ETSU.
You do not have to be in an online program to sign up for online courses and no special
permissions or permits are generally required.
Types of Online Courses
Asynchronous online courses have no set meeting times, and most or all of the course
work will be completed through the D2L online learning platform. These courses are
identified in GoldLink's Course Lookup with a section number between 900 and 989 and
"Web-Based" as the instructional method.
Synchronous online courses do require the student to be logged in from their desktop
or laptop computer at specific class times. These courses may include class live streaming
through Zoom or Panopto. With the addition of a webcam and microphone, the online
synchronous student can interact fully with the instructor and other students in the
course, and students can view recorded archives afterward to review important points.
These courses are identified in GoldLink with a 990-999 section number and "Web-Based"
as the instructional method.
Please read the course information in GoldLink carefully and contact the department or instructor if you have questions regarding class meeting requirements.
Search for Courses in GoldLink
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