COVID-19 Housing Protocols
All ETSU students, faculty, and staff are encouraged to be vaccinated and boosted against COVID-19. To help reduce the risk of the transmission of COVID-19, you are encouraged to take all precautions possible to avoid contracting/spreading the virus. If you are experiencing COVID symptoms, please contact the University Health Center at 423-439-4225 or the After-Hour Service at 1-888-915-7299.The University will not be providing isolation housing on campus. Students, who need to isolate due to a positive test, will need to go home or to an alternative location off-campus. Students, who need to quarantine due to exposure, may stay in their room. Meals will not be delivered to the room by Housing. Students needing to quarantine/isolate will be responsible for notifying their faculty members that they will not be attending class until they are released from quarantine/isolation.